2015年6月30日 星期二

Eero Saarinen's TWA terminal at JFK Airport,1961

The 11-million-pound concrete roof of Eero Saarinen's TWA terminal at JFK Airport, 1961. http://ti.me/1NkllLh
(Dmitri Kessel—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images)

景德鎮Jingdezhen: a city built on porcelain shards.

The Pilgrim Art: Cultures of Porcelain in World History

作者: 羅伯特.芬雷
原文作者:Robert Finlay


BBC World Service
Can you build a city on millions of porcelain pieces? In Jingdezhen, the centre of Chinese porcelain-making for a thousand years, up to 90% of some firings were discarded and smashed: as a result, in some areas there are more shards in the ground than soil. Writer Huan Hsu explains why shard-hunting has become a lucrative pursuit. Have you ever dug up something valuable from the ground?

Jingdezhen: a city built on porcelain shards., Clay, The Forum - BBC World Service
Huan Hsu goes shard-hunting in the Chinese porcelain capital. (Illustration:...


在美國最高法院裁定同性婚姻合法後,他同步分享一張在台南鹿耳門天后宮拍下像彩虹的遮陽棚。 這張照片今天(6/30)被美國國家地理雜誌Instagram分享,已超過30萬人關注!

台大13行遺址 --紀念陳伯楨

2015.6 陳伯楨老師過世。找他的資料時,碰到這則附近的考古現場。

台大13行遺址 過年後開挖

Jan 19th 2014, 06:10


2015年6月26日 星期五

2015年6月25日 星期四


行政院新聞稿 毛揆:紀念抗戰勝利暨臺灣光復七十週年 建構我「抗日戰爭」的歷史詮釋權
台灣回憶探險團 台灣回憶募集中,各位團友若有任何關於台灣的老照片、影片或是文獻,都歡迎投稿與大家分享討論哦~~!

The Oxford University Museum of Natural History

The Natural History Museum, Oxford
Copyright © Oxford University Images / David Williams Photography -- All rights reserved.
This is a Rights Managed image.

The Oxford University Museum of Natural History contains many treasures, but the building is one in its own right.
Built in 1861, the interior decoration is not purely ornamental. The men leaning against the columns on the ground floor are famous scientists, like Aristotle and Darwin. The columns on the top floor are made from various British stones and are topped by bronze leaves and branches from different plants.
LIKE this if you think our Museum of Natural History is a treasure!

the hall of Mirrors, The Palace and Gardens of Versailles

Insight | 04.10.2008 | 04:30
UNESCO World Heritage Site: The Palace and Gardens of Versailles

More than 3 million visitors come to the Palace of Versailles each year. Many of them just want to see the "Hall of Mirrors".

The Palace of Versailles in France started out as a modest hunting lodge. But Louis the 14th, known as the Sun King, transformed it into the largest and most grandiose palace in the world – harnessing the power of art and architecture to maintain and strengthen his political authority. Today, France’s kings are long gone, but the Palace of Versailles and its vast garden still stand. UNESCO has named Versailles World Heritage Site number 83, given that it represents a masterpiece of human creative genius, that it exhibits an important interchange in human values and because it is associated with artistic works of outstanding universal significance.

Report: Genevieve Oger

‪#‎FinDeJournée‬ la galerie des Glaces ensoleillée !
‪#‎EndOfTheDay‬ the hall of Mirrors on a sunny day!
© EPV / Thomas Garnier

Fêtes galantes à Versailles : soirée costumée à la galerie des Glaces le 1er juin 2015 !
Fêtes Galantes: a fancy dress evening in the Hall of Mirrors on 1st June 2015!

Vous souhaitez retrouver, dans votre costume identique à ceux des plus belles époques de Versailles.

Château de Versailles 在「 Les Grandes Eaux Musicales / Fountains Shows of Versailles 」

Premier rayon de soleil sur le château de Versailles !
First rays of sun on the palace of Versailles!
© EPV / Thomas Garnier

「 Premier rayon de soleil sur le château de Versailles !

First rays of sun on the palace of Versailles!

© EPV / Thomas Garnier 」
Ce weekend, profitez des Grandes Eaux Musicales avant
les derniers jours !
Plus d'infos: http://bit.ly/Ohz4cQ
This weekend, enjoy the last few days of the Fountain Shows of Versailles! ⋯⋯

Ce weekend, profitez des Grandes Eaux Musicales avant les derniers jours ! 
Plus d'infos: http://bit.ly/Ohz4cQ

This weekend, enjoy the last few days of the Fountains Shows of Versailles! 
More info : http://bit.ly/OeyxZ8

© EPV / Thomas Garnier

© EPV / Thomas Garnier

© EPV / Thomas Garnier
    • Image result for Galerie des Glaces
    • Image result for Galerie des Glaces
    • Image result for Galerie des Glaces
    • Image result for Galerie des Glaces
    More images for Galerie des Glaces

  1. Hall of Mirrors

    2 Google reviews · Write a review
    Domaine National de Versailles, 78000 Versailles, France
    +33 1 30 83 78 00
  2. Hall of Mirrors - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    The Hall of Mirrors (French: Grande Galerie or Galerie des Glaces) is the central gallery of the Palace of Versailles in Versailles, France. As the principal and  ...

  3. 「 #jourdefermeture, tournage dans la Galerie des Glaces de @[507126765968952:274:Secrets d'Histoire - L'Emission] avec @[178170065568436:274:Stéphane Bern ( L'officiel )].

© EPV / Thomas Garnier 」