2012年7月31日 星期二


 《資助噍吧哖抗日》紀念蘇有志 楊逵文學館擬設專區

一九一二年「台法月刊」,內容記載蘇有志致詞的全文內容。 (記者林孟婷攝)
〔記 者林孟婷/新化報導〕出身新化望族、同時也是噍吧哖事件抗日英雄的蘇有志,對台灣文學家楊逵具有莫大的深遠影響,新化地方文史工作者收集大量相關蘇有志生 前事蹟與資料文件,有意在楊逵文學館內增設蘇有志的紀念專區,讓後代子孫能夠更了解在地歷史與人物的發展歷程。 地方文史工作者康文榮表示,蘇有志曾名列台灣十二大實業家,除了經營米穀買賣擁有多家米店之外,在當時還擁有十三家糖舖與大片魚塭。因出資參與噍吧哖抗日 事件,遭到日本政府處以死刑、享年五十五歲。

36 Hours in Toronto

36 Hours in Toronto

J. Adam Huggins for The New York Times
Clockwise from top left, Aunties and Uncles, Poetry Jazz Café, Royal Ontario Museum, near Kensington Market, Ursa and Dakota Tavern. More Photos »

THERE’S something happening in Toronto. While so many cities lament the global economic crisis and the dulling effects of globalization, boutiques and restaurants seem to open every week in Toronto, and immigrant neighborhoods still feel linguistically, gastronomically, gloriously, distinct. The cultural diversity and urbanity seem limitless. But it’s hardly an urban jungle. Toronto is filled with lush, insistent greenery and an abundance of parks. It’s hard to imagine a better city to explore in summer.
4 p.m.
Toronto is full of food havens, but the market everyone talks about is Kensington, actually a series of cool coffeehouses, organic fruit stands and bars on the edge of Chinatown, a bustling sea of shops filled with Mandarin and Cantonese speakers. Start there, and make your way to the market. Check out the books and high-end kitchen paraphernalia at Good Egg (267 Augusta Avenue; 416-593-4663; goodegg.ca), then try a vegan muffin at Urban Herbivore (64 Oxford Street; 416-927-1231; fressenrestaurant.com; 2.44 Canadian dollars, about the same in United States currency), or a coffee at the Sublime Cafe (219 Augusta Avenue; 416-732-0431; thesublimecafe.com), which doubles as a vintage soul record shop. From there, wander into Bellevue Park. At the edge is the gorgeous Byzantine Revival Kiever Synagogue (25 Bellevue Avenue; 416-593-9702; kievershul.com), built in 1927 by Ukrainian Jews, evidence that the area was once a center for Jewish immigrants.
7 p.m.
Quench your thirst with an Augusta Ale (5.50 dollars) at Thirsty & Miserable (197 Baldwin Street; 647-607-0134,), which opened in February on the site of a former punk bar. It still feels pretty punk, with red walls and punk-hero photos on the walls. Or have a Duggans No. 9 pale ale (6.75 dollars) around the corner at Embassy Bar (223 Augusta Avenue; 416-591-1132), where the atmosphere is low-key and the red vinyl booths are filled with those who love the random D.J.-spun auditory mix, from the Cure to old ’60s to reggae.
8:30 p.m.
Queen Street West has recently witnessed an explosion of restaurants, all serving excellent food and all trending toward a rustic-hipster design, with filament lights and hardwood floors. The most avant-garde is the modern Canadian locavore cuisine at Ursa (924 Queen Street West; 416-536-8963; ursa-restaurant.com). The dining room — dark stained wood and sexy intimacy — serves dishes like exotic mushrooms with a sherry broth (13 dollars) and whey-brined Niagara pork loin with kale, lentils and sunchoke purée (24 dollars); tofu is made on site. One partner at Ursa comes from popular Terroni (720 Queen Street West, 416-504-1992; terroni.com), known for thin-crust whole-wheat pizzas and homemade raviolis; the black-stained back deck is filled with model types.
11:30 p.m.
Toronto’s indie music scene thrives after 11 p.m. At Poetry Jazz Café (244 Augusta Avenue; 416-599-5299; poetryjazzcafe.com), the draws are a secluded back patio, live jazz bands and D.J.’s. At the Dakota Tavern, a subterranean honky-tonk haven (249 Ossington Avenue; 416-850-4579; thedakotatavern.com), you can hear everything from country to new folk (cover is usually between 5 and 10 dollars).
10 a.m.
Brunch is an urban sport in Toronto, and it can be impossible to find a seat. Try the Beaver (1192 Queen Street West; 416-537-2768; beavertoronto.ca), if only for the French 75 cocktails (cucumber, lemon, gin and prosecco, 6.75 dollars), the Bloody Caesar (like a bloody mary, but with clam juice) and the mustachioed waiter out of “Portlandia.” Or make the trip up to College Street for the grilled Canadian Cheddar cheese challah sandwich with a fried egg and homemade ketchup at the garage-sale chic Aunties and Uncles (74 Lippincott Street; 416-324-1375; auntiesanduncles.ca, breakfast for two comes to about 25 dollars).
While the Royal Ontario Museum, with its sharp-angled Daniel Libeskind addition, is a crowd pleaser, the Art Gallery of Ontario (317 Dundas Street West; 416-979-6648; ago.net; 25 dollars) truly impresses, with a shell designed by the Toronto-born Frank Gehry. This summer, a blockbuster Picasso exhibition features treasures from the Musée National Picasso in Paris. Leave time to have a coffee in the atrium at the end of the exhibition; the light, and the light wood, can’t fail to uplift.
