2009年9月15日 星期二


面見達賴 美特使轉交歐巴瑪親筆信

〔編 譯陳成良、記者謝文華/綜合報導〕美國白宮資深顧問及國務院西藏事務官員等一行,十三日在印度達蘭薩拉西藏流亡政府會見西藏精神領袖達賴喇嘛,並轉交一封 歐巴瑪總統的親筆信函。這是歐巴瑪就任以來首度派出最高層級官員,與達賴針對西藏議題交換意見。達賴辦公室十四日也發表聲明,達賴喇嘛希望能在歐巴瑪十一 月訪問中國後與他會面。達賴喇嘛預定十月再次訪問美國。

據稱代表團團長、白宮資深顧問賈芮特與達賴討論到,在解決西藏問題方面,華府能提供 何種協助,並向達賴重申歐巴瑪的承諾,支持西藏人民保護其獨特的宗教、語言和文化遺產,並確保藏人的人權與公民自由受到尊重。外界認為,賈芮特等人此行目 的,應是歐巴瑪希望在訪問中國前,先了解達賴喇嘛想法,並顯示歐巴瑪對達賴的重視與尊重。專家認為,此舉可能有利於達賴特使與中國當局恢復會談。

Dharamsala, town (2001 est. pop. 19,200), Himachal Pradesh, N India. Located on the slopes of the Kangra valley at the edge of Dhauladhar range in the outer Himalayas. Dharamsala is noted as the residence of the Dalai Lama. The lower section is a largely Indian market town; the upper section, also known as McLeod Ganj, is a former British hill station and site of the Tibetan government in exile since 1960. The 8th earl of Elgin is buried in the churchyard of St. John in the Wilderness in Upper Dharamsala.


