2011年8月2日 星期二

Times Square

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纽约 据德新社报道,在世界资本主义的中心未来将无时无刻不看到中国官方通讯社—新华社。从本周一��8月1日)起,纽约时代广场的一块18米高、12米宽的液晶广告牌从英国汇丰银行长期转手给新华社,一天24小时显示这个中国官方通讯社的广告。当新华社的标志在该广告牌上开始闪亮时,一些示威者在广告牌下举行示威,抗议中国的西藏政策以及对新闻和言论自由的侵犯。时代广场是美国最活跃的广场之一,是纽约市的一大旅游热点。该地建筑物的墙面嵌满巨大的电子屏幕,广告昼夜不断。此地广告租金昂贵。新华社付了多少租金,目前不为外界所知。

Xinhua Takes on Times Square

Zuma Press
A new electronic billboard leased by Xinhua, the news agency operated by the Chinese government, debuted Monday in Times Square.
AFP/Getty Images

Xinhua, the news agency run by Chinese government, joined Time Square’s glowing pantheon of corporate iconography Monday, taking the second-highest position in a tower of flashing displays for Prudential, Coca-Cola, Samsung and Hyundai.

The huge LED sign measures 60 feet by 40 feet and replaces a billboard at 2 Times Square that had been leased by HSBC for the last decade. (No word on whether the move is part of HSBC’s just-announced round of cuts.)

Xinhua’s ascension to one of the most visible billboards in the world comes on the same day that Al-Jazeera English, an affiliate of the global news organization owned by Qatar, began broadcasting on New York’s Time Warner Cable.

For Xinhua, the billboard highlights its shift into more visible position in New York’s media landscape. The state-run news agency recently finalized a deal to move to the top floor of the 44-story skyscraper at 1540 Broadway — the same building that is now home to the huge Forever 21 store and near media giant Thomson Reuters. The company’s North American news operations had previously been headquartered in Woodside, Queens.

“We are doing more coverage here,” Zeng Hu, Xinhua’s North America bureau chief, told WSJ’s Anton Troianovski in June. With the move to Manhattan, he said the agency may increase its New York staff.

The billboard will bring new visibility to the news organization, but it won’t help spread Xinhua’s news to tourists and office workers hurrying through Times Square.

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