2008年9月12日 星期五

The Banks of the River Seine

Insight | 13.09.2008 | 04:30

UNESCO World Heritage Sites: The Banks of the River Seine

The banks of the Seine have been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1990.

Paris is a river city. Its history is resolutely tied to the Seine, the river that runs through it. Ever since the first human settlements in this area, the Seine and its banks have played a primordial role in the economic and cultural development the city. Today, they remain the pulsing heart of the city. They are lined with some of the world’s great architectural masterpieces, including the Louvre Museum, the Grand Palais and the Place de la Concorde. In 1990 the Unesco decided that the banks had to be seen as a single geographic and historic entity; one that constitutes a remarkable example of urban riverside architecture, that harmoniously blends each period of history.

Report: Genevieve Oger


