

馬祖,這個感覺上很遙遠的前線離島,是當年保衛大台灣時代的碉堡。我對它生疏,因為年輕時生病,沒當過兵,當然沒有機會到馬祖體驗碉堡生涯。但對它的建築 環境並不陌生,因為我的幾個學生當兵駐防馬祖,解甲回來,不免帶些相片開我的眼界。我自相片中得到的印象是,馬祖這群花崗石島上,除了地下的軍事建設之 外,只有散布在山坡上的的花崗石砌成的漁村。這些石砌房屋外觀與堡壘相差無幾,窗子不得不與槍垛口無異。

這 些石砌村落在建築上最引人入勝之處是它的異國風味。中國幅員廣大,自然環境各異,但在漢文化的影響圈內,不論建築用什麼材料,都有幾個共同特點。那就是開 闢平地為層層院落,屋頂為木架突出牆外,正面外觀對稱且多窗。這三個特點除在福建客家圓樓與北方黃土高原上的穴居,予人完全不同的感受外,其他各地雖有不 同的外貌,文化相關的意味卻是很明顯的。可是馬祖的石屋子粗看上去真像愛琴海島嶼的村落!



飛機在北竿機場落地,我就有到了愛琴海岸的感覺。由於島嶼羅列,海洋多了些神祕感,難怪古希臘產生那麼多神話。這裡自明代以來似乎一直是海盜的故鄉。誰也 沒有想到,到了廿世紀,居然因為國共之爭,使這個被人視為邊荒的島嶼群成為備受注目的「國之北疆」的要塞。這樣的命運沒有使馬祖與媽祖的傳統連上什麼關 係,卻因而把地方風味的村落保存下來了。

地中海的景觀特色無非是沿岸崎嶇的山嶺與斷崖,順著起伏的高坡所建造的塊狀的房屋。馬祖也是如此。所不同的,馬祖沒有愛琴海那樣碧藍的海洋,那樣明亮燦爛 的陽光,所以也沒有粉白的建築去配襯。比較起來,馬祖的景致與它的歷史一樣,有些憂鬱,有些蒼茫;即使在我下飛機的一刻,陽光普照,仍然無法使人感到雀 躍。它似乎透露著永恆的悲劇感。

戰爭的陰影應該已經過去了,對岸正為興建高樓大廈而興奮,等待著即將到來的富庶與歡樂。可是上任才一個月的文化局長卻告訴我,他們拒絕開發,打算保存富於 地方特色的村落。我讚佩他們的勇氣。可是這些石屋保存下來是供觀光之用,還是常民的住屋?是值得思考的。局長很有自信的說,馬祖會成為最適於居住的,最健 康的世外桃源。我幾乎被他說服了。然而仔細想想,馬祖作為尋求快樂生活者的樂園還有點距離,作為喜歡低頭沉思的哲人的靜修之居倒是非常合適的。




這是很不容易的。因為我看到漸漸富有的民居開始建造水泥屋,可以擁有代表財富的光滑壁面。有心保存地方特色的縣民,即使仍然使用石砌方式建屋,卻使用平整 的石材,提高新屋的身價。要他們從心底裡喜歡粗石壁,那些在上百年前,用撿拾來的圓石,辛苦的用手工敲打而成的大小不一的塊石,以黃泥為黏結所砌成的石 壁,實在太困難了。要欣賞這種石壁的美,不能不多些人文素養。

這些塊石,由於是自海邊與山坡撿來,風化程度不同,所以富於色彩變化。用手工打造,所以近長方而多有凹凸。這樣砌起來的壁面,在秩序之中呈現出一種天然風 味。似乎可以經由石壁的花紋中看出先民的智慧與血汗。那些凹凸不平的石面使我們不禁想像古人粗糙的雙手。沒有這樣人文的想像,怎可能為一些石壁所感動呢?