2 p.m.
The lush Trinity Bellwoods Park, between Queen Street West and Dundas Street West, is filled with well-dressed residents, dogs, children and yoga practitioners. Take a breather here, then walk over a block to the exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art (952 Queen Street West; 416-395-0067; mocca.ca), a huge warehouse-style gallery space excellent for large-form photography.
3 p.m.
Ossington Street and its environs offer amazing trawling. I Miss You (63 Ossington Avenue; 416-916-7021) has 1980s Chanel gowns (tags on!) for 800 dollars, Peggy Olson-esque late-1950s smart-silk dresses (85 dollars), bags of all shapes and prices, and more. Penny Arcade Vintage (1177 Dundas Street West; 647-346-1386; pennyarcadevintage.com) mines both old and new, like fab undergarments and ’50s-style swimwear by the local designer Minnow (140 dollars). More local design is found at nearby Parkdale’s shops. Made You Look (1273 Queen Street West; 416-516-9595; madeyoulook.ca) offers a range of Canadian-designed jewelry.
The Future Of Frances Watson (1390 Queen Street West; 416-531-8892; thefutureoffranceswatson.blogspot.com) peddles vintage-inspired strapless one-piece bathers by Insight (160 dollars) and raw, high-waisted Japanese denim from 130 dollars.
6 p.m.
Head back to Ossington to the four-month-old Bellwoods Brewery (124 Ossington Avenue; 416-535-4586; bellwoodsbrewery.com). The former garage has been whitewashed and fitted with hardwood accents, including the long bar, rough-hewn tables and a small mezzanine. With only 40 indoor seats, it’s intimate, despite very high ceilings (the beer is brewed on site). Try the Farmhouse Saison (7.50 dollars) and plates of the addictive pickled vegetables: rhubarb, carrot, sprouts (5 dollars).
9 p.m.
Tom Thai practiced fusion at several Toronto mainstays before opening his own shop. The tiny dining room at Foxley Bistro (207 Ossington Avenue; 416-534-8520) produces some of the best fusion cuisine in the city, at pleasing prices. Try the series of wildly different ceviches meant for sharing — sea bream with yuzu and shizo (15 dollars), wild Arctic char with apples and ginger (15 dollars) — and the fragrant oven-steamed sea bass with Asian greens and white truffle oil (22 dollars).
11:30 p.m.
Little Portugal’s main drag, Dundas Street West, remains Portuguese by day. The pharmacist speaks in her native tongue; the old women might be in Porto. By evening the district is filled with tipplers from all over the city. To the west of Ossington Avenue are Communist’s Daughter and the Red Light, coolio dives. But the year-old Cocktail Bar (923 Dundas Street West; 416-792-7511; theblackhoof.com), slightly to the east, is for grown-ups, with its dreamily lighted interior, tin ceiling, subway-tiled walls and bold cocktail list (try the summery Lavender Hound, with lavender-infused gin, lemon and grapefruit juice, 9 dollars). The owner is Jen Agg, the 36-year-old owner of Black Hoof, a celebration-of-meat restaurant and the month-old, seafood-focused Hoof Raw Bar, both conveniently across the street.
10 a.m.
A coffee and a homemade berry scone are the smart choices at Ella’s Uncle (916 Dundas Street West, 416-703-8881, ellasuncle.com), a tiny Little Portugal spot with superb espressos. Or try to wait it out for a space at the reclaimed-wood tables at The County General (936 Queen Street West, 416-531-4477, thecountygeneral.ca) for a messy-delicious croque monsieur (15 dollars).
From the Beaches in the east to High Park in the west, your outdoor options are plentiful. But this morning, do as the locals do: take a boat to the outlying islands. From the Ferry (9 Queen Quay West; 416-397-2628; toronto.ca/parks/island; departures every 30 minutes, from 8 a.m. to 11:45 p.m.; 7 dollars) take in the Toronto skyline. On the beach, you can rent bikes or play volleyball, if you’re not simply idling.
The 12-room Hotel Ocho (195 Spadina Avenue; 416-593-0885; hotelocho.com; from 171 dollars), a former textile factory dating from 1902 in the heart of Chinatown, was built with the local cutting-edge design team Design38. The downstairs bar, lounge, restaurant and coffee shop draws locals.
The 37-room Gladstone Hotel (1214 Queen Street West; 416-531-4635; gladstonehotel.com, from 165 dollars) is as much art destination as sleeping quarters: the first two floors are filled with exhibitions, and each room was designed by an artist. The Sunday bluegrass brunch is packed with children.

