2022年1月28日 星期五

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam- Somewhere Street - TV | NHK WORLD


Vietnam's foremost commercial center is Ho Chi Minh City. Previously known as Saigon, after the Vietnam War the city was renamed Ho Chi Minh City in honor of the hero of Vietnamese independence.
Somewhere Street
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
On Air Schedule: January 30 (Sun.), 13:10 etc[Tokyo]
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam - Somewhere Street - TV | NHK WORLD-JAPAN Live & Programs
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam - Somewhere Street - TV | NHK WORLD-JAPAN Live & Programs
Ho Chi Minh City is Vietnam's largest commer



The Royal Albert Hall is a concert hall on the northern edge of South Kensington, London. One of the United Kingdom's most treasured and distinctive ...

Cristy AlmarazMuseos

Es una sala de conciertos en el extremo norte de South Kensington , Londres . Uno de los edificios más preciados y distintivos del Reino Unido , se mantiene en fideicomiso para la nación y es administrado por una organización benéfica registrada que no recibe fondos del gobierno. Tiene capacidad para 5.272.
Desde que la Reina Victoria inauguró la sala en 1871, los principales artistas del mundo de muchos géneros de actuación han aparecido en su escenario. Es la sede de los conciertos Proms , que se llevan a cabo allí todos los veranos desde 1941. Anualmente, alberga más de 390 espectáculos en el auditorio principal, incluidos conciertos de música clásica, rock y pop, ballet, ópera, proyecciones de películas con orquesta en vivo acompañamiento, deportes, entregas de premios, eventos escolares y comunitarios, espectáculos y banquetes benéficos. Otros 400 eventos se llevan a cabo cada año en los espacios fuera del auditorio.
Originalmente, se suponía que la sala se llamaría Central Hall of Arts and Sciences , pero la reina Victoria cambió el nombre a Royal Albert Hall of Arts and Sciences al colocar la primera piedra de la sala en 1867, en memoria de su esposo, el príncipe . Albert , que había muerto seis años antes. Forma la parte práctica de un monumento al Príncipe Consorte; la parte decorativa es el Albert Memorial directamente al norte en Kensington Gardens , ahora separado del Hall por Kensington Gore .

2022年1月22日 星期六

成功 : New York's High Line, 紐約高架公園 On the High Line: Exploring America's Most Original Urban Park. 失敗:London's ‘Greenway’ on South Bank


High Line
High Line 20th Street looking downtown.jpg
面積全長1.45マイル (2.33 km)

High Line Park
High Line Park the new second section.jpg
座標40°44′54″N 74°0′18″W座標40°44′54″N 74°0′18″W

A great tour of New York's newest public park. This book tells the story of an abandoned train line with a rich and important role in New York's history and how ...

'We Failed' To Design Park That Benefited Neighbors, High Line Creator Says
"I wish we'd asked, 'What can we do for you?'" the park's co-founder said in…


Park of the future?
Once an elevated freight railway track, New York's High Line is now an oasis for pedestrians. It has been so popular that other cities are following suit, with plans to replicate the formula in London.

元旦看BBC的 Reporter 年度回顧
介紹紐約市的素人完成的鐵道花園 每年參觀人數三百多萬人

The High Line

www.thehighline.org/ - 頁庫存檔 - 翻譯這個網頁 5 Dec 2011 – The official Web site of the High Line and Friends of the High Line. ... to 7:00 PM, on Christmas Eve, Christmas, New Year's Eve, and New Year's Day. ... of the High Line · 529 West 20th Street, Suite 8W · New York, NY 10011 ...


The official Web site of the High Line and Friends of the High Line.

Image Galleries

The official Web site of the High Line and Friends of the High ...

High Line Design

The official Web site of the High Line and Friends of the High ...

High Line History

Friends of the High Line works in partnership with the City of New ...

Park Information

The official Web site of the High Line and Friends of the High Line.


