2008年7月27日 星期日

"Sound of Music" in Salzburg, Austria

EuroVox | 28.07.2008 | 05:30

Drinking Tea With Jam and Bread at the "Sound of Music" Hotel

Do you remember the singing von Trapp family that inspired the Academy Award winning 1965 film ‘The Sound of Music’? Thousands of tourists from the United States, Japan and China certainly do.

The movie was filmed in Salzburg, Austria, which is also where the real von Trapp family lived. It's estimated nearly half of all tourists who visit the city do so because of the film - and more often than not, the tourists also take part in sing-a-long tours that visit the former von Trapp family home. The home is now being converted into a hotel - but not everyone is singing its praises - especially Salzburg locals.

Report: Alexander Musik / Eric Heath