2012年7月30日 星期一


Vehicles clogged streets in New Delhi after a power outage disrupted traffic lights and the city's rail services.
Rajesh Kumar Singh/Associated Press

Power Outages Hit 600 Million in India

Large swaths of India were crippled by outages Tuesday as the country’s northern and eastern electricity grids failed. Above, traffic clogged New Delhi.


這輛火車車廂不斷有濃煙冒出,而且可以清楚看到明火持續悶燒,趕到現場的救難人員一籌莫展,因為大勢已去。這輛長途火車從首都新德里出發,前往南部地 區,不料週一凌晨在行駛途中,一節臥鋪列車疑似電線短路起火燃燒,而且火勢猛烈。車廂陷入火海,連車頂都被燒到幾乎變形,內部一片焦黑,由於乘客當時都在 睡夢中,來不及逃生,至少四十七人不幸遇難,傷亡相當慘重。

同時印度包括首都新德里在內,北部九個省分,發生十一年來最 大規模的停電意外,波及三億七千萬人,相當於整個北美地區人口,都無電可用。因此北部地區的部分鐵路交通停擺,還有每天載客量高達180萬人次的新德里地 鐵,也被迫停駛。還好經過搶修後,已經恢復六成的電力,但印度基礎建設落後,電力缺口高達12%,停電意外只怕仍會不斷上演。

2012年7月23日 星期一


〔記者邱紹雯、陳梅英/台北報導〕陽明山美軍宿舍群三月才確定「全區保留」,台北市文化資產審議委 員會擴大指定為文化景觀保護,如今再傳變卦!當地文史工作者及居民群起指控,同意台北歐洲學校擴建,無疑將全民資產讓給少數「權貴子弟」使用,宛如「二度 殖民」,比「割地賠款」還不如。
山 仔后文史工作室負責人歐漢平說,歷經七年多的努力,一百多棟舊美軍宿舍終於在今年登錄為「陽明山美軍宿舍群」文化景觀保護,並確定全區原貌保存的決議;但 在經建會介入土地撥用下,文化局事先未召開公聽會尋求社區共識,就逕自同意讓出當中最精華的土地給台北歐洲學校擴建運動場,對照自己制定的「文化景觀保護 法令」,無疑是自打嘴巴。
居 民林媽媽也說,台北歐洲學校第一次申請擴建案時,提出剷平H1區十四棟的房舍建足球場及游泳池,只保留一棟,被文資委員否決,修正案改成保留H1區十四棟 房舍,將拆除一棟建游泳池,並利用停機坪興建足球場,此方案不僅不符合公益,也破壞美軍宿舍群原本的布局,質疑「難不成是用歐洲免簽證來交換國家的文化資 產?」



陽明山美軍宿舍 將變成私校用地


「就怕賊惦記」這句話,對於陽明山山仔后美軍眷舍的土地而言,是再恰當也不過了。自從二○○二至二○○四年間,台灣銀行處分了天母的數十棟冷戰時期 的舊美軍眷舍,以每坪四十多萬元的超低價賣給財團建成每坪動輒上百萬的豪宅後,陽明山上高達十五公頃、一百多棟的舊美軍眷舍,就成了各路人馬惦記的「肥 肉」。

陽明山寶地 各財團企覦
經過山仔后文史工作室五年來的抗爭、陳情、協調,舉辦了無數次的社區活動,讓台北市文化局的文化資產審議委員會,將一百多棟舊美軍眷舍登錄為「陽明 山美軍宿舍群」文化景觀保護,另一方面,台北市都發局也公告新的都市計畫、細部計畫,這些土地由住一改為特住一,容積率由一二○%,減半為六○%,地主臺 銀大呼市值蒸發五十億,同時減少了許多財團獵地的興趣。
歐洲學校擴地 經建會開密會

