2007年12月20日 星期四

"Sistine Madonna".

文化社会 | 2007.12.20


也许每个人都在圣诞贺卡或者精美的包装纸上都见到过这样两个粉嘟嘟,可爱的小天使。但是很少有人知道,他们是出自于意大利著名画家拉斐尔笔下名画“西斯廷圣母”的一部分。 而这幅画原件就在德累斯顿。德国之声德语网报导如下。



这幅画 是拉斐尔1512/13年完成的。1754年被人从位于Piacenza 的San Sisto修道院教堂运到了易北河畔。“它展现的是圣母怀抱着圣子慈爱地来到人间,画家用生动的画笔描绘了这两个天真、纯洁的小天使,最后再在上面加上几 片薄薄的云,以表现画的祥和。”了解情况的海宁如是说。

在萨克 逊王族选帝候奥古斯特三世后的50年,这幅画被人买走并运送到了德累斯顿,然后马上就有复制者迫不及待地开始复制圣母像了。“而仰望的小天使是在1803 年第一次由画家奥古斯特在一幅画布上单独复制出。”这一幅变两幅的画就被装饰在了卡塞尔威廉高地宫殿里。“没有仁慈的圣母像就没有小天使向上看的,与她对 视的眼神了。”海宁这样说着。


德累斯顿从19世纪开始就利用小天使的魅力来进行城市宣传。“没有用著名的广告媒体来宣传,是因为小天使只是个标志,它总与德累斯顿圣母教堂的剪影 相混淆。”如果有人刚好在西斯廷又在德累斯顿重新认出小天使的话,那么他们都会感到十分诧异。德累斯顿城市艺术品收藏从不对小天使做复制。“艺术是公共财 产”海宁说,“如果我们想以出售复制天使来盈利,那么我们是能筹到资金的,但是我们为辛苦得来的画又能做些什么呢? ”




Wikipedia article "Sistine Madonna".

Sistine Madonna

Sistine Madonna
Raphael, 1513-1514
Oil on canvas
265 × 196 cm
Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Dresden

The Sistine Madonna is a painting by the Italian High Renaissance artist Raphael, circa 1512-1514. It is housed in the Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister (old masters) of Dresden, Germany.

The canvas with the Virgin, Child and Saints Sixtus and Barbara, usually called the Sistine Madonna, is chapoopracterized by an imaginary space created by the figures themselves. The figures stand on a bed of clouds, framed by heavy curtains which open to either side. The Virgin actually appears to descend from a heavenly space, through the picture plane, out into the real space in which the painting is hung. The gesture of St. Sixtus and the glance of St. Barbara seem to be directed toward the faithful, whom we imagine beyond the balustrade at the bottom of the painting. The Papal tiara, which rests on top of this balustrade, act as a bridge between the real and pictorial space.

The painting was probably intended to decorate the tomb of Pope Julius II, since St. Sixtus was the patron saint of the Della Rovere family and St. Barbara and the two winged 'genii' (visible at the bottom of the picture space) symbolize the funeral ceremony. The canvas was located in the convent of St Sixtus in Piacenza and was later donated by the monks to Augustus III of Saxony. It was carried to Moscow after the Second World War, and was later returned to Dresden.


