2011年2月26日 星期六




文.曾慧雯  攝影.陳德信

2011/02 康健雜誌 147期




這座仿鄰近北關海岸一帶常見單面山設計的建築,就是歷經18年漫長籌備、終於在2010年1 0 月正式開幕的蘭陽博物館。



走進博物館, 第二波視覺的衝擊襲來。內部空間是一個廣大的三角錐,右邊牆面的石材斜排拼貼,在光影照映下,石板深淺色澤交錯卻又工整劃一,就像從空中鳥瞰著翠綠與金黃交織的蘭陽平原水稻田。



「有些遊客反應說, 踏進博物館會覺得有點頭暈,」蘭陽博物館展示組組員詹喻雯笑說,傾斜的單面山造型,的確會讓有些人感到不太平衡,所以博物館還特地在手扶梯貼上垂直的紅色貼紙,讓頭暈的遊客可以靠貼紙來分辨水平與垂











另外, 博物館對於早期宜蘭人的庶民生活也有詳細的描繪。展場播放影片介紹中元節頭城「搶孤」的歷史,還有一座等比例縮小的「孤棧」可供遊客想像搶孤時的熱鬧陣仗。





在「海之層」, 最引人注目的應該要算是已經退役的漁船「南風壹號」,過去漁民就是靠它乘風破浪,用「射鏢」的方法獵捕旗魚與鯊魚;只是現在「鏢魚」的技法已經逐漸失傳,只留下南風壹號作為見證,遊客不妨登船一探究竟。


繼續往下來到「時光廊」,迎接遊客的是作家黃春明充滿童趣的撕畫作品《來去宜蘭》。這一區講述的是蘭陽博物館從無到有的故事, 宜蘭地方人士歷經1 8 年的奔走與努力,夢想終於成真;到了這裡,才發現眼前的一磚一瓦、每一項館藏,都是許多人心血的結晶。






.館址:宜蘭縣頭城鎮青雲路三段750號 電話:03-9779700



Underrated Taipei, Taiwan

Stories Taiwan | Travel

Underrated Taipei, Taiwan


Underrated Taipei, Taiwan Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall

Many Americans don’t know where Taiwan is or mistake it for its Southeast Asian cousin, Thailand. However, for those of you unsure of Taiwan’s location, you’re missing out. Whether you’re a budget backpacker or a five-star princess, Taipei has accommodations to fit your bill.

Taipei is the home to some of the best shopping in the world, endless museums, cultural sights, night markets, hot springs, hiking and delicious foods. Its people are friendly and caring and will never hesitate to help you. After a vacation in Taipei, most tourists wonder why more Americans don’t visit this small island off of mainland China.

The shopping in Taipei is some of the best, and rivals New York City and Los Angeles. Trendsetters have many options: luxury department stores surrounding the Taipei 101 and other areas, the wholesale fashion district, Japanese and Korean fashion in XinMenDing and much more. Some of it is downright bizarre, and if you don’t fit the frame of a 5-foot, 90-pound Taiwanese girl, you may face some difficulty buying clothes in the wholesale district. However, department stores usually have a range of sizes, even larger shoes.

The imposing Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial is one of the best cultural sights in the city and is a perfect shot for the aspiring or professional photographer. The building’s architecture is unique for the region and inside the building there is a museum dedicated to the former dictator’s life. Additionally, you can climb the 89 steps to the statue of Chiang Kai-Shek, and may be lucky enough to catch the changing of the guards.

Taipei has a plethora of temples, but Longshan Temple is the one worth noting. Bring your camera or simply light some incense and join the monks in prayer. The temple is dedicated to Guanyin, a deity worshipped around the island, but officially, the temple is nondenominational.

