2018年12月30日 星期日



苗栗三灣旅遊景點推薦「三灣落羽松秘境」,位於台3線101K的私人土地種植300多棵的落羽松,在每年11月中-12月中左右是欣賞 ...

三灣鄉,是苗栗縣的一個鄉,位於苗栗縣北部,所謂廟口的廟, 是指三灣鄉五穀廟,所謂老街,是指還沒有台三線公路的街道。 肚兜角,地處中港溪三灣河段的東岸, .

..苗栗三灣旅遊景點推薦「三灣落羽松秘境」,位於台3線101K的私人土地種植300多棵的落羽松,在每年11月中-12月中左右是欣賞 ...

2018年12月29日 星期六




2018年12月27日 星期四

Ecuador厄瓜多爾因貸款陷財困 中國承建水電大壩 啟用兩年現七千道裂縫

Country in South America


Ecuador is a country straddling the equator on South America’s west coast. Its diverse landscape encompasses Amazon jungle, Andean highlands and the wildlife-rich Galápagos Islands. In the Andean foothills at an elevation of 2,850m, Quito, the capital, is known for its largely intact Spanish colonial center, with decorated 16th- and 17th-century palaces and religious sites, like the ornate Compañía de Jesús Church.
CurrencyUnited States Dollar
Population16.62 million (2017) World Bank

《紐約時報》報道,厄瓜多爾早年向中國貸款,並由中國承建水力發電站。不過大壩投入使用兩年就出現超過 7,000 道裂縫,中國則成功掌控厄瓜多爾八成出口石油作為回報。大壩無法助厄瓜多爾解決能源需求,反而令該國承擔高額債務…
中國承建水電大壩 啟用兩年現七千道裂縫 厄瓜多爾因貸款陷財困 | 立場報道 | 立場新聞

2018年12月21日 星期五

Cap d'Antibes

Antibes is a resort town between Cannes and Nice on the French Riviera (Côte d’Azur). It’s known for its old town enclosed by 16th-century ramparts with the star-shaped Fort Carré. This overlooks luxury yachts moored at the Port Vauban marina. The forested Cap d’Antibes peninsula, dotted with grand villas, separates Antibes from Juan-les-Pins, a chic resort with buzzing nightlife and the Jazz à Juan music festival.
Area26.48 km²
Elevation9 m
Weather12°C, Wind W at 24 km/h, 70% Humidity
Jump to Hôtel du Cap-Eden Roc - Antibes is a Mediterranean resort in the Alpes-Maritimes department of southeastern France, on the Côte d'Azur ...
History · ‎Modern era · ‎Culture · ‎Sights
Pine Trees, Cap d'Antibes #impressionism

2018年12月19日 星期三

Potsdamer Platz, Berlin

Join us on a journey through the ages - from 1925 to today, and take a look at how much Potsdamer Platz in Berlin has changed in all those years. #BerlinThenNow

Potsdamer Platz is an important public square and traffic intersection in the centre of Berlin, Germany, lying about 1 km (1,100 yd) south of the Brandenburg Gate ...