石壁在馬祖,特色是開口極少且小,因此可以呈現堅實而完整的壁面。不知何故,我國古人砌石,不按一般結構水平安定的原理,竟採人字形砌。壁面的人字砌圖案 我在金門已看過了,所以並不感到訝異。是不是只為外觀的變化?實費猜測。我仔細看了幾堵石壁琢磨其道理,發現人字砌應該不是最早的砌法,很可能是自亂砌法 演變而來。人類以石砌牆,早期因以圓石略加修平,石塊在多邊與方形之間,所以開始是亂砌,然後是網狀砌,目的是求結構穩定。古羅馬建築就是這樣發展的。等 到開石的技術進步,會製成長方形石條,但是必然經過方形這一步。用方石砌牆,斜砌遠較平砌為穩定。所以斜砌是亂砌的必然發展。這時候偶爾出現長形石塊,使 用在斜砌的壁面上,就有人字砌的雛形了。在較正式的建築如廟宇上,人工花費在鑿石上較多,乃以長條石塊為主,就出現典型的人字砌。但是別忘了,為了結構穩 定,牆的轉角還是非用平砌法砌成不可。



當然了,方塊狀的建築體,及塊狀的立體組合,才是愛琴海趣味的來源。由於海風,由於海盜,這裡的民居都是用石牆包起來的方塊。不能有出簷,屋頂居然都是西 洋式的四落水。在陽光角度適當的時候,這些排列錯落有致的塊體,會呈現動人的陰影關係,可以入畫。夕陽西下時,背襯著明亮的天空與海洋,這些色澤灰暗、深 沉的塊體組合帶來永恆的生命的喟嘆。真是想不到,在大海的一角,馬祖人創造了多彩的中國建築文化所不曾出現的悲愴感。



要分辨新舊其實並不困難。傳統正宗的石建築雖看似西方兩層洋房,但細看仍可察覺文化的特色。有些是對稱的正面,單門雙窗,或雙門雙窗;有些是屋頂的式樣, 如曲線山牆,主、次分明等。可是較近期的建築,明顯的看出,除了石砌較為整齊外,門窗開口不再守固定的規律。我看到一處,是平砌的單門建築,上為平頂,開 口組合錯落有致,比例優雅,呈現質樸、寧靜的美感。在它一側為一大開口的院牆,想必是大戶人家的住宅,內外空間的配合極為和諧,使我徘徊其間,很想見主人 一面,可是門窗大開,卻不見一人,極像童話中的神仙世界。


去馬祖前,一直把該島的石屋與西人村落相提並論,對於石壁後面的空間,假想是架設在壁體上的木梁架所構成。沒有想到,馬祖的石屋仍然是中國傳統建築的一部 分。我們的建築在骨子裡是木架構,屋頂是用木架撐起來的,外邊的牆壁不論是民間的泥土,還是富人的磚瓦,都與屋架無關,所以有「牆倒屋不塌」的說法。因此 馬祖的石屋雖看上去與西洋石屋無異,精神上卻在中國建築文化圈內,石壁倒了,內部屋架是不受影響的。看上去堅硬的石壁只是包裝而已!

要看明白,只要進到一家民宿或咖啡館就知道了。馬祖的古村落保存,再利用的辦法只有對觀光客開放一途。所供應的非吃喝即睡覺,所以歡迎遊客闖門進去。室內 與一般建築無異,你如果對建築有興趣,就可看到內部沒有一點石壁的感覺,所見都是木屋架。有些二層房子,也只有到室內看清楚其架構。這次我有機會看到幾處 室內木構,木材都是很考究的,可能是新建以招攬旅客來投宿的吧!也許下一次再有機會來馬祖,應該住一次石屋民宿才是。



2010年10月26日 星期二

Subway reaps 1st harvest from in-store 'lettuce lab'

Subway reaps 1st harvest from in-store 'lettuce lab'



photoA Subway Yasai Lab staff harvests a head of lettuce from its in-store garden. (Photo by Kaname Kakuta/ The Asahi Shimbun)

A Subway Japan sandwich shop in central Tokyo has harvested its first batch of lettuce grown at its in-store hydroponic lab.

At Subway Japan Inc.'s Yasai Lab (vegetable lab) branch in the Marunouchi Building in Tokyo's Chiyoda Ward, lettuce planted several weeks ago is now being served. The store hopes to harvest 10 heads of lettuce every week to be used in its sandwiches.

Subway Japan aims to secure a stable supply of fresh vegetables amid a climate of rising vegetable prices.