去年八月四日以前,所有台北市文化局的文資委決議,都傾向於全區保留,並注重公共性,亦即未來使用必須以提供公眾使用為原則。但八月四日經建會忽然 召開一個跨部會的「秘密會議」,表明在經貿、外交的情勢下,歐洲學校要求近兩公頃的土地做為校園之用,當時與會的包括經濟部、財政部、臺銀、國產局、外交 部、文建會等單位全部都無異議,歐洲學校要的是緊臨該校「太古歐洲學校學園」的H1區五千多坪,加上樹木銀行與直升機停機坪一千多坪,前者為臺銀土地,由 臺銀轉移給國產局,將來國產局再轉租給歐洲學校。若以市價估算,每坪約一百二十萬,這些土地至少市值六、七十億元。
歐洲學校是由英國、法國、德國等學校在一九九三年組成,現有一千二百名學生,太古歐洲學園小學部在文林路,此校區可以容納六百位德國學校、英國學校 與法國學校的三到十一歲學生。太古歐洲學園中學部則在陽明山,校區可以容納五百位德國學校、英國學校與法國學校的十一到十八歲學生。倘若學校現有校地不 夠,就能伸手到文化景觀保護的歷史建物,那麼其他外僑學校包括美國學校、日僑學校等也「十分擁擠」,是否也可「比照辦理」?

2012年7月22日 星期日

Obama Consoles Aurora as City Begins Healing

vigilante, sickbed, vigil

Obama Consoles Aurora as City Begins Healing

Ted S. Warren/Associated Press
Relatives of the shooting victims at a prayer vigil in Aurora, Colo., where President Obama visited on Sunday. More Photos »

