2012年1月24日 星期二

Where to go in 2012

The Year in Video
The Editors' pick the top videos of 2011. Some videos that made the list are Nick Kristof's return to Bahrain, a feature with the best performers from the year in film, Melissa Clark's pizza from scratch and the series on Derek Boogaard. See these videos and many more on nytimes.com/video.

Where to go in 2012
Don't miss the 45 places to go in 2012, London, Havana, Lhasa and, yes, even the final frontier, made the list. Find out where to go to understand the World. Start with China and India - and not just the cities - writes Nicholas D. Kristof. Read about where to go to shop - Saris in India, sweaters in Peru and vintage in Los Angeles. A designer shares her shopping secrets. See the complete Where to Go in 2012 series on nytimes.com/travel.

2012年1月21日 星期六


阿姆斯特丹和新加坡都用過餐 不過在荷蘭的美食多在其他城市

Li Xin makes ramen at a stall at Rasapura Masters, an upscale food court that seats 960.

Singapore Hawker Stalls Move Indoors


Singapore hawker stalls are now accessible in food courts, enabling one-stop eating for popular street food

A salad at Restaurant As.
Choice Tables

Eating Out in Amsterdam: Way Beyond Herring


Mark Bittman returns to Amsterdam, happily finding more Dutch in the local cuisine.

2012年1月20日 星期五



文化中心變成大墩文化中心 。一樓變成粗糙的時裝設計和書法展,我一望之下,連想進去的念頭都沒 。國立美術館的情形類似,只有一處要收費的日本卡通家族展有大人帶小孩參關,其他我連想走進或走上/下的念頭都沒有。

也不會想去玻璃帷幕蓋的市政府--- 這玩藝,在上世紀80年代的西方,早已被宣判死刑,沒想到馬英九的建成圓環和胡志強的市府都採用。哈哈,台灣的命運如此,似乎沒什麼好說的。


2012年1月19日 星期四

Washington Monument 照片容易欺人

華盛頓紀念碑的大小是遠比你想像的大 高度近170米
Obelisk in Washington, D.C., U.S., honouring George Washington, the first president of the United States. Based on a design by Robert Mills (b. 1781 — d. 1855), it was built between 1848 and 1884. It is constructed of granite faced with Maryland marble and is some 555.5 ft (169.3 m) high, the world's tallest masonry structure. Inserted in the interior walls are more than 190 carved stones presented by various individuals, cities, states, and foreign countries. It is located on grounds that are a westward extension of the Mall. The top can be reached by elevator or by an interior iron stairway. It underwent a major restoration in the 1990s and reopened in 2001.

Billionaire Donates $7.5 Million To Fix Washington Monument

Carlyle Group's David Rubenstein will pay for half of the repairs needed after last summer's quake.

The Washington Monument has been closed to the public since it was damaged during last summer's earthquake

Photo by Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images.

The co-founder of one of the world's largest private equity funds will donate $7.5 million to help repair the shuttered Washington Monument, government officials announced Thursday.

The donation from David Rubenstein, the managing director of the Carylye Group, which he held found in 1987, matches the amount allocated by Congress to fix the 555-foot-tall monument, which was damaged this past summer during the 5.8-magnitude earthquake that rocked the East Coast in August.

In an interview with the Washington Post, the 62-year-old billionaire said that he offered to come forward after government officials indicated they were looking for private donors to pay for half of the needed repairs. "They would put up half the money for the repairs," Rubenstein said. "As a good citizen, I would put up half of it myself."

The high-profile donation from the private-equity titan comes at a time when the sector has taken its share of hits lately, particularly on the campaign trail where both Republicans and Democrats have questioned its role in job creation. But Rubenstein's gift appears to have been in the works well before Mitt Romney's time at Bain Capital became the focus of attack ads; the National Park Service said that Rubenstein came forward to offer financial help almost immediately after the monument's damage was found.

"I would suggest it hadn’t even stopped shaking before David Rubenstein came to me and asked if he could help,” the park service's director, Jonathan Jarvis, told the Associated Press.

The donation also comes on the heels of other, seven-figure gifts to major national attractions from Rubenstein, including a $13.5 million donation to the National Archives and a $4.5 million gift to help out the National Zoo's giant panda program.

The AP reports that the combined $15 million in repair funds will likely cover the cost of repairing the damage caused to the structure during the quake, but not necessarily the water damage or a seismic study or reinforcements to bolster the monument against future earthquakes. Repairs to the monument will likely take at least a year to complete.

2012年1月16日 星期一

NHK紀錄片 登天之路──西藏開山大運輸

NHK紀錄片 登天之路──西藏開山大運輸


一些觀眾的回應 我看著挺心酸的,好難受!


! 知道,那個村裡只有小學,那麼孩子們上初中高中時 也要翻這樣的山路去上學嗎?

1371K View Download

2012年1月13日 星期五

Niseko, Japan/ Phu Quoc , Vietnam 紐約時報

At Mount Annupuri in Niseko, Japan, with Mount Yotei beyond, snowflakes can be
Next Stop

Niseko, Japan's Own St. Moritz


The snowfall has always been constant and gentle, the slopes almost mystic. Now there is luxury, too.