The pesticide-free lettuce is grown hydroponically at a station in the center of the shop. Customers can view the vegetables as they grow.

It takes six to seven weeks to harvest lettuce planted from seed. Ten heads are enough to fill 40 to 50 sandwiches.

The store plans to announce harvest times one or two days in advance online via Twitter. The Twitter message will include a keyword that customers can use to request that freshly harvested lettuce in their sandwiches on a first-come, first-served basis, at no extra charge.

Subway Japan's Yasai Lab Marunouchi Building branch opened in July.

2010年10月22日 星期五

the Met:1993年去過一次


the Met: NYC's famous opera house opened with a performance of Charles Gounod's Faust (1883)




道路分級謬誤 救援一團亂!

  • 2010-10-23
  • 中國時報
  • 【正宇/北市(自由業)】

國道高速公路局交通控制中心,有密密麻麻的儀器監控設施,不論是車流量的車輛偵測器,或重要路段監控攝影設備(CCTV)及可變資訊標誌 (CMS)一應俱全,路況資訊還隨時能在網路上更新,讓人查詢。反觀蘇花公路及南迴公路,由於只是省道等級,除了端點少量的led (LED)看板外,還停留在徒手抽 換道路阻斷的看板資訊,而且全線也沒有車輛偵測器及監控攝影設(CCTV),交通部公路總局正在設置的智慧型運輸系統(ITS),增設五處省道交控中心。
在道路設計上, 這幾條環島幹線雙向只有一個車道,在道路堵塞的狀況下,沒有路肩可以供緊急救護任務使用,而且沿線多屬山區,不但隧道裡沒有手機訊號強化器,而且山區更有 許多行動電話通訊的死角,導致這次多車掩埋受困的民眾無法通暢對外聯繫,延誤了搶救時機。政府應該全面清查,針對手機通訊死角設置如同國道上的緊急電話, 另一方面省道的緊急連絡電話,也應該仿傚台北市1999專線做系統的統一與轉接。

2010年10月21日 星期四





2010年10月20日 星期三

Akkadian Empire.

It uses material from the Wikipedia article Akkadian Empire.

Collapse of the Akkadian Empire

Within 100 years the Empire of Akkad collapsed almost as fast as it had developed, ushering in a period of regional decline which lasted until the rise of the Third Dynasty of Ur. By the end of the reign of Naram-Sin's son, Shar-kali-sharri, the empire had weakened collapsing outright from the invasion of barbarians known as "Gutians" during the reign of Shu-Durul. It has recently been suggested that the regional decline at the end of the Akkadian period (and First Intermediary Period of the Ancient Egyptian Old Kingdom) was associated with rapidly increasing aridity, and failing rainfall in the region of the Ancient Near East, caused by a global centennial-scale drought.[22]

The fall of the empire established by Sargon seems to have been as sudden as its rise, and little is known about the Gutian period. From the fall of Akkad ca. 2083 BC until the Sumerian renaissance ca. 2050 BC, there is much that is still dark.


西方文明最早在距今五千年前左右,在兩河流域及埃及開啟其端。兩河流域肥沃月灣農業快速發展,產生了幾個繁榮的城邦。不過到了西元前2200年左右,情況 丕變,在這裡建立了應該是人類歷史上的第一個帝國──阿卡德帝國(Akkadian Empire)。鼎盛時期,阿卡德帝國的領域向西拓展到今天的敘利亞,並且包納了整個巴比倫地區。建立阿卡德帝國的國王薩爾貢(King Sargon)被稱為「宇宙四方之王」。最古老的文字記載說「每天有四千人在他面前用餐」,意思是他有能力維持一支龐大的常備軍隊。

薩爾貢統治阿卡德帝國五十六年,他的兩個兒子接著統治了二十六年,然後他的孫子即位,更進一步給予自己神的稱號。突然之間,阿卡德帝國土崩瓦解了。稍後的 紀錄說:「自從城市建立後,第一次/豐厚的農地不生產穀物/有水的地方也沒有了魚/人工灌溉的田園也沒有了蜜和酒/聚攏的雲不下雨,植物不長/那時候,一 塊錢只能買半夸特的油/一塊錢只能買四分之一夸特的穀物/每個城市都賣得那麼貴!/睡在屋頂上的人死在屋頂上/睡在家裡的人沒有埋葬/人們痛苦地忍受著飢 餓。」