The High Line, south of West 30th Street, is owned by the City of ...

thehighline.org 的其他相關資訊 »

‘Greenway’ on South Bank to rival New York’s High Line



Suggested Topics

Railroad Traffic
New York City

Nick Curtis

Published: 10 June 2013

An innovative “greenway” that reduces flooding and links forgotten parks and railway arches has won a design competition to improve the area behind Albert Embankment for cyclists and pedestrians.

The zone has been dubbed central London’s “missing link” and it is hoped it could rival New York’s High Line — the defunct elevated railway transformed into a park and major tourist draw.
The route runs from the Garden Museum, in St Mary’s Church beside Lambeth Palace, to Spring Gardens at Vauxhall — formerly Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens, where Handel’s Water Music was premiered. It will link neglected parks behind the railway line, with new attractions in each: a food-themed park in Lambeth recreation ground, art in Pedlar’s Park, and an open-air auditorium in Spring Gardens.
The plan by Erect Architecture and J & L Gibbons uses rain gardens — ditches planted with trees — to draw rainwater from overburdened gutters and sewers. These green borders will mark a safe route for non-drivers away from traffic-ridden Albert Embankment.
The competition attracted 100 entries from 21 countries but the two London firms prevailed. It was run by the Royal Institute of British Architects and Vauxhall One Business Improvement District. Chris Law, a director at Vauxhall One, praised the winning design as “quirky and fun but very implementable. It shows a clear understanding of the history of the Pleasure Gardens and the area’s Victorian railway arches and buildings, while using forward-thinking concepts to combat flooding.”
The vision will now be worked up into concrete proposals. Funding will come from the businesses that make up Vauxhall One: they will pay a small levy based on their property’s rateable value, generating more than £4 million over five years. There may also be grants from the Greater London Authority and Transport for London, and firms developing the area.
Judges included campaigner Doreen Lawrence, the mother of race murder victim Stephen, and Garden Museum director Christopher Woodward.



2013年08月02日 05:30:10 來源: 中國網
    目前,高線公園的規劃所在地擁有“煤氣廠”和比肯斯菲爾德兩家當代藝術中心。一家名為“內閣”的美術館將于今年夏天建成。明年,英國當代藝 術家達米安‧赫斯特的畫廊也將入駐新港街。有計劃顯示,沃克斯豪爾車站旁廢棄的火車橋將成為藝術品的展示空間。沃克斯豪爾地區的負責人說:“我們的想法是 讓藝術區以一種綠色和有趣的方式出現。”

七海文化園區 -蔣經國圖書館

七海文化園區附近的公車路線: 21, 646, 內湖幹線, 287區, 208, 42, 902, 556, 紅2, 紅3區, 267, 247, 247區, 內科通勤專車2, 內科通勤專車3, 南軟通勤專車天母線, ...

小檔案經國七海文化園區 - 自由時報
https://news.ltn.com.tw › life › paper

3 days ago — 位於台北市大直北安路、忠烈祠旁,總面積3.98公頃◇園內有大面積植栽綠地、公共藝術區與親水步道、北市定古蹟「七海寓所」與全台首座「蔣經國圖書 ...

2022年1月18日 星期二

Nusantara【印尼新首都2024年誕生 起名「#努山塔拉」】


Nusantara is located in Indonesia
Coordinates: 0.8500°S 116.7000°ECoordinates0.8500°S 116.7000°E

Nusantara (Indonesian pronunciation: [nusanˈtara]) is a proposed capital region which will serve as the upcoming seat of government of Indonesia.[3][4]

【印尼新首都2024年誕生 起名「#努山塔拉」】

#印尼 官員18日宣布,國會已批准法案,準備自2024年起將首都從 #雅加達 遷至婆羅洲東加里曼丹省(East Kalimantan)一塊熱帶雨林覆蓋的地區,新首都將被命名為「 #努山塔拉」(Nusantara)。