2018年6月30日 星期六

Globe Theatre in 1997

June 29th, it's the year 1613:
🎭 Shakespeare's play Henry VIII is just being performed. For the stage effect, the company fires a cannon and sets the Globe Theater on fire. Here Shakespeare had premiered many of his later world-famous plays. From 1598 he was even one of the four actors who bought shares of the theatre. Within two hours his creative home, the stage he wrote for, is destroyed by fire.
🏗️ Centuries later, American actor Sam Wanamake has a vision of rebuilding the Globe Theatre. The Queen opened the reconstructed Globe Theatre in 1997 and since then drama is back on stage - just like in Shakespeare's day.

World Heritage List 2018

The World Heritage Committee inscribed today two cultural sites in Germany and Turkey as well as two mixed (i.e. both cultural and natural) sites in Canada and Colombia, on the World Heritage List this afternoon. The inscription of sites will continue on 2 July. #WorldHeritage #42whc


Four sites added to UNESCO’s World Heritage List
The World Heritage Committee, meeting in Manama since 24 June under the chair of Shaikha Haya Bint Rashed al-Khalifa of Bahrain, inscribed two cultural sites in Germany and Turkey as well as two mixed (i.e. both cultural and natural) sites in Canada and Colombia, on the World Heritage List this afte...

Four sites added to UNESCO’s World Heritage List

30 June 2018

Victorian Gothic and Art Deco Ensemble of Mumbai

The World Heritage Committee, meeting in Manama since 24 June under the chair of Shaikha Haya Bint Rashed al-Khalifa of Bahrain, inscribed four cultural sites on the World Heritage List this morning. The inscription of sites will continue through 1 July.
The new World Heritage sites, in order of inscription, are:
Victorian Gothic and Art Deco Ensemble of Mumbai (India) – Having become a global trading centre, the city of Mumbai implemented an ambitious urban planning project in the second half of the 19th century. It led to the construction of ensembles of public buildings bordering the Oval Maidan open space, first in the Victorian Neo-Gothic style and then, in the early 20th century, in the Art Deco idiom. The Victorian ensemble includes Indian elements suited to the climate, including balconies and verandas. The Art Deco edifices, with their cinemas and residential buildings, blend Indian design with Art Deco imagery, creating a unique style that has been described as Indo-Deco. These two ensembles bear testimony to the phases of modernization that Mumbai has undergone in the course of the 19th and 20th centuries.
Sassanid Archaeological Landscape of Fars region (Islamic Republic of Iran) – Eight archaeological sites situated in three geographical parts in the southeast of Fars Province: Firuzabad, Bishapur and Sarvestan. These fortified structures, palaces, and city plans date back to the earliest and latest times of the Sassanian Empire, which stretched across the region from 224 to 658 CE. Among these sites is the capital built by the founder of the dynasty, Ardashir Papakan, as well as a city and architectural structures of his successor, Shapur I. The archaeologic landscape reflects the optimized utilization of natural topography and bears witness to the influence of Achaemenid and Parthian cultural traditions and of Roman art which had a significant impact on the architecture and artistic styles of the Islamic era.
Hidden Christian Sites in the Nagasaki Region (Japan) – Located in the north-western part of Kyushu island, the 12 components of the site consist of ten villages, Hara Castle and a cathedral, built between the 16th and 19th centuries. Together they reflect the earliest activities of Christian missionaries and settlers in Japan – the phase of encounter, followed by times of prohibition and persecution of the Christian faith and the final phase of the revitalization of Christian communities after the lifting of prohibition in 1873. These sites bear unique testimony to a cultural tradition nurtured by hidden Christians in the Nagasaki region who secretly transmitted their faith during the period of prohibition from the 17th to the 19th century.
Sansa, Buddhist Mountain Monasteries in Korea (Republic of Korea) – The Sansa are Buddhist mountain monasteries located throughout the southern provinces of the Korean Peninsula. The spatial arrangement of the seven temples that comprise the site, established from the 7th to 9th centuries, present common characteristics that are specific to Korea – the “madang” (open courtyard) flanked by four buildings (Buddha Hall, pavilion, lecture hall and dormitory). They contain a large number of individually remarkable structures, objects, documents and shrines. These mountain monasteries are sacred places, which have survived as living centres of faith and daily religious practice to the present.
The 42nd session of the World Heritage Committee continues until 4 July.