我們今天可以藉由分析地底下挖掘出來的土層成分,精確地記錄幾千年前的變化。科學家發現,就在阿卡德帝國瓦解的那幾年,敘利亞平原的降雨量大幅下降。的 確,「聚攏的雲不下雨」了,而且這變化持續了七、八年。敘利亞平原本來就不是一個多雨的地區,平均年雨量五百公釐左右,維持農業本來就沒那麼容易。遇到 一、兩年的乾旱,已經是大挑戰了,何況是七、八年沒有充足雨量!難怪當時的記錄悲嘆:「連地裡的蚯蚓都活不了了!」

人類歷史上的第一個帝國,不是亡於宮廷鬥爭,不是亡於社會動亂革命,也不是亡於外力征伐,而是亡於氣候變化。氣候變化比所有其他因素更強烈,更難抵抗。這 樣的歷史事實,應該給我們多一點警惕,對於氣候變化的模式及其影響因素,更加小心謹慎吧。畢竟,沒有人願意看到人類歷史上最後一個強權,也毀於氣候變化, 那樣的話,幾千年累積的人類文明也將隨而死滅了。

薩爾瓦多 El Salvador

El Salvador

A country of Central America bordering on the Pacific Ocean. Conquered by Spain in 1524, the region gained its independence in 1821, joined (1825-1838) a federation of Central American states, and became a separate republic in 1839. The country was ruled by a series of military governments from 1931 to 1979 and was embroiled in a civil war from 1980 to 1992. San Salvador is the capital and the largest city. Population: 6,950,000.


薩爾瓦多大學獨立自主於任何政府單位的管轄,所有校務全校師生自治自理,充分展現大學自主的精神,而這一切,是以寶貴的性命換來的。校園巡禮時,我們看到城 牆上寫著「薩大拒絕死亡」的箴言。薩爾瓦多內戰十二年(1980-1992),費利克斯‧烏佑亞(Felix Ulloa, 1929-1980)校長為捍衛學術自由,拒絕關閉校園,抗拒軍方管制,1980年10月28日在距離校園百公尺內被機關槍掃射,翌日辭世。城牆上還有被 喻為國家詩人的達爾頓(Roque Dalton)的〈詩的藝術〉詩篇:「原諒我幫助你了解,你不止是文字而已。」就像烏佑亞校長所言:「大學不止是建築物而已。」「那些記得亡者的人民是有福的,因為他們永存不朽。」

國家詩人達爾頓(Roque Dalton)的〈詩的藝術〉刻在大學牆上。
台 北到薩爾瓦多,可以經由洛杉磯直飛,就是詩人義芝教授〈早安,薩爾瓦多〉文章裡描述的航程。台北到洛杉磯的飛航是從夜晚到深夜,從洛杉磯到聖薩爾瓦多是午夜到天明,一路都是睡眠時間。在這樣可以長途享受睡眠的旅程裡卻反常地不再貪睡。黎明五時,天空已見晨曦掐破停雲靄靄,我身旁的美籍祕魯裔女子好奇地追 問,「台灣大學的師生講英文,說西語,擔任青年大使,要去薩爾瓦多學術交流:很特別、有意思、多美妙的事!」

十七世紀,西班牙人將地理位置類似的基隆港和平島叫作聖薩爾瓦多城。太平洋彼岸的薩爾瓦多,經歷殖民的壓迫,內戰頻仍的苦難,經濟蕭條的窮困;也像他們的 發源地庫斯卡特蘭(Cuscatlan)的意涵一樣,它是一塊瑰寶之地;和他們的民謠〈煤炭工〉一樣:「身扛黑木炭,傾瀉愛的光芒。」和大學牆的座右銘一 樣:「五百年後,繼續抵抗。」如今,他們拋開軍事箝制,結束烽火,開始認識新世界,不過二十年。經過漫漫長夜,該是道聲早安的時候了。

2010年10月17日 星期日

希望 大肚山 東海的人生饗宴



2010年10月11日 星期一



Killed pilot whales on the beach in the villageHvalba on the southernmost Faroese island Suðuroy, 11 August 2002.