AURORA, Colo. — President Obama came to this city on Sunday to meet with survivors of the shooting rampage at a movie theater last week, visiting the victims and their families and leading the country in mourning the 12 people killed in the attack.
Matthew Staver for The New York Times
Mourners placed flowers at at a make-shift memorial  across the street from the Century 16 movie theater in Aurora on Sunday. More Photos »
“Even in the darkest of days, life continues and people are strong,” Mr. Obama said. He described sharing hugs, tears and laughs as they told stories about loved ones lost and acts of heroism.
“I come to them not so much as president as I do as a father and as a husband,” he said.
Across the city, residents gathered at makeshift memorials to grieve as a community as condolences poured in from places as far away as Hollywood and the Vatican. As the families of victims struggled with their loss, new details emerged about the shooting suspect, James E. Holmes, and what happened when a gunman fired into a crowded theater during a midnight premiere of “The Dark Knight Rises” on Friday.
The carnage could have been worse, but one of Mr. Holmes’s weapons, a high-powered semiautomatic rifle, jammed during the shooting, a law enforcement official, who requested anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly on the issue, said Sunday.
Police Chief Dan Oates of Aurora said that while they were making progress in the case, the investigation would take time.
“We’re focusing on how he got the materials that he got that were used in the shooting, that were used in the apartment,” he said in an interview on CBS’s “Face the Nation.” “We’re focusing on anyone who knew him and statements he may have made. We’re building a case to show that this was a deliberative process by a very intelligent man who wanted to do this.”
The police believe that Mr. Holmes began planning his rampage for months, when he began acquiring the materials that he would use in both the shooting and to rig his apartment.
There were also clues as to how Mr. Holmes might have paid for the weapons and other materials he acquired. He was receiving a $26,000 stipend, in monthly installments of $2,166, for a National Institutes of Health neuroscience training grant for the graduate program he was enrolled in at the University of Colorado-Denver Anschutz Medical Campus, a spokeswoman said. Mr. Holmes withdrew from the program last month without explanation, the university said.
Mr. Holmes was being held in solitary confinement at an Aurora jail, awaiting his arraignment Monday morning.
Mr. Obama never mentioned Mr. Holmes by name during his remarks, instead referring to “the perpetrator of this evil act.”
“In the end, after he has felt the full force of our justice system, what will be remembered are the good people who were impacted by this tragedy,” Mr. Obama said. 
The president focused his remarks on the “remarkable” stories he was told.
“Most of the conversation was filled with memory,” Mr. Obama said. “It was an opportunity for families to describe how wonderful their brother or their son or daughter was, and the lives that they had touched and the dreams that they had held for the future.”
He told the story of one girl he met, Allie Young, 19, who was shot in the neck. She survived, Mr. Obama said, because her 21-year-old friend, Stephanie, laid by her side and stanched her bleeding even as shots continued to ring out.
“Allie told Stephanie she needed to run. Stephanie refused to go,” the president said. “Because of Stephanie’s timely actions, I just had a conversation with Allie downstairs and she is going to be fine.”
The president spoke at the University of Colorado Medical Center, where 23 of the victims from the shooting were treated. By the time he arrived on Sunday, one was dead, 12 had been released, leaving 10 patients: 7 still in critical condition and 3 in good condition, a hospital spokesman said.
The president, along with his Republican challenger, Mitt Romney, suspended all campaigning for the weekend. Mr. Romney, speaking at a fund-raiser in San Fransisco Sunday night, praised Mr. Obama’s decision to travel to Aurora.
Condolences poured into the small Colorado city from across the country and around the world. Pope Benedict XVI added his condolences during his Sunday morning blessing.
“I was deeply shocked by the senseless violence,” he said.
In Aurora, hundreds of people gathered throughout the day around a growing memorial across the street from the theater. A collection of teddy bears, flowers, posters, candles and notes steadily grew as friends, families and strangers gathered, seeking solace in community.
In the evening, thousands of people, including families of the victims, members of the military and elected officials, attended a prayer vigil held at the Aurora Municipal Center
Several young people wearing Batman T-shirts lined up and held a sign that read, “Like the Dark Knight we will rise again.”
“His story was that we’re all capable of rising above tragedy and being great heroes, and that’s the message we’re trying to portray,” said Kronda Seibert, 26, who was wearing one of the T-shirts.
On top of a small hill overlooking the memorial by the theater, Greg Zanis erected 12 white crosses in honor of each of the dead.
It was a familiar task for Mr. Zanis. After the Columbine High School shooting more than a decade ago, he delivered 15 crosses to Littleton, Colo., for those who had died. Mr. Zanis, who builds electric cars for a living, has made it a weekend hobby to build and deliver crosses to people around the country who have experienced tragedy. He said he had received calls asking him to bring crosses to Aurora, so he constructed them Saturday morning and then made the 16-hour drive from his home in Aurora, Ill.
Lori Furman, 53, laid a bouquet of gladiolus on the memorial Sunday morning when she visited with her husband, Ray. Both wore black ribbons that they got at church earlier in the morning.
“It’s been a hard summer,” Ms. Furman said. “We had friends, acquaintances who lost their homes in the fire. Now this.”
Standing next to the memorial, Jeannie Donelson removed her sunglasses and dried her eyes with a scrunched tissue. This tragedy was close to home. One of the boys who died was a friend of her niece and nephew. The 6-year-old victim was related to a friend of her niece’s.
“I guess just to be able to say goodbye,” Ms. Donelson, 49, said of why she visited the memorial. “Bring some closure.”
Moses Kalemba and his wife, Theopista, arrived from New Hampshire hours after the shooting for a wedding on Sunday. “I wouldn’t say we felt obligated,” Mr. Kalemba said of their visit to the memorial. “We just felt it was the right thing to do. I think this kind of tragedy is one of those things that really gets to you.”
Residents who had been displaced by the threat of explosives in Mr. Holmes’s apartment were looking to return to their normal routines.
Lugging his work uniform and a shopping bag with leftover chicken and cheesecake, Jimmy Davis said the end was in sight, literally, as he strode toward his small apartment building early Sunday after spending two nights in a nearby motel.
“I feel like a hurricane victim or something,” he said. “But now I am going home, turning on the air-conditioner and chilling out.”
Dmitri Shchekochikhin, 27, an international fellow and researcher from Moscow who is studying heart and kidney disease at the same university Mr. Holmes had attended, was not so fortunate. He lived in Mr. Holmes’s building and on Sunday was allowed only to recover some essentials: two cellphones, a computer, a thumb drive, a pair of shoes and a bag of clothes.
Unshaven and seeming agitated, Mr. Shchekochikhin, who has been staying with friends, said he took only his passport, wallet and plane tickets with him after the police instructed him to evacuate in the early hours of Friday.
“I had finished a big project and then drank a bottle of dry, red wine and fell asleep,” he said. Several hours later, the police banged on his door.

John Eligon and Serge F. Kovaleski reported from Aurora, and Marc Santora from New York. Reporting was contributed by Dan Frosch, Jack Healy, Helene Cooper and Erica Goode.

