2008年1月22日 星期二


Botswana (bot-swah-nuh)

Republic in south-central Africa, bordered on the south by South Africa, the west by Namibia, the north by Angola and Zambia, and the northeast by Zimbabwe; formerly called Bechuanaland. The capital and largest city is Gaborone.


非洲研究(波札那共和國)- 台灣非洲研究論壇- Forum of African ...

allAfrica.com : Botswana. allAfrica新聞網站,波札那新聞首頁. UT Library Online - Botswana Maps. UTaxes圖書館提供波札那地圖.
www.africa-taiwan.org/country/detail.php?c_common=Botswana - 53k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

The landlocked nation of Botswana in Southern Africa is a rich country. Bordered by South Africa, Zimbabwe, Angola and Zambia this nation owes its riches to a precious natural resource: diamonds.

In Botswana, nobody is killed for diamonds, and they do not only make mining companies rich. The government of Botswana uses revenue for the diamonds to build apartments, support education and to buy medical supplies. Because of the democratic government, which has been stable for the past 40 years, the nation has earned a lot of praise from foreign governments and NGOs.


