2015年5月31日 星期日

the Pont Neuf, Paris

‪#‎onthisday‬ in 1578: the Pont Neuf's first stone was laid. It's now the oldest bridge in Paris! http://ow.ly/Nxppv

The Brooklyn Bridge opened on this day in 1883. 紐約

The Brooklyn Bridge and, beyond, the skyline of Lower Manhattan, 1948. See more photos: http://ti.me/1cohxvQ
(Andreas Feininger—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images)

The Brooklyn Bridge opened ‪#‎onthisday‬ in 1883. Here's a depiction by Max Arthur Cohn from 1945 http://ow.ly/Nb3ao

The Brooklyn Bridge opened on this day in 1883.
Featured Artwork of the Day: A. Major (Publisher, American) | Bird's-Eye View of the Great New York and Brooklyn Bridge, and Grand Display of Fireworks on Opening Night...May 24, 1883 | 1883http://met.org/1Po3sRg

2015年5月30日 星期六

張幸真 - 烈焰與重生:臺灣大轟炸七十年紀念 ;「臺灣電力株式會社」「臺灣總督府圖書館」

展覽名稱:台北大空襲資料特展 展覽期間:2015年5月30日 ~ 6月14日 展覽地點:台北二二八紀念館(台北市凱達格蘭大道3號) 開放時間:週二至週日上午十點至下午五點(國定假日後一日休館)

如欲謀求和平,請先理解戰爭 Sir Basil Henry Liddell Hart 七十年前的臺灣大轟炸,改寫了臺灣歷史。當時臺灣是屬於日本殖民地,因為國際情勢和戰略位置,被迫捲入戰爭,付出慘烈代價。然而,戰後政權轉變,國民政府刻意宣揚「中國八年抗戰」的教育政策下,臺灣人記憶漸次有著認知上的迷惑:太平洋戰爭時,空襲臺灣造成家園損毀人民傷亡的飛機,到底是哪國的飛機?從哪飛來?轟炸的目的是什麼?


2015年5月29日 星期五


回到圖書館一樓,除了主要提供學生研究空間和資料中心使用之外,期刊雜誌區有設計、建築、電影、戲劇、影視、攝影、時尚、文學等500多個國內外刊物,另有收藏海內外展覽目錄、繪本、表演藝術紀錄影像和書籍展示區。此外圖書館內的Book Touch設計,只要掃描書碼,螢幕上就會顯示相關書籍、推薦書籍、同作者書籍和相同主題的人氣書籍等資料。地下室則是收藏歷史古書的特別書庫。

2015年5月28日 星期四

Five reasons why you should visit Birmingham

Five reasons why you should visit Birmingham

Posted 5 months ago by in news
The Rough Guide travel publisher has named Birmingham as one of the top 10 cities in the world to visit in 2015. Here are some of the reasons for giving the city a coveted spot on the list.


This cultural melting pot is home to a diverse range of people and communities. According to the 
2011 census, 42 per cent of Birmingham’s population is non-white and 94 languages are in use, including Creole, Luganda and Yiddish.


Billed as ‘the city of 1,001 trades’, Birmingham was at the forefront of the Industrial Revolution. James Watt, Matthew Boulton and Joseph Priestley formed the Lunar Society in the 1700s and gas lighting is said to have been invented there.
Nigel Farage

Illustrious residents

Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai was flown to Birmingham’s Queen Elizabeth Hospital for life-saving surgery in 2012 after she was shot by the Taliban and now lives in the city with her family.
 Malala Yousafzai


Birmingham is renowned for its Symphony Hall, which is considered one of the best in the world, and Ikon Gallery, a contemporary art venue. The Library of Birmingham recently opened, built at a cost of £189m.
Nigel Farage


The distinctive Brummie accent was deemed the most unattractive in the UK in a recent YouGov poll of British adults. But judging by the number of foreign tourists who flock to the city, the locals’ unique twang just adds to its charm.

The 10 places in Britain with the best quality of life

The 10 places in Britain with the best quality of life

Posted 5 months ago by in news
Hart, a small district in Hampshire (above), has been found to have the best quality of life for the fourth year in a row in a study carried out by Halifax bank.
The areas are rated by measures like employment, housing, health, crime, weather, traffic and broadband access.
Despite being a UK-wide survey, the south of England dominates the list. There were no representatives from Wales or Northern Ireland, with the Orkneys being the only Scottish area in the top 50.
Here are the top 10…

1. Hart, South East

2. Elmbridge, South East


3. Winchester, South East

4. Rutland, East Midlands


5. Chiltern, South East

6. Uttlesford, East of England

7. South Northamptonshire, East Midlands

8. Rushcliffe, East Midlands


9. Wokingham, South East

10. Waverley, South East

The 10 cities in the world with the best quality of life

The 10 cities in the world with the best quality of life

Vienna landscape photo
Vienna, Austria (Picture: Getty)
We may think our home town or city is the best place to live, but people in Vienna actually have the best quality of living according to a new study.
Based on factors including political and cultural environments, education, housing and health, the first mention of the UK was London at number 40.
Here are the top 10 cities worldwide:

1. Vienna, Austria

2. Zurich, Switzerland

3. Auckland, New Zealand

4. Munich, Germany

5. Vancouver, Canada

6. Dusseldorf, Germany

7. Frankfurt, Germany

8. Geneva, Switzerland

9. Copenhagen, Denmark

10. Sydney, Australia

Source: Mercer



您如果現在到臺大圖書館,在一樓的多功能展覽廳 (租金便宜!),還有國立臺灣藝術大學一年級學生的作品展,水準不錯阿。
從台大要穿過羅斯福路,遠遠看到公館公車亭上,貼著世新廣電系畢展的海報! 真的滿會宣傳的!


 Vivien Ku 的相片
2小時 · 




Gokayama (五箇山)

  1. World Heritage site of Gokayama is located in the depth of southwestern mountains in Toyama Pref. Harsh natural environment is power to create wisdom for survival and individual culture.
    Journeys in Japan
    Deep into Traditional Japan
    May 28 Thu. 23:30 (JST)⋯⋯

  2. Gokayama - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    Gokayama (五箇山) is an area within the city of Nanto in Toyama Prefecture, Japan. It has been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List due to its ...
  3. Shirakawa-go and Gokayama Travel Guide - Japan Guide


    About Shirakawa-go and Gokayama in the mountains of Gifu and Toyama Prefectures, famous for their gassho-zukuri style farmhouses.

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