在罗马尼亚首都布加勒斯特一家夜总会周五至周六夜间发生严重爆炸 |
President Bush spoke at the Palace of the Deposit and Savings Bank in Bucharest, Romania, on Wednesday morning.--這地方在Wikipedia article "Bucharest". 從缺2008
布加勒斯特(羅馬尼亞語:Bucureşti ブクレシュティ(Bucureşti)),羅馬尼亞首都,位於羅馬尼亞東南部,瓦拉幾亞平原中部,多瑙河支流登博維察河畔。面積約228平方公里,人口近200萬。它是羅馬尼亞最大的城市,也是政治、經濟、文化中心。據歷史記載,該市已有500多年的歷史。1459年,布加勒斯特成為羅馬尼亞要塞,1574年發展成為城市,1659年起成為瓦拉幾亞公國首都。1862年成為統一的羅馬尼亞國家首都。1877年5月9日羅馬尼亞在此宣佈獨立。此後,經濟不斷發展,成為羅馬尼亞具有代表性的城市。該市行政劃分為六個區,設市長一名,各區區長一名,均由市民選舉產生。
Gerald Herbert/Associated Press
Bush Urges Patience in Afghanistan Fight
Speaking in Bucharest, Romania, President Bush called on NATO to “finish the fight” in Afghanistan and strengthen its military forces to combat Al Qaeda and other threats.
Journey to the East by Le Corbusier, Edited by Ivan Zaknic《東方游記》
還提到的Carmen Sylva Queen Elisabeth of Romania夏季離宮
Sinaia (/si'na.ja/) (population: 14,636) is a mountain resort in Romania. The town was named after Sinaia Monastery, around which it was built; the monastery in turn is named after the Biblical Mount Sinai. King Carol I of Romania built his summer home, Peleş Castle, near the town.
(King Carol I of Romania (1839-1914), one of the great Romanian kings and conqueror of the National Independence, first visited the region and future site of the castle in 1866, when he fell in love with the rugged but magnificent mountain scenery.)
Inside a dictator's insanely huge palace
Inside a dictator's insanely huge palace: http://cnn.it/1FTh2lB