2020年5月28日 星期四

Nice Giuseppe Pietro Bagetti (14 April 1764 – 29 April 1831)

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Giuseppe Pietro Bagetti (14 April 1764 – 29 April 1831) was an Italian civil and military architect, as well as painter.[1] He painted landscapes and battle paintings.
The French Pass the River Po at Piacenza, by Giuseppe Pietro Bagetti, 1803


He was born in Turin. He initially studied music at the Turin Conservatory under Bernardino Ottani, and learned painting from Pietro Giacomo Palmieri (1737–1804). Bagetti was named an architect in 1782 for the Royal University, and began and paint watercolor vedute of coastal locations. In 1792, he began to teach topographic design at the Royal Academy. In 1792, he painted two battle scenes from the recent war between the kingdom of Sardinia and the French Republic: the Veduta di Saorgio and the Veduta del campo di Brois nel contado di Nizza. In 1793, King Vittorio Amedeo III named him designer of vedute e paesi for the kingdom. He was affiliated with the Artillery Corps.
Painting of the battle composed of two-thirds sky and the rest buildings, camps, men, and gunsmoke
Battle of Fombio by Bagetti
In 1798, he traveled to Paris.[2] He continued the same work for the Napoleonic rulers, including battle plans at the Battle of Marengo, travelling with the French army through Northern Italy, and later in Germany and Russia. From 1807 to 1815, he was a geographic engineer for the Napoleonic government. He was awarded the Legion of Honor medal for his Veduta d’Italia dalle Alpi.
With the fall of Napoleon, he regained his post as professor at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts (Albertina Academy) and celebrated the return of the House of Savoy with paintings depicting The May 20, 1814 Entry into Turin of Vittorio Emanuele I and The August 22, 1815 entry of Queen Maria Teresa to the Port of Genoa. He went on to paint for the Royal Palace, thirty-two paintings of battles, many depicting events of the First Campaign in Italy by Napoleon, including the Battle of Carassone.[3] He was knighted into the Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus and the Order of Savoy by the Italian monarchs.[4] Among those engravers he influenced were Giovanni Battista de Gubernatis.[5]
He died in Turin on 29 April 1831.

Château de Versailles

5月26日下午6:02 ·

Le 26 mars 1796, dans le cadre de la campagne d’Italie, les troupes de Napoléon entrent à Nice. Cette œuvre, une aquarelle, réalisée par Giuseppe-Pietro Bagetti, est l’œuvre de travaux de repérage de l’artiste. Rattaché au bureau topographique de l’armée d’Italie en qualité d’artiste, il est chargé de représenter les sites les plus intéressants des principaux événements de la guerre. Sur le pont, on aperçoit les troupes françaises, acclamées par les badauds.
On March 26, 1796, during the Italian campaign, Napoleon's troops entered Nice. This work, a watercolor, is made by Giuseppe-Pietro Bagetti. Attached to the topographical office of the Army of Italy as an artist, he is responsible for representing the most interesting sites of the main events of the war. On the bridge, we can see the French troops, cheered by onlookers on the foreground.
© RPN-GP (Château de Versailles) / Droits réservés

26年三月1796日, 作為義大利戰役的一部分, 拿破崙的軍隊進入了尼斯. 這部作品是水彩, 由giuseppe-pietro bagetti執導, 是藝術家追蹤作品的作品. 作為藝術家, 他位於義大利軍隊地形辦公室, 負責代表戰爭重大事件中最有趣的地點. 在橋上, 我們看到法國軍隊, 被gawkers的贊譽.
1796年三月26日, 在義大利戰役中, 拿破崙的軍隊進入了尼斯. 這項作品是水彩, 由giuseppe-pietro bagetti製作. 作為藝術家附屬於義大利軍隊地形辦公室, 他負責代表戰爭主要事件中最有趣的地點. 在橋上, 我們可以看到法國軍隊, 在前景上被觀眾目擊者歡呼.……


下町的生活: 香港 眠る茶餐廳、Tokyo’s Shitamachi

downtown , uptown ,下町

With much of the world still in lockdown, we are asking writers to imagine travelling to places they love and long to revisit. This week, David Pilling yearns for a different side of high-tech, high-rise Tokyo.