Records of drive hunts in the Faroe Islands date back to 1584.[16] It is regulated by Faroese authorities but not by the International Whaling Commission as there are disagreements about the Commission's legal authority to regulate small cetacean hunts. Hundreds of long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melaena) are killed annually, mainly during the summer. The hunts, called "grindadráp" in Faroese, are non-commercial and are organized on a community level; anyone can participate. The hunters first surround the pilot whales with a wide semicircle of boats. Then they drive the whales slowly into a bay or to the shallows of a fjord. When a whale is in shallow water a hook is placed in its blowhole so that it may be dragged ashore. Once on land or immobilized in knee deep water, a cut is made across its top near the blowhole to partially sever its head. The dead or dying animals are then dragged further to shore after the remaining whales have been likewise killed.[17]

Some Faroese consider the hunt an important part of their culture and history. Animal-rights groups criticize the hunt as being cruel and unnecessary, while the hunters claim in return that most journalists do not exhibit sufficient knowledge of the catch methods or its economic significance.[18][19][20]


These Denmark people is a big shame of human being.

The sea is stained in red and

in the mean while
its not because of the climate effects of nature.


It's because of the cruelty that the human beings (civilised human)
kill hundreds of the famous and intelligent Calderon dolphins.


This happens every year in Feroe Iland in Denmark .
In this slaughter the main participants are young teens.
A celebration, to show that they are adults and mature!



In this big celebration, nothing is missing for the fun.
Everyone is participating in one way or the other
killing or looking at the cruelty supporting like a spectator


Is it necessary to mention that the dolphin calderon
like all the other species of dolphins,
its near extinction and they get near men to play and interact
In a way of PURE friendship



They dont die instantly
they are cut 1, 2 or 3 times with thick hooks
And at that time the dolphins produce a grim cry like that of a new born child



But he suffers and theres no compassion
while this magnificent creature slowly dies in its own blood



Its enough!
We will send this mail

until this email arrives in any association defending the animals
we wont only read.
That would make us accomplices, viewers



我忽然就想起,在Michael的那首《Earth song》的MV裏,那些被鐵網套住的海豚和棍棒敲擊海豹的畫面。

在此,我想引用作者Sandra Sasvari在《邁克爾 .傑克遜和人性》裏的一段話:
馬丁 .路德金說過:“歷史將記取的社會轉變的最大悲劇不是壞人的喧囂,而是好人的沉默。”

就像邁克爾 .傑克遜的著名的歌中唱道:“如果他們問為什麼,為什麼?告訴他們這就是人性。”