2012年7月20日 星期五

台中驛前歡迎門 1945 省立台中圖書館 1947







2012年7月14日 星期六



貓空纜車總造價10.8億新台幣,採用法國POMA公司生產的單線自動循環式纜 車系統,具有高運輸能量、較低單位運輸成本之特性。纜車車廂共有147個(含3部備用)、「轉角站2」以及「貓空站」各有70台的儲車空間,每車可載6至 8個人,估計每小時單向最高運量可達2400人,最高運行速度為每秒6公尺,單程行車時間約17分鐘。由於沿線鄰居對噪音的反感,現階段運行時速每秒5公 尺,全線呈現ㄏ型設有25個墩座34支單柱鋼管支柱。其他採用POMA公司纜車有花蓮海洋公園纜車及中國張家界武陵源天子山纜車,而香港昂坪360的製造公司則與POMA公司同一老闆。




貓纜復駛2年 慘賠2.3億

馬最自豪政績 成賠錢設施
貓 纜「入不敷出」,成為台北市最賠錢的交通設施,不但引發審計部關注,要求北市府拿出對策,北市府雖挖空心思想要吸聚人潮,在暑假期間祭出貓空纜車「十二歲 以下免費」、「大人兩人同行一人免費」的低價策略,但是今夏酷熱,坐進全無空調的貓纜車廂內,面對動輒飆到卅七度的高溫悶烤,人人揮汗如雨,成效自然不 彰;除了怕熱,貓纜更怕打雷,貓纜曾在夏季午後,創下一個月內有廿一天因落雷停駛的紀錄,敗興的遊客得再排隊擠小巴士才能下山。
剛通車 假日要排隊兩小時
貓 纜通車初期確曾風光一時,遇上假日往往得排兩個小時才能搭上車,但是好景不常,隔年風災造成了T十六塔柱危機停駛,二○一○年復駛後,熱潮即已不再,前年 及去年分別慘賠九千多萬元及七千多萬元,今年五月貓纜又碰上大修暫停營運,年中虧損已近五千多萬元,預估到年底,全年虧損恐破億元。當時馬總統在通車典禮 上宣示的:「現在交給台北捷運公司經營,未來會交給民間營運。」如今卻已成了官民都避之唯恐不及的燙手山芋。
審計部去年曾在北市府決算報告 直接點名,要求北市府設法解決貓纜虧損。北市府則將貓纜虧損列入北市財政局自有財產開發基金,每年再以同樣由北捷公司經營的小巨蛋盈餘,貼補貓纜虧損。小 巨蛋去年盈餘逾一.三億元,扣掉貓纜虧損,開發基金還有六千多萬元盈餘,北捷總經理譚國光坦承:「北捷這兩項業務,用賺的拿來補賠的,還頂得住。」
北市府 拿小巨蛋盈餘補洞
貓空特區沒著落 無吸引力
國 民黨市議員李慶元說,郝市府沒有積極創造貓空的休閒產業發展空間,貓纜通車至今,山上還是只有茶莊、土雞城,違建的問題也沒解套,李登輝當台北市長就著手 規劃的休閒產業特定區,還停在「牆上掛掛,紙上畫畫」;就算市府在附近規劃了園外服務中心,但是又因與拆遷戶爆發經營權糾紛,八千坪大的空間白白養了五年 多蚊子,貓纜遊客回流率不及兩成,北市府難辭其咎。



自來水園區 遊客大增7成5
今年台北熱到爆,自來水園區暑假前10天的入園人數較去年同期大增7成5。 (記者黃忠榮攝)
紫外線達危險級 須防曬

新北市上億造陸橋 挨批壞景又繞路《活化台南老眷村》成大、英國AA 聯手 注入新思維

 《橫切陶博館?》上億造陸橋 挨批壞景又繞路

市民反映,從環河路看過去,龐大的陸橋橫切陶博館,根本破壞原有景觀。 (記者謝佳君攝)



歐 金獅說,一般人大多習慣直接走平面過馬路,這座陸橋只從陶博館至三鶯新生地附近商家,甚至不到三鶯新生地,實在沒必要特別繞上陸橋。政府固然是希望將人車分立,保障行人和自行車的安全;但與其斥資上億打造陸橋,不如改善車潮讓其分流。市民張小姐也說,從環河路看過去,龐大的陸橋橫切陶博館,破壞了原有景 觀。



《活化老眷村》成大、英國聯手 注入新思維

成大與英國等學者意見交流,為老舊眷村活化注入新活力。 (記者林孟婷攝)

透過不同視野 激盪出創意






Taiwan, UK academics propose re-development plan for Tainan City

TAINAN, Taiwan--()--Professors and students of National Cheng Kung University and Architecture School of Architecture Association (AA), United Kingdom, have jointly explored possible approaches to the urban development of Tainan City in southern Taiwan.
During a 10-day NCKU-AA Intensive Workshop hosted by Tainan City Government and NCKU, 12 professors and 62 students from NCKU and Architecture School of Architecture Association (AA) discussed and debated the best way to use large chunks of public properties surrounding the NCKU area for urban regeneration.

NCKU President Hwung Hwung-Hweng welcomed tutors and students of Housing and Urbanism from AA to join the teachers and students of NCKU’s College of Planning and Design at the workshop that ended on July 11.

