A country of Central America bordering on the Pacific Ocean. Conquered by Spain in 1524, the region gained its independence in 1821, joined (1825-1838) a federation of Central American states, and became a separate republic in 1839. The country was ruled by a series of military governments from 1931 to 1979 and was embroiled in a civil war from 1980 to 1992. San Salvador is the capital and the largest city. Population: 6,950,000.
薩爾瓦多大學牆上紀念為捍衛大學自由而被槍殺的校長烏佑亞,寫著「校長‧烈士」。 張淑英/攝影 |
國家詩人達爾頓(Roque Dalton)的〈詩的藝術〉刻在大學牆上。 張淑英/攝影 |
十七世紀,西班牙人將地理位置類似的基隆港和平島叫作聖薩爾瓦多城。太平洋彼岸的薩爾瓦多,經歷殖民的壓迫,內戰頻仍的苦難,經濟蕭條的窮困;也像他們的 發源地庫斯卡特蘭(Cuscatlan)的意涵一樣,它是一塊瑰寶之地;和他們的民謠〈煤炭工〉一樣:「身扛黑木炭,傾瀉愛的光芒。」和大學牆的座右銘一 樣:「五百年後,繼續抵抗。」如今,他們拋開軍事箝制,結束烽火,開始認識新世界,不過二十年。經過漫漫長夜,該是道聲早安的時候了。
2010.10.21 03:34 am |