日本 東京の博物館


下町風俗資料館は、東京都台東区上野公園内、不忍池の畔にある台東区立の博物館。主に、江戸時代から昭和時代中期くらいにおいて育まれた東京下町の文化的資料を扱う。「庶民の歴史である下町の大切な記憶を次の世代へ伝える」べく構想され、1980年に開館した。 ウィキペディア
所在地: 日本、〒110-0007 東京都台東区上野公園2−1
建設: 1980年

香港下町的生活 眠る茶餐廳

中国 街 NA

香港下町的生活 眠る茶餐廳 |

2020年5月27日 星期三

Eugène Atget, an early 20th-century father of modern photography 『アッジェ/巴黎』

Snapshot: Above, the Quai d’Anjou in Paris during the coronavirus lockdown. Our photographer Mauricio Lima has followed in the footsteps of Eugène Atget, an early 20th-century father of modern photography who shot an empty city, getting up early to capture Paris’ architecture during a moment of stillness.

Eugène Atget (French: [adʒɛ]; 12 February 1857 – 4 August 1927) was a French flâneur[1] and a pioneer of documentary photography, noted for his determination to document all of the architecture and street scenes of Paris before their disappearance to modernization.


Jean-Eugène Atget1857年2月12日 - 1927年8月4日)はフランス写真家



  1. パリの生活と仕事 146枚 1898年 ~ 1900年
  2. パリの乗り物 57枚 1910年
  3. パリの屋内:芸術的,絵画的そして中産階級の 54枚 1910年
  4. パリの仕事,店そしてショーウィンドウ 59枚 1912年
  5. 古きパリの看板,そして古い店 58枚 1913年
  6. パリを囲む城壁跡 56枚 1913年
  7. パリの旧軍用地帯の住人の様子とその典型 62枚 1913年~1914年





著者ジョン・シャーカフスキー 著 原信田 実 訳
ジャンル書籍 > 単行本 > 写真
体裁その他・規格外 ・ 上製 ・ カバー ・ 208頁













Naples / Napoli. Capodimonte Museum

 Naples / Napoli. Capodimonte Museum
Capodimonte Museum專車上山參觀波旁王宮. 拿坡里市區有兩座王宮,一座在市中心靠港的公投廣場,Piazza del Plebiscito,. 另一座位在郊區的Capodimonte山上;. Capodi-monte就是山上的意思,這座宮殿從1738年開始,興建時間 ...

Kimbell Art Museum
 在「 Flesh and Blood 」發佈了 1 段影片。

Guillaume Kientz, Curator of European Art at the Kimbell Art Museum, discusses paintings in the exhibition "Flesh & Blood: Italian Masterpieces from the Capodimonte Museum in Naples."

ナポリ(伊: Napoli ( 音声ファイル) ; ナポリ語: Napule)は、イタリア南部にある都市で、その周辺地域を含む人口約98万人の基礎自治体(コムーネ)。カンパニア州の州都であり、ナポリ県の県都でもある。ローマ、ミラノに次ぐイタリア第三の都市で、南イタリア最大の都市である。都市圏人口は約300万人。 ナポリ湾に面した港湾都市・工業都市である。古代ギリシア人によって建設された植民市に起源を持ち、13世紀以降はナポリ王国の首都として南イタリアの政治・経済の中心地となった。ヴェスヴィオ火山を背景とする風光 ...

Naples - Wikipedia


Naples is the capital of the Italian region Campania and the third-largest municipality in Italy after Rome and Milan. In 2015, around 975,260 people lived within the city's administrative limits. The Metropolitan City of Naples had a population of 3,115,320. Naples is the 9th-most populous urban area in the European Union with a population of between 3 million and 3.7 million. About 4.4 million people live in the Naples metropolitan area, the second in Italy after Milan and one of the ...

‘This place. . . defies description,’ wrote Goethe. Can contemporary art compete with Naples? http://on.ft.com/2EUBV6s

As a British gallery opens in the city, Jackie Wullschlager picks highlights of its diverse artistic landscape