The collaboration between NCKU and AA on railway underground project last year triggered productive discussions and this year’s theme -- on the holistic strategies for rejuvenating the NCKU area, according to Hwung.

The transnational academic collaboration between NCKU and AA on the issues of urban renewal is unprecedented in Taiwan, said Tainan Deputy Mayor Charles Lin who hailed the opportunity of collaboration between the two universities.

In an effort to solve the urban problems and improve the quality life for Tainan citizens, the Tainan City government is ready to adopt the suggestions and proposals put forth by the workshop, according to Lin.

The subjects of the workshop are four public sites at Tainan City, namely 96 Military dependents’ village, TzuChiang Military dependents’ village, JingZhong 3rd Military dependents’ village, and Ordnance Accessories Factory, which were investigated closely by the participants who were divided into four groups to develop feasible plans over the 10-day workshop.

Co-Director Jorge Fiori, on behalf of AA, thanked Hwung and the staff and students for their warm hospitality, saying he was impressed by the potential of the students in the workshop who have taken advantage of the 10 days to work in teams on design and research.

Tainan has a tremendous opportunity to reposition itself over the next 20 years and the collaboration among the university, city government, and business investors will make the city development very promising in the next steps of developing a knowledge-based economy, according to Prof. Hugo Hinsley.


Sonia Chuang
News Center
National Cheng Kung University
1 University Road, Tainan City 701, Taiwan
Tel: +886-6-275-7575 Ext. 50042
Fax: +886-6-238-9919
E-Mail: soniaselavy@gmail.com

2012年7月9日 星期一

「宇治茶の郷」800年的文化史/茶香 (News Letter)

  「宇治茶の郷」800年的文化史/茶香 (News Letter)

「宇治の郷」メールマガジンを創刊!! - 山城広域振興局
山城広域振興局では、地域振興計画において「宇治の郷づくり」の推進を掲げ、宇治 の郷からの情報発信を始め、様々な取組を ... その取組の一環として、業関係団体 や山城管内市町村等で構成される宇治の郷づくり協議会(会長:杉本貞雄 公益社団 ...


  その取組の一環として、茶業関係団体や山城管内市町村等で構成される宇治茶の郷づくり協議会(会長:杉本貞雄 公益社団法人京都府茶業会議所会頭)では、 お茶の入門者をはじめとする幅広い層の人に宇治茶の魅力を知っていただくため、この度、メールマガジンを創刊しました。皆さんもぜひ登録してください。

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2012年7月7日 星期六




由於無法疏導前晚滯留的旅客,浦東機場昨天仍亂作一團。從大陸網友在微博 (微網誌)上發布的訊息可見到航空公司的櫃台被打砸情況。





2012年7月1日 星期日

UNESCO designates Church of the Nativity as endangered site

伯利恆主誕堂列世遺 美以抗議
位於巴勒斯坦自治區內的基督教聖地伯利恆主誕堂。 (法新社)
〔編 譯俞智敏/綜合伯利恆六月三十日外電報導〕聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO)世界遺產委員會六月二十九日表決通過把伯利恆的主誕堂列為瀕危世界遺產名單, 並將提供修復資金,提出這項申請的巴勒斯坦自治政府視主誕堂列名世界遺產為一項政治勝利,但美國與以色列卻抗議這項決定受到政治動機所左右。
耶穌誕生處 基督教聖地
以 色列總理納坦雅胡指控UNESCO此項決定出於政治動機考量。美駐UNESCO大使基里恩也說,華府「深感失望」。負責管理主誕堂的羅馬天主教、希臘東正 教與亞美尼亞東正教等三大教會則對UNESCO決定表示關切,教會顯然擔心,主誕堂列名世界遺產可能導致巴勒斯坦政府與聯合國插手教堂事務。

UNESCO designates Church of the Nativity as endangered site

Palestinian leaders consider the designation a political victory.

By Dalia Nammari and Karin Laub, Associated Press / June 29, 2012
A nun walks outside the Church of the Nativity, the site revered as the birthplace of Jesus, in the West Bank town of Bethlehem June 28.
Ammar Awad/REUTERS

Bethlehem, West Bank
The Palestinians on Friday persuaded the U.N. cultural agency to list the Church of the Nativity — the place where Christians believe Jesus was born — as an endangered World Heritage site despite misgivings by churches in charge of the basilica.

