2023年4月27日 星期四

Israel. the Temple Mount, Jerusalem

Israel has triumphed against the odds. As it marks its 75th anniversary, this is a moment to reflect on its many successes: it has overcome wars, droughts and poverty to become a hub of innovation and a winner from globalisation. It is democratic, too—if, that is, you don’t count the territories that it occupies. But there is plenty to ponder, not least the constitutional crisis that has engulfed its leader, Binyamin Netanyahu, in recent weeks. As we write in this week’s cover package in much of the world, these days the biggest threat to Israel comes from within.

The Economist

An attack by Palestinians on a synagogue in West Jerusalem leaves at least four worshippers dead. More on the troubled and bloody geography of the Temple Mount dispute http://econ.st/1xLm2ql

‪#‎Dailychart‬: Escalating tensions in Jerusalem have centred on a campaign by messianic activists and other Jewish hardliners to change the religious status quo on the Temple Mount. As hostilities grow, Palestinians have killed several Israelis by stabbing them or running them over with cars http://econ.st/1sEkr18

2023年4月22日 星期六

The aftermath (Chad ). Republic of the Sudan

As War Rages in Sudan, Countries Angle for Advantage

Even before it went to war last week, “everyone wanted a chunk of Sudan,” an expert said of the strategically located country rich in natural resources.

Republic of the Sudan
جمهورية السودان (Arabic)
Jumhūriyyat as-Sūdān
Motto: النصر لنا
an-Naṣr lanā
"Victory is ours"
Anthem: نحن جند الله، جند الوطن
Naḥnu jund Allah, jund al-waṭan
"We are the soldiers of God, the soldiers of the Nation"
Sudan displayed in dark green color, claimed territories in light green
Sudan displayed in dark green color, claimed territories in light green
15.6°N 32.5°E
Largest cityOmdurman
Official languages
Ethnic groups
GovernmentFederal republic under a military junta[5][6]
LegislatureTransitional Legislative Council
2500 BC
1070 BC
• Independence from the United Kingdom and the Kingdom of Egypt
1 January 1956
• Secession of South Sudan
9 July 2011
11 April 2019
20 August 2019
25 October 2021
• Total
1,886,068 km2 (728,215 sq mi) (15th)
• 2022 estimate
47,958,856[8] (30th)
• Density
21.3/km2 (55.2/sq mi) (202nd)
GDP (PPP)2022 estimate
• Total
Decrease$207.7 billion[9] (71st)
• Per capita
Decrease$4,450[9] (151st)
GDP (nominal)2022 estimate
• Total
Decrease$42.7 billion[9] (96th)
• Per capita
Decrease$916[9] (171st)
Gini (2014)Positive decrease 34.2[10]
HDI (2021)Increase 0.508[11]


The aftermath

Feb 21st 2008 | NDJAMENA
From The Economist print edition

The rebels are gone, but not forgotten

LOOTED and battle-scarred, the shops on Ndjamena's dusty main boulevard remain closed; thousands of Chadians, refugees in neighbouring Cameroon, have yet to return home; and the risk remains of a fresh rebel assault. But for now the message from President Idriss Déby, who on February 14th called a 15-day state of emergency, is clear: he has survived—again—the very type of coup attempt that first brought him to power 18 years ago.

The February 2nd assault on Ndjamena, now known euphemistically as “the events”, caught Mr Déby off-guard. The three main rebel groups, normally so mutually antagonistic, fused into one column and moved in from the east with some 3,000 well-armed men. And, in contrast to their attempt in 2006, this time the rebels, who owed their weaponry to neighbouring Sudan, were organised. They attacked along two main corridors, towards the airport and towards the presidential palace, leaving over 160 killed and hundreds more wounded.

Mr Déby did not survive through his own efforts alone. Fighters from a Darfur rebel group, the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), came to his aid, hence the number of English-speaking “soldiers” staffing the former French colony's security posts. Meanwhile, the contingent of some 1,100 French troops based in Ndjamena offered just enough logistical and intelligence support to ward off the rebels. As their supplies dwindled, the rebels melted away after just two days.

Yet if the immediate crisis is over, what of its aftermath? The capital's citizens, inured to fighting in Chad's hinterland, remain shocked by the speed with which the rebels reached them. Few risk going out much after dark, even though the curfew begins only at midnight.

The obvious danger for the president is that there will be a next time, and that his luck will run out. A new generation of politicians in Paris is beginning to break with the traditional Françafrique policy of supporting so-called “strong men”. Indeed, though the president might think the French-dominated European Union peacekeeping force now deploying in the east is there to bolster his regime, Brigadier-General Jean-Philippe Ganascia says he is not out to fight for the government: “I won't know who is a rebel, bandit or anything else. As long as somebody is threatening the population, I am ready to use the means I have got.”

Nor is the threat to Mr Déby purely military. The battle for Ndjamena has strained his relationship with the JEM. The group might now regret their move into Chad, as in their absence there was a fresh Sudanese assault on Darfur. Inconveniently, the president's new defence minister, Mahamat Ali Abdallah Nassour, also looks strong. Given that several rebel leaders are former members of Mr Déby's government, the minister's allegiance is far from assured. Meanwhile, Chadians know that ordinary life may get even worse: prices of everything from petrol to mango juice are soaring. For the refugee camps in the east, supply lines to the land-locked country are already under pressure as pre-positioning of food starts ahead of the rainy season. If violence halts the supply effort, there will indeed be a state of emergency for a country harbouring half-a-million refugees and displaced persons.

2023年4月19日 星期三



橫山書法藝術館 Hengshan Calligraphy Art Center

👀編編帶您逛展場— #亨利米肖#無題(三張臉)〉】
既是詩人也是畫家的亨利.米肖除了用文字當作抒發的管道外,#繪畫 也是他另一種表達的途徑。對東方文化著迷的他,醉心於東方的書法繪畫 、戲曲等藝術。他的作品經常可以見到東方元素以及書法線條。
這件作品〈無題(三張臉)〉便是以 #印度墨染#水彩 作為創作媒材。亨利.米肖使用特殊手法讓創作時的自己產生幻覺,因此作品中常出現相對模糊不清的物象,而他的人物像也具有荒誕滑稽的特色 。
50 × 65 cm
📍展期|2023/01/20 - 2023/04/24

桃園青埔「橫山書法藝術館」!潘天壹以墨池 - La Vie

橫山書法藝術館(以下簡稱橫山書藝館)鄰近機場捷運A17站,其以書藝為主角,開館後將致力於臺灣書法藝術保存、研究、發展與推廣任務,期盼書法藝術於在地深入紮根, ...