Sao Beach draws visitors seeking a place to reflect on the beauty of Phu Quoc. The beach, on the opposite coast from the rapidly developing Long Beach, is prized for its relative inaccessibility.

In Bustling Vietnam, a Rare and (still untrammeled) Escape


A few of the treasures on the island of Phu Quoc require a little work and a sense of adventure.

2012年1月12日 星期四


文化人生 | 2012.01.12



"各位女士、先生們,精彩的街頭足球秀即將開始",福格爾(Adrian Fogel)和他的助手在科隆大教堂前的廣場上一邊大聲吆喝,一邊把一隻帶有笑臉的黃色小罐子放在身旁的空地上。福格爾說,這只黃色小罐是他的招財罐,罐子上的笑臉寓含"笑臉相迎"和"歡迎光臨"的意思。

時下的德國已進入深秋的季節,路上行人都已穿上夾克、大衣。福格爾卻脫去運動外套,單衣單褲地開始做表演前的熱身運動。 "我先前在一個足球協會裡踢球,後來在電視上看到有人能把足球玩耍出各種各樣的花式,於是,也轉向練習花式足球。"福格爾說,自己練習花式足球已經有十多年的時間了,儘管如此,福格爾依然不敢懈怠基本功的訓練。 "勤學苦練"是福格爾對花式足球的態度,他說,特別是顛球,動作枯燥、重複,很容易讓人厭煩,"如果沒有足夠熱愛和頑強,堅持下來是很困難的。 "

Straßenkünstler Adrian Fogel mit einem Fussball. Wer hat das Bild gemacht?: Cheng cheng Zhu Wann wurde das Bild gemacht?: 7.11. 2011 Wo wurde das Bild aufgenommen?: Köln 看我的功夫

"花式足球秀正式開始!"福格爾啟動音響,就開始正式和他的助手一起秀起各種不同的技巧,繞球、跳球、顛球、身體傳球,跳繩顛球。在場的觀眾連聲叫好,黃色小罐子不斷傳來硬幣碰撞的響聲。福格爾說,通常秀一場大約耗時5分鐘,平均每五場可以收入50歐。他們以此為生,所以就得盡己所能地表演。 "週末,我們能表演10-12場左右,一天下來收入可觀,但是,人也非常疲勞",福格爾說,街頭表演和一些室內的表演相比,主要的區別就是,街頭秀需要"靠天吃飯",如果天氣下雨下雪,就無法正常演出,"所以,街頭藝術是有相當局限性的"。


儘管已經是花式足球的"老資格"了,福格爾說,自己街頭表演的"道行"還很淺,不過才一年多的時間。 "我喜歡街頭表演, 因為表演隨性而自由,還可以聽到觀眾的不同評論和想法。"福格爾介紹,花式足球誕生於南美洲,最初是貧民窟裡窮孩子的一種街頭遊戲,花式足球的場地和參與人數要求比較隨意,和街舞類似,可以有一對一單挑,也可以三對三的比賽。他說,花式足球目前在中國已經很普及了,但在德國還挺新鮮,所以,德國觀眾對錶演者的水平要求還不是很高。

Straßenkünstler Adrian Fogel mit Gelber Dose zum Geldsammeln. Wer hat das Bild gemacht?: Cheng cheng Zhu Wann wurde das Bild gemacht?: 7.11. 2011 Wo wurde das Bild aufgenommen?: Köln 笑臉相迎

2010年,福格爾曾受邀到上海世博會做足球表演。 "中國觀眾和德國觀眾不同之處在於,中國人更喜歡技巧性較高的表演,特別是看到難度高、速度快的節目時會連聲叫好,德國觀眾側重於美感,比較喜歡漂亮的動作。 "每當有中國遊客為他的表演叫好時,福格爾都會用中文回敬"謝謝",他補充說"那是我在上海時學的。"

24歲的福格爾承認街頭表演其實非常具有挑戰性,因為沒有場地和門票的約束,你表演不好,觀眾就走人甚至無理睬,沒有觀眾就意味著生存艱難。 "不過,我一向樂觀"福格爾說,他的父母都很支持他以街頭花式足球為職業,"雖然,現在競爭對手還比較少,但是,我得不斷努力,得準備應對競爭者,這樣才能保住飯碗。"說完,他爽朗地笑了,然後轉過身去準備開始新一場的表演。



文化人生 | 2012.01.12




"各位女士、先生们,精彩的街头足球秀即将开始",福格尔(Adrian Fogel)和他的助手在科隆大教堂前的广场上一边大声吆喝,一边把一只带有笑脸的黄色小罐子放在身旁的空地上。福格尔说,这只黄色小罐是他的招财罐,罐 子上的笑脸寓含"笑脸相迎"和"欢迎光临"的意思。