Media contacts
Lucía Iglesias Kuntz, UNESCO Media Section, l.iglesias@unesco.org(link sends e-mail), +33 (0) 6 80 24 07 29
Agnès Bardon, UNESCO Media Section, a.bardon@unesco.org(link sends e-mail), +33 (0) 6 80 24 13 56

All the documents pertaining to the work of the Comité are available online

Follow the Committee on Twitter: #WorldHeritage #42WHC
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俯瞰維港的香港新地標 「維港碼頭」項目


香港的維港碼頭項目位於九龍半島南端,俯瞰維多利亞港,其中包括K11 Atelier的業務以及K11 Musea大樓。

2018年6月29日 星期五

Battle of the Somme

Cheshire Regiment trench Somme 1916.jpg
索姆河戰役的戰壕 (1916年7月的索姆河戰役中的一個英軍柴郡團崗哨。)
Flag of France.svg 法國 德國
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg 道格拉斯·黑格
Flag of France.svg 費迪南·福煦
Flag of the German Empire.svg 麥斯·馮·加爾維茲
Flag of the German Empire.svg 費爾茨·馮·貝盧
索姆河戰役英語Battle of Somme法語Bataille de la Somme德語Schlacht an der Somme)是第一次世界大戰中規模最大的一次會戰,時間發生在1916年7月1日到11月18日間,兩國為突破德軍防禦並將其擊退到法德邊境,於是在位於法國北方的索姆河區域實施作戰。雙方傷亡共130萬人,是一戰中最慘烈的陣地戰,也是人類歷史上第一次把坦克投入實戰中。

A ‘delicious summer morning’ shattered by the ‘bombardment’ at 08.00.
This was how Captain Roland Gerard Garvin described the morning of the 1 July 1916; the first day of the Battle of the Somme during #WWI.
This Sunday marks 102 years since the Battle of the Somme began. The military operation lasted for 141 days, and saw over 1 million casualties to British, German and French troops, as well as to colonial troops from countries such as Australia, Canada, India and Rhodesia. Captain Garvin, of the D Company of the 7th Battalion South Lancashire Regiment, wrote his last diary entry on 22 July, three weeks after the battle started, when he lost his life during machine gun fire that night. http://bit.ly/2ICXcTD
(Image © From the Garvin archive)

2018年6月28日 星期四

Piazza Maggiore博洛尼亞主廣場;Charlie Chaplin’s ‘Modern Times’ , 7,000 spectators packed Bologna’s Piazza Maggiore square

只好在YouTube 看沒樂隊現場演奏的騙子。1936年的預言,80年之後仍有意思。
7,000 spectators packed Bologna’s Piazza Maggiore square to catch Modern Times with live orchestra, which opened this year's Il Cinema Ritrovato Film Festival

Charlie Chaplin’s ‘Modern Times’ Still Packs Them In
ROME — Charlie Chaplin’s “Modern Times” can still draw a massive crowd after 80 years. An estimated 7,000 spectators packed Bologna’s Piazza Maggiore square to catch the 1936 classic starring…

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Piazza Maggiore
Piazza Maggiore.jpg
Picture of Neptune's statue with Basilica San Petronio in the background
Founded12-15th century
PeriodsMiddle Age
Piazza Maggiore is a central square in Bologna, region of Emilia-RomagnaItaly. The appearance in the 21st century, generally reflects the layout from the 15th century. The Northwest corner opens into Piazza del Nettuno with its Fontana del Nettuno, while the Northeast corner opens into the narrower Piazza Re Enzo, running along the flanks of the Palazzo Re Enzo that merges with the Palazzo del Podestà. Flanking the Piazza del Nettuno is the Biblioteca Salaborsa.


Piazza Maggiore; from left to right: Palazzo dei Banchi, Basilica di San Petronio, Palazzo dei Notai, Palazzo d'Accursio.
The square is surrounded by major administrative and religious buildings in the history of Bologna, including:
Piazza Maggiore

博洛尼亞主廣場(Piazza Maggiore)是義大利城市博洛尼亞的重要廣場,創建於1200年,是義大利的著名廣場之一。廣場周圍環繞著下列建築:公證人宮達古修宮波德斯塔宮聖白托略大殿