2008年8月14日 星期四

The temple Preah Vihear

Dialogue | 15.08.2008 | 05:30

Buddhist Temple Sparks Dispute in Southeast Asia

Buddhists the world over take their temples very seriously. But in Cambodia and Thailand, one temple is at the center of a potentially violent dispute.

Temples built a thousand years ago under the Khmer Kings are drawing tourists from around the world to Cambodia. Places like Angkor Wat or Preah Kann both impress and astound tourists. But they are also the root of many conflicts. Five years ago for example, Cambodian media reported that Thailand allegedly claimed the temples of Ankor Wat belonged to Thailand. As a result, agitated Cambodians burnt down the Thai embassy in the Cambodian capital Phnom Penh.

Recently tensions have been running high again. The temple Preah Vihear which is situated on disputed territory on the border between the two countries has been the catalyst for further disputes with even military action threatened.

Report: Bernd Musch-Borowska / Susan Houlton


