2009年2月18日 星期三

Lashi Lake

Living Planet | 19.02.2009 | 04:30

China’s White Collar Workers Go Green at Lashi Lake

In China there is often a vast cultural divide between the country’s urban population and their rural counterparts.

Yet, a new generation of Chinese are trying to bridge the gap through the act of volunteering. Last year an estimated 6 million Chinese volunteered their time to assist with the aftermath of the Sichuan Earthquake, and in staging the Beijing Olympics. Yet, it is not just the big events. In this second visit to the Lashi Lake area in the Yunnan province,

Living Planet follows a group of environmental volunteers. They have come from China’s big cities to Lashi Lake to learn more about the environmental challenges locals face.

(Report: Elise Potaka)

China, Yunnan Provence, View of Lashi Lake Valley

clark james mishler 拍攝的 China, Yunnan Provence, View of Lashi Lake Valley。
China, Yunnan Provence, View of Lashi Lake Valley argriculture and yellow safflower fields. Small family plots give this lush valley a mosaic of color and texture.
n. (名詞 noun)
  1. 【植】紅花
  2. 紅花染料
safflower, Eurasian thistlelike herb (Carthamus tinctorius) of the family Asteraceae (aster family). Safflower, or false saffron, has long been cultivated in S Asia and Egypt for food and medicine and as a costly but inferior substitute for the true saffron dye.


