2009年1月9日 星期五


Insight | 10.01.2009 | 04:30

UNESCO World Heritage Sites: The City of Bamberg

Bamberg, known as an old emperor and bishop city in northern Bavaria, can boast as having the largest intact historical town centre in Germany.

The first known reference to the city of Bamberg was in 902. And from the 12th century AD onwards, Bamberg was one of the leaders in architecture in Europe, influencing many other towns in Germany and Hungary. It has been the home of emperors and a Pope, as well as artists, and it was dubbed the Rome of Germany, because of its architecture and because like Rome, Bamberg is built over seven hills. With a history like this, and with many of the medieval buildings still intact, it’s not surprising that Bamberg was added to UNESCO’s list of World Cultural Heritage sites in 1993. And, of course, there is something else that the city has to offer: The Bamberger Symphoniker.

Report: Carol Rääbus