The Palestinians hailed the nod by UNESCO as a step forward in their quest for global recognition of an independent Palestine in the West Bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem, captured by Israel in 1967.
The centuries-old basilica is located in a part of the Israeli-occupied West Bank where the Palestinians have self-rule. UNESCO's decision was seen by them as validation of their rights to the territory.
"We are ecstatic," Palestinian spokeswoman Hanan Ashrawi said of Friday's 13-6 by UNESCO's World Heritage Committee, meeting in St. Petersburg, Russia.
The Palestinians had argued that the shrine faces imminent danger, both because of overdue repairs and Israel's continued occupation of the West Bank.
Israel and the U.S. strongly opposed the emergency bid, arguing that the church is not under threat, a position backed by a U.N. experts committee.
Israeli officials have said they don't object to the church being listed, but reject the "endangered" label which implies culpability of Israel, which in practice remains the ultimate sovereign in the West Bank.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the Palestinians are "engaging in unilateral actions that only distance peace" and that UNESCO is driven by political considerations.
Palestinian Foreign Minister Riad Malki said the Palestinians now plan to submit more sites in the West Bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem. The new bids could stir more political tensions, particularly in east Jerusalem, which Israel annexed to its capital after the 1967 war.
Ashrawi said Friday's vote is the beginning of a process.
"Our identity, our place in civilization, in history, are being recognized, are beginning to be safeguarded in the face of the Israeli occupation's encroachment, the confiscation of our land, our culture," she said.
The U.S. ambassador to UNESCO, David Killion, said Washington was "profoundly disappointed" by the vote. The U.S. has been trying to block the Palestinian recognition campaign, and withdrew tens of millions of dollars in funding from UNESCO after the Paris-based agency accepted the Palestinians as a state member last year.
Joining UNESCO was part of a wider Palestinian attempt to win global recognition for a state of Palestine in the territories Israel occupied in 1967.
Israelis and Palestinians were to have negotiated the borders of a Palestinian state, but two decades of intermittent talks produced no results. The last round broke off in 2008, and the Israeli and Palestinian leaders have failed to agree on rules for renewing them.

 Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, who heads a self-rule government in charge of 38 percent of the West Bank, says negotiations with Israel remain his preferred choice, but wants global recognition to improve his leverage. An attempt to win full U.N. membership has stalled, but meanwhile Palestinians are pushing for membership in U.N. agencies.

In their first move at UNESCO, they submitted the Nativity Church and a nearby pilgrimage route as endangered heritage sites, asking to fast-track the nomination rather than go through the normal 18-month procedure.
They argued that the church is in urgent need of repairs, particularly a leaky wooden roof. Palestinian officials said foreign donors promised $20 million for the work, but so far have paid only $3 million, not enough to get started.
Palestinians argued that Israel's continued control over the area also threatens the site.
A decade ago, when Israel launched a major offensive against Palestinian militants, the church was caught in the crossfire: Palestinian gunmen holed up inside for more than a month, with Israeli tanks and troops surrounding the shrine.
Referring to the violent standoff in Friday's statement, Netanyahu put the blame on the Palestinians.
"The world needs to remember that the Church of the Nativity that is so sacred to Christianity was desecrated in the past by Palestinian terrorists," he said.
Today, Bethlehem is ringed on three sides by walls of cement slabs and fences of Israel's separation barrier — to Israel a defense against Palestinians militants, and to Palestinians a blatant land grab disguised as a security measure.
A U.N. experts committee recommended that the Palestinians go through the normal procedure, instead of seeking the "endangered" label, but the Palestinians refused to withdraw the bid.
The churches in charge of the shrine — Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox and Armenian — also expressed concern, apparently fearing a World Heritage designation would lead to interference by the Palestinian government and the U.N.
The church is run according to a 19th century codex, known as the Status Quo which assigns responsibilities for upkeep that are jealously guarded by each denomination.
Palestinian officials say they've addressed the concerns by the churches.
In Bethlehem's Manger Square, next to the shrine, reaction was relatively muted Friday.
A celebration organized by local officials only brought several dozen people to the square, including youngsters in yellow T-shirts with the inscription "I love Jesus."
Palestinian Tourism Minister Rula Ma'ayah said she hopes the new heritage listing will bring more visitors. Currently, some 100,000 tourists come to Bethlehem every month.
Shop and hotel owners routinely complain they lose business because Israeli-run tour buses stop in Bethlehem just long enough for a visit to the church and then take pilgrims back to Jerusalem, a few kilometers (miles) to the north. During a recent visit, most shops on Star Street, part of the pilgrimage route, were closed.
Nabil Ziacaman, a souvenir shop owner, said Friday's vote is a step toward recognizing a state of Palestine, but won't help his business. "Everyone in the world knows the Church of the Nativity and where it is located," he said. The new label "won't bring more tourism."
Christina Yacoub, 20, from Lakeland, Florida, was more enthusiastic. Emerging from the church, said she expected more pilgrims now. The vote "shows how important this country is."