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2010年10月3日 星期日

Bremen 不来梅

德国纪事 | 2010.10.03

纪念统一20周年 总统呼吁全民团结




庆典现场Bildunterschrift: 庆典现场10月3日上午,正式庆祝活动在不来梅圣彼德大教堂举行,以宗教典礼开始。德国总统伍尔夫、总理默克尔和联邦部长、州长、各国大使和公民代表团参加了典礼。
天主教主教博德(Franz-Josef Bode)在他的祷词里指出20年前的和平转折带来的成就,他呼吁在场人士珍惜来之不易的统一,"在当前社会、教会和世界所处的危机时期,我们应该把对一 个统一的、强大的德国的感激和喜悦之情理解成挑战,要作出一切努力,继续从真实的、深刻的转折里汲取动力。"这位主教在他的祷词里却也没有放弃批评性的言 论,他指出在转折之后一度出现过肆无忌惮的行为。
代表不来梅基督新教,神父勃拉姆斯(Renke Brahms)对这个社会日益扩大的社会分裂提出批评。他说,现在的界限不再是划在东西部之间,而是,"今天的大墙隔在了穷人和富人之间,同样也隔在北方和南方之间,隔在各地区和城区之间。"
那时的德国总统魏茨泽克和联邦议院议长许斯穆特Bildunterschrift: 那时的德国总统魏茨泽克和联邦议院议长许斯穆特联邦总统伍尔夫首先赞扬了20年前推倒柏林墙的东德人的勇气,"我向所有为统一斗争过的人鞠躬。"在近100天前的总统就职演说里,他曾经强调指出,东德人的转折意愿至今没有得到足够的报答。
在来自德国各地和世界各国的贵宾面前,伍尔夫警告大家高度警惕老人与年轻人、高收入者与低收入者、民众与民众代表、以及文化与宗教信仰不同的人之间 的鸿沟变大。伍尔夫没有直接提到前联邦银行董事扎拉青的名字,不过指出,这场辩论是必要的,但不能允许这样的辩论伤及有外国背景的公民。
默克尔在不来梅市政厅留言,站着的是伍尔夫夫妇和不来梅市长博伦森Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift:  默克尔在不来梅市政厅留言,站着的是伍尔夫夫妇和不来梅市长博伦森伍尔夫呼吁德国人,与其他人共同去完成未来的任务,"最卓有成效的加强凝聚力的方法,是信任别人,放手让他们去做些事情。"他说:"要让这个国家成为一个家,大家的家。"
祝福与祝愿从世界各地飞来。美国总统奥巴马在白宫发表的一个声明里说,德国是美国最紧密的盟友和最好的朋友之一,美国人对他们为保卫自由的柏林和支 持德国人走向人的尊严方面起到的作用感到自豪。俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫在贺电里强调了俄罗斯对德国和欧洲统一起到的"关键作用"。
在不来梅,大型民众庆祝活动周六已经开始,周日继续着。在柏林的勃兰登堡大门那里设立了一个大型庆祝场。周日晚上,联邦议院将自己举办一个活动来纪 念20年前的大庆典。晚上,还将在柏林宪兵广场的柏林音乐厅举行统一奖"Quadriga"颁奖仪式,大奖将颁给联邦国防军、希腊总理帕潘德里奥、最后一 任德意志民主共和国总理德梅齐尔(Lothar de Maiziere)和现任联邦财政部长朔伊布勒。朔伊布勒在20年前参加了统一条约的讨论。
作者:Eloeonore Uhlich 编译:平心

City (pop., 2002 est.: city, 540,950; metro. area, 849,800), northwestern Germany. Located on the Weser River, it was established as a diocese in 787 by Charlemagne and was the seat of an archbishopric from 845. In the 10th century it became an economic centre of northern Germany, especially after entering the Hanseatic League in 1358. It joined the German Confederation in 1815 and the reconstituted German Empire in 1871. It suffered extensive damage in World War II; after the war Bremen, with nearby Bremerhaven (pop., 2002 est.: 195,863), became a state of West Germany. Today the state, covering 156 sq mi (404 sq km), forms an integral part of the German economy and serves as headquarters for many industries.

Bremen (brā'mən), city (1994 pop. 551,600), capital of the state of Bremen, NW Germany, on the Weser River. Known as the Free Hanse City of Bremen (Ger. Freie Hansestadt Bremen), it is Germany's largest port after Hamburg and is a commercial and industrial center trading in cotton, wool, tobacco, and copper. The city's products include ships, aircraft, steel, machinery, electrical equipment, textiles, beer, and foodstuffs, particularly roasted coffee. In recent years Bremen has employed about half its workforce in commerce, transportation, and the service sector. The shipyard that was once its largest employer closed in 1996. Bremen is Germany's oldest port city. It was made an archbishopric in 845, and under Archbishop Adalbert (1043-72) it included all of Scandinavia, Iceland, and Greenland. The archbishops held temporal sway over a large area between the Weser and Elbe rivers, but the city of Bremen itself remained virtually independent as its importance grew. In 1358 it became one of the leading members of the Hanseatic League. It accepted the Reformation in 1522, and in 1646 it was made a free imperial city. It stubbornly fought to preserve this status after the archbishopric had been assigned to Sweden by the Peace of Westphalia and later was ceded (1719) by Sweden to the elector of Hanover (George I of England). Bremen was occupied by France from 1810 to 1813. The city's overseas trade-from the late 18th cent. particularly with the United States-grew in the 19th cent., partly because of the founding (1827) of nearby Bremerhaven and the establishment (1857) of Norddeutscher Lloyd (North German Lloyd), a large shipping company. The city joined the German Empire in 1871. After World War I, there was a short-lived (1918-19) socialist republic of Bremen. The city was badly damaged by bombs during World War II, but numerous historic monuments remain, including the Gothic city hall (1405-9); the statue of Roland, the medieval hero, which was erected in 1404 as a symbol of the city's freedom; the cathedral (begun 1043), a blend of Romanesque and Gothic styles; and two noted churches-the Liebfrauenkirche (13th cent.) and the Johanneskirche (14th cent.). The city has a major art museum and a museum of overseas ethnology. The state of Bremen (1994 pop. 674,300), 156 sq mi (404 sq km), was formed in 1947 by combining Bremen and Bremerhaven.