时下的德国已进入深秋的季节,路上行人都已穿上夹克、大衣。福格尔却脱去运动外套,单衣单裤地开始做表演前的热身运动。"我先前在一个足球协会里踢球,后 来在电视上看到有人能把足球玩耍出各种各样的花式,于是,也转向练习花式足球。"福格尔说,自己练习花式足球已经有十多年的时间了,尽管如此,福格尔依然 不敢懈怠基本功的训练。"勤学苦练"是福格尔对花式足球的态度,他说,特别是颠球,动作枯燥、重复,很容易让人厌烦,"如果没有足够热爱和顽强,坚持下来 是很困难的。"

Straßenkünstler Adrian Fogel mit einem Fussball.  Wer hat das Bild gemacht?: Cheng cheng Zhu Wann wurde das Bild gemacht?: 7.11. 2011 Wo wurde das Bild aufgenommen?: Köln看我的功夫

"花式足球秀正式开始!"福格尔启动音响,就开始正式和他的助手一起秀起各种不同的技巧,绕球、跳球、颠球、身体传球,跳绳颠球。在场的观众连声叫好,黄 色小罐子不断传来硬币碰撞的响声。福格尔说,通常秀一场大约耗时5分钟,平均每五场可以收入50欧。他们以此为生,所以就得尽己所能地表演。"周末,我们 能表演10-12场左右,一天下来收入可观,但是,人也非常疲劳",福格尔说,街头表演和一些室内的表演相比,主要的区别就是,街头秀需要"靠天吃饭", 如果天气下雨下雪,就无法正常演出,"所以,街头艺术是有相当局限性的"。


尽管已经是花式足球的"老资格"了,福格尔说,自己街头表演的"道行"还很浅,不过才一年多的时间。"我喜欢街头表演, 因为表演随性而自由,还可以听到观众的不同评论和想法。"福格尔介绍,花式足球诞生于南美洲,最初是贫民窟里穷孩子的一种街头游戏,花式足球的场地和参与 人数要求比较随意,和街舞类似,可以有一对一单挑,也可以三对三的比赛。他说,花式足球目前在中国已经很普及了,但在德国还挺新鲜,所以,德国观众对表演 者的水平要求还不是很高。

Straßenkünstler Adrian Fogel mit Gelber Dose zum Geldsammeln. Wer hat das Bild gemacht?: Cheng cheng Zhu Wann wurde das Bild gemacht?: 7.11. 2011 Wo wurde das Bild aufgenommen?: Köln笑脸相迎

2010年,福格尔曾受邀到上海世博会做足球表演。"中国观众和德国观众不同之处在于,中国人更喜欢技巧性较高的表演,特别是看到难度高、速度快的节目时 会连声叫好,德国观众侧重于美感,比较喜欢漂亮的动作。"每当有中国游客为他的表演叫好时,福格尔都会用中文回敬"谢谢",他补充说"那是我在上海时学 的。"

24岁的福格尔承认街头表演其实非常具有挑战性,因为没有场地和门票的约束,你表演不好,观众就走人甚至无理睬,没有观众就意味着生存艰难。"不过,我一 向乐观"福格尔说,他的父母都很支持他以街头花式足球为职业,"虽然,现在竞争对手还比较少,但是,我得不断努力,得准备应对竞争者,这样才能保住饭 碗。"说完,他爽朗地笑了,然后转过身去准备开始新一场的表演。



2012年1月11日 星期三

敦南商圈LV旗艦店/ Location, Location, Location: The Strategy of Place


敦南商圈沒落 LV旗艦店近4億出售

(2012/01/08 15:47)

LV敦南旗艦店的代銷公司總經理高銘頂表示:「(如果出租)月租金肯定都在100萬以上,甚至是120萬、130萬,應該都沒有問題。」  (圖片來源/翻攝自網路)






Location, Location, Location: The Strategy of Place
Business success in one geographic location doesn't necessarily follow a company to a new setting. Professor Juan Alcácer discusses the importance of taking a long-term strategic view.

Valletta Malta

  1. Valletta - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valletta - 頁庫存檔 - 翻譯這個網頁
    Valletta is the capital of Malta, colloquially known as Il-Belt (English: The City) in Maltese. It is located in the central-eastern portion of the island of Malta, and the ...
  2. Valletta Malta

    Valletta, Malta

  3. City of Valletta - Home

    www.cityofvalletta.org/ - 頁庫存檔 - 翻譯這個網頁
    Valletta, Malta's capital and a World Heritage site, is nothing short of an open-air museum. It is a living experience of Baroque architecture, a monument donated ...

  1. Knights Hospitaller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knights_Hospitaller - 頁庫存檔 - 翻譯這個網頁
    跳到 Revival in Britain as the Venerable Order of St. John of Jerusalem‎: ... Venerable Order of Saint John ... Order of St John of Jerusalem in Great Britain, ...
  2. Sovereign Military Order of Malta - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    en.wikipedia.org/.../Sovereign_Military_Orde... - 頁庫存檔 - 翻譯這個網頁
    SMOM is the modern continuation of the original medieval order of Saint John of Jerusalem, known as the Knights Hospitaller, a group founded in Jerusalem ...