Night markets are perhaps one of the best aspects of Taipei, especially for those who like to snack or shop after sundown. The ShiLin and ShiDa (near National Taiwan Normal University) are some of the best. Come prepared to bargain and shop for cheap jewelry, clothes and electronic accessories, and be ready to get your snack on. During the summer, night markets are the home to bao bing, or shaved ice with your choice of toppings – a perfect way to cool off on a hot summer night. Other snacks include stinky tofu, kebobs, wontons, even chickens’ feet.

The MRT, or subway in Taipei, is very convenient and relatively extensive. You can take the MRT out to Danshui and enjoy a sunset stroll by the water, or the combination of MRT and bus to the Beitou hot springs for a nice soak.

Taiwan should not be passed over on your way to Hong Kong or other large cities. Its food is some of the best in the world, and its buzzing city of Taipei offers endless activities for those with the travel bug.

2011年2月21日 星期一

香港的"出差宿舍" 高樓住宅區

看到"北京近千套限價房開始配售" 我想台灣的一些新市鎮可能相差無幾

我過去20幾年經過香港/中國 每每為其高樓住宅區所"吸引"---聽說長期住超過7-8層樓的人 心理會受到影響

不過我約10年前與Bruce Lee 住過他們公司在香港的"出差宿舍" 它就是位在這類建築物中間 不過香港的 似乎有些環境的配套設施 所以感覺還可以 沒有很大的壓迫感

寫出這與朋友的經驗 當做一種懷念












2011年2月17日 星期四




  • 2011-02-18
  • 中國時報
  • 【李黎】


 大概是我的運動神 經天生不發達,自小凡是動四肢的事我都做不好,從來沒有一個體育老師喜歡過我。玩任何需要追趕的遊戲向來追不上人家,反之都是才起跑就被人捉住;團體體能 遊戲分組時同學都避我唯恐不及,怕我的表現會拉低大家的分數。玩躲避球我總是活靶,因為我很少躲得過,一聽說體育課要打躲避球我就痛苦不堪。

 躲避球場是個弱肉強食的世界。力氣大、扔球既狠且準的人,一眼就會看出像我這種不會閃避更不擅扔球的待宰羔羊。一個高大粗壯的女生右手抬 舉著球,盯住我,臉上帶一絲殘忍的快意,這個恐怖的一剎那像電影定格,至今腦海中還可以清晰無比的重播。我實在不懂為甚麼有人會發明這樣殘忍的遊戲,而且 稱之為「運動」,強迫孩子們參與?

 我連騎腳踏車都比大家晚,上中學時幾乎每個人都會騎車了,唯獨我還停留在請求同學讓我跳上後車架搭個便車的階段──有時還會遭到拒絕,怕 我「跳車」的身手不夠俐落,殃及騎士。小女孩的遊戲像踢毽子,拍球,繞橡皮筋,跳繩,我當然無一項精通。最簡單的拍小皮球還勉強可以對付,複雜些的球技就 談不上了。奶奶用老舊的方孔銅錢和漂亮的雞毛特為我做的毽子,我卻最多只能踢兩下;繞橡皮筋一定一上去就絆到跌跤;跳繩多半是被淘汰到甩繩子讓別人跳。



 比較有把握的遊戲是動作幅度最小的:彈鳳凰樹的豆籽。說到鳳凰樹,可真是一樣美好的東西,即使不開花的時候,枝葉茂盛得華蓋似的,帶給了 烈日下的南台灣多少蔭涼!開花時更不用說了,那火辣辣的豔麗的南國風情,日後我不論走到天涯海角,心裡始終揣著鳳凰花樹鮮明美麗的圖像。


 鳳凰樹的豆莢特別大而堅硬,顏色深褐近黑,男生喜歡拿來當玩具刀揮舞,女生則是對裡面的豆籽有興趣。那些豆籽呈長橢圓形,也是堅硬無比。 有一段時候小學裡幾乎每個女生都有一罐豆籽,玩的時候每人取出若干粒,在桌上輕輕一撒,選兩顆距離適中的豆籽從中間用指尖一劃,不可以碰到任何一顆,然後 用其中一粒輕彈另外那粒,彈中了就歸你。厲害的高手可以一路「吃」下去,贏一大把豆籽。我的那罐豆籽不少也是贏來的,因此特別珍視,當成寶貝一樣,搖一搖 聽聽幾百粒豆籽飽滿細碎的撞擊聲,心中也有一份飽滿的喜悅。