2010年10月2日 星期六

Germany kicks off celebrations to mark 20 years since reunification

German Reunification | 02.10.2010

Germany kicks off celebrations to mark 20 years since reunification

Germany has begun a weekend of celebrations to mark the 20th anniversary of reunification. Politicians have been urging Germans to celebrate the accomplishments achieved in the united country over the past two decades.

On October 3, 1990 Germany was officially reunified after four decades of division into the Soviet-controlled communist German Democratic Republic in the east and the Federal Republic of Germany in the west.

The Berlin Wall had fallen just 11 months earlier when Germans celebrated their reunited status in front of the Bundestag, or parliament, in Berlin.

October 3 has been a public holiday since, with the northern port city of Bremen this year taking its turn as the lead city for the celebrations.

The city has been turned into a venue for concerts, street parties, parades and appearances by leading politicians.

"Today, we remember the brave citizens who fought for freedom. That's why we're celebrating today with a citizens' festival," Bremen mayor and the current president of the upper house of the German parliament, Jens Boehrnsen said on Saturday as he kicked off the festivities.

In the market square, a version of the Berlin Wall has been erected to display images and texts showing the story of the country's division and reunification.

Bremen Premier Jens Boehrnsen surrounded by students during reunification celebrationsBildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: Surrounded by students, Bremen mayor Boehrnsen kicked off celebrations

Among the high points of the celebrations set to take place over the weekend are a firework display on Saturday evening along with a performance by 1980s German pop sensation Nena.

Protests mainly peaceful

Around 1,500 mainly left-wing demonstrators held protests in Bremen on Saturdsay, coinciding with celebrations for the 20th anniversary of German reunification.

Under the motto "October 3rd is not a day to celebrate" the demonstrators marched through Bremen's city-center. Fireworks and bottles were thrown but a police spokesman said fears of large-scale riots did not materialize.

Ahead of the weekend celebrations leftists groups and anarchists had threatened to launch attacks and civil unrest.

Merkel emphasizes solidarity

Chancellor Angela Merkel and German President Christian Wulff are due to give speeches on Sunday, with a church service also planned.

All 16 of Germany's states and cities were being represented at the festival venue.

In her weekly video address, Merkel urged Germans to value the freedom and democracy reunification brought to eastern Germany and not just complain about the costs.

"For people from the former GDR (German Democratic Republic) almost everything has changed," she said, noting the "wave of solidarity" from the former West Germany.

"It's thanks to these joint efforts that we've been able to rebuild so quickly," she added.

In an interview with daily Bild am Sonntag, Merkel said she wished people in the West would appreciate more what people in the former East had achieved.

"It's a shame that some people still don't understand that the GDR regime was one thing, but the individual people and their achievements are another."

Speaking ahead of the anniversary, President Wulff said: "20 years of German unity is an occasion to celebrate, but also to pause for thought. The changes that have occurred in our country in this time are immense, particularly in the east."

Famous landmark is a focus

Then Chancellor Helmut Kohl in 1990 Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: Kohl presided over the process of German reunification

In Berlin, the Brandenburg Gate is the focal point for an entertainment program, with stage shows and attractions lined up along the avenue leading to the landmark.

As the country prepared for the occasion, there was a rare speech on Friday from former Chancellor Helmut Kohl, who is known in Germany as "The Reunification Chancellor."

Kohl, aged 80 and now confined to a wheelchair, spoke of the significance of the occasion to a meeting of Christian Democratic party colleagues.

"These dates are an occasion to take pleasure in what we have achieved, to remember with gratitude and pride where we have come from and also to look forward together," he said.

Author: Richard Connor (AFP/dpa)
Editor: Toma Tasovac