2011年2月15日 星期二

Casoria/The Seduction of Culture in German History

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Comune di Casoria
Panorama of Casoria

Coat of arms
Casoria is located in Italy
Location of Casoria in Italy
Coordinates: 40°54′N 14°18′E / 40.9°N 14.3°E / 40.9; 14.3
Country Italy
Region Campania
Province Naples (NA)
Frazioni Arpino
- Mayor Stefano Ferrara
- Total 12.03 km2 (4.6 sq mi)
Elevation 70 m (230 ft)
Population (1 August 2009[1])
- Total 80,080
- Density 6,656.7/km2 (17,240.8/sq mi)
Demonym Casoriani
Time zone CET (UTC+1)
- Summer (DST) CEST (UTC+2)
Postal code 80026
Dialing code 081
Website Official website

Casoria is a comune (municipality) in the Province of Naples in the Italian region Campania, located about 9 km northeast of Naples.

Casoria borders the following municipalities: Afragola, Arzano, Cardito, Casalnuovo di Napoli, Casavatore, Frattamaggiore, Naples, Volla.

[edit] History

The name of Casoria is mentioned for the first time in documents from 993-998, connected to the casa aurea raviosa (Latin: "Golden House of Raviosa") mentioned in other documents from 952-988. However, numerous findings have proven that the territory was inhabited several centuries before Christ.

The village of Casoria developed after the year 1000 AD, thanks to the Benedictine monastery of San Gregorio Armeno of Naples. In the 13th century it was a fief of the archbishop of Naples. In 1580 it was acquired by the Royal Estate of the Kingdom of Naples. In 1815 it was made capital of a circondario of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, including 19 communes.

Its marshy territory was reclaimed in the same period, becoming one of the most fertile areas in the region. Until the 1950s, Casoria was an agricultural center, also producing pasta and wine, as well as cannabis handicrafts. Its industrial development, during which it became the main industrial hub in southern Italy, caused the population to increase by four times from 1951 to 1991. Most of the industries have disappeared now.

In 2005 the communal council was dissolved due to camorra connections of its members.

[edit] References

The Seduction of Culture in German History Wolf ...

《中英對照讀新聞》Italian museum chief asks Merkel for asylum 義大利博物館館長向梅克爾尋求庇護

◎ 魏國金

An Italian museum director told AFP he is asking for asylum in Germany, saying he is fed up with mafia threats and a government that is failing to protect Italy’s rich cultural heritage.


"I wrote a letter to German Chancellor Angela Merkel," said Antonio Manfredi, director of the Contemporary Art Museum in Casoria, an impoverished and crime-heavy town close to Naples in southern Italy.


"I’m serious. If she gives me asylum, I’m going to pack up my bags and move to Germany with my staff and the museum’s entire collection of 1,000 works," said Manfredi, who is also a sculptor.


To make his point, he has even planted a German flag outside the museum.


A native of Casoria, Manfredi returned to his hometown after a career abroad including in China and the United States and set up the museum in 2005.


Manfredi said he has received no funds from the state and has given up hope of getting any after some recent highly-publicised accidents at the ancient site of Pompeii. "If a government allows Pompeii to fall then what hope does my museum have... There’s an enormous problem with culture in Italy," he said.



asylum︰收容所、避難所、庇護權。例句︰The Swedish court granted asylum to the ex-Guantanamo prisoner.(瑞典法院給與這名前關達納摩監獄囚犯庇護。)

be fed up with︰厭倦、不滿極了。例句︰I am fed up with her constant complaints.(我受夠了她沒完沒了的抱怨。)

make one’s point︰清楚表達某人意圖、說服他人贊同某人。例句︰You have made your point, there is no need to keep going on about it.(你已清楚表達你的觀點,所以無須對此再繼續下去。)

2011年2月14日 星期一

Sevilla/ Azulejo

Panel of glazed tiles by Jorge Colaço (1922) depicting an episode from the battle of Aljubarrota (1385) between the Portuguese and Castilian armies. A piece of public art in Lisbon, Portugal.

Azulejo (Portuguese pronunciation: [ɐzuˈleʒu], Spanish

pronunciation: [aθuˈlexo]) from the Arabic word zellij زليج is a form of Portuguese or Spanish painted, tin-glazed, ceramic tilework. They have become a typical aspect of Portuguese culture, having been produced without interruption for five centuries. There is also a tradition of their production in former Portuguese and Spanish colonies in Latin America.

In Portugal, azulejos are found on the interior and exterior of churches, palaces, ordinary houses and even train stations or subway stations. They constitute a major aspect of Portuguese architecture as they are applied on walls, floors and even ceilings. They were not only used as an ornamental art form, but also had a specific functional capacity like temperature control at homes. Many azulejos chronicle major historical and cultural aspects of Portuguese history.

Reales Alcazares王宮後院所鋪的Azulejo地磚。


據說,Azulejo(按:Azulejo一詞源出北非陶土燒,現廣義為裝飾性的馬賽克。)於 葡萄牙更能看得齊全,可 是Algarve沿海各城鎮找遍,畫的不是橄欖就是Gallo那隻公雞(註),嵌入軟木當隔熱墊子,價廉,都沒想買,把無用的紀念品帶回家徒增懊惱。油 瓶、茶壺、碟子、杯子……沒完沒了的橄欖與Gallo,妳要的仍舊是用Azulejo黏貼的整片牆。於是妳捨北非往南去。

Sevilla FC - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- [ 翻譯此頁 ]
Sevilla Fútbol Club S.A.D. is a Spanish professional football club that plays in the Spanish La Liga championship. The club was established on 14 October ...

2011年2月12日 星期六

The Mountains of the Monsoon


The Mountains of the Monsoon

Rather than joining the family business, Indian wildlife photographer Sandesh Kadur committed himself to documenting the natural treasures and zoological wonders to be found only a few hours drive from his native Bangalore. Although less than 10% of the Western Ghats remain untouched, these mountains are one of the most biologically diverse places left on the planet. Their unique beauty and mystery are embodied for Sandesh in a chance sighting he had 10 years ago with a strange, all-grey feline unlike anything he had ever seen before – but known by the local tribal people as the pogeyan. Whether or not this enigmatic cat-in-the-ghat really is a new species, the pogeyan has become for Sandesh a talisman – offering some hope for the future in nature’s ability to survive the unprecedented pressures which 21st century India is subjecting its last wild places to.

This is the story of Sandesh Kadur’s journey through one of India’s last wildernesses and his quest to document and show why preserving such wild places matters to modern India.

If you are a UK resident and would like to watch the program you can watch it on BBC’s iPlayer

For comments and feedback please Click Here.

Wildlife documentary. Environmentalist and photographer, Sandesh Kadur, has traded a comfortable career in the family business to explore the natural wonders of the Western Ghats mountains. Just a few hours drive from the commercial bustle of his native Bangalore, Sandesh could be a world away. The monsoon pours six metres of rainfall each year on the remote peaks and isolated valleys of the Ghats. Alongside familiar Indian species like elephants, tigers and peacocks are more mysterious creatures that are found nowhere else: a purple frog with a face like a shrew and a monkey with a lion-like mane and tail.

Most intriguing of all, a chance sighting of a grey big cat, unlike anything scientists have seen before. To find out whether this enigmatic cat-in-the-ghat really is a new species, Sandesh must climb to the summit of these mountains. His journey is a reminder that in fast-track, modern India, this cloud-wrapped wilderness is more precious than ever.