2014年3月17日 星期一

北京搶劫式治堵;中国の大気汚染、北京今冬空气污染创纪录 南北差くっきり 淮河を境に寿命にも差霧都/ 北京: 污染/ 死亡威脅 Anger Swells 北京暴雨37死 /高樓大廈一大煙囪 白煙嬝嬝

北京的“搶劫式”治堵能治本嗎? 後面那兩個稱號,使北京市政府為了在中央高層面前顯示治理的決心和能力,目前正在緊鑼密鼓地制定低排放區劃定方案及擁堵費征收方案。盡管這種做法受到了大部分北京市民的質疑或反對…… (詳見全文)



中国の大気汚染、南北差くっきり 淮河を境に寿命にも差

図:  拡大  
PM2.5に関するニュース  北京大や米マサチューセッツ工科大などの研究チームは、1981~2000年の中国90都市のTSPのデータと、1991~2000年の全国125都市約50万人の死亡統計を分析した。

污染致中國北方人均壽命低於南方 Pollution Decreases Life Span in China, an average decrease in life span of more than five years, research indicates 

 污染致中國北方人均壽命低於南方 Pollution Decreases Life Span in ...

A cyclist in Beijing. Widespread coal use in the north of China has had widespread health effects.
European Pressphoto Agency

Pollution Decreases Life Span in China

Widespread coal use in Northern China has led in recent decades to an average decrease in life span of more than five years, research indicates. Above, a cyclist in Beijing.

 Beijing’s Air Quality Tops ‘Crazy Bad’ at 755

BEIJING — An air-quality monitor atop the U.S. Embassy recently measured an air quality index well above 500, which is supposed to be the top of the scale.        










因此,回到倫敦度假讓我感到大大地鬆了口氣;在倫敦,閑談的話題是下雨,而不是污染。我開玩笑說,在糟糕的天氣里駕車進入北京,就像進入了魔多之門(Gates of Mordor,《魔戒》里進入魔王巢穴的大門——譯註)。與之相比,英國的朝霏夕陰反倒顯得無限美好了。


倫敦的這場災難是發生在1952年的倫敦煙霧事件(Great Smog)。60年前,也是在12月,一場大霧襲擊了倫敦市。接近零度的氣溫導致居民們在家燒煤過度,煤煙再加上風速低,產生了一股濃重的黃色煙霧。能見 度降到了僅僅幾英尺。公共交通、影院、劇院和體育場所都關門停業。估計大約有4000人死亡,他們大多數都是年輕人、老人和呼吸道疾病患者。

據說當時,空氣中瀰漫著刺鼻的氣息,人人鼻孔里都吸滿了黑色粉塵,聽起來像極了今天的中國。在北京,所謂的藍天天數屈指可數。大多數時候,地平線上 空總是雲霧瀰漫。在被定義為危險的日子裡,街對面的樓宇都難以看清,即使在戶外短暫停留一會兒,也會讓我覺得渾身無精打采,頭暈腦脹,眼鼻發癢。


就像《發明污染:1800年以來英國的煤炭、煙霧和文化》(Inventing Pollution: Coal, Smoke, and Culture in Britain since 1800)的作者彼得·托爾謝姆(Peter Thorsheim)說的那樣,為了自己和鄰國,中國最好從英國的錯誤中吸取教訓。托爾謝姆在本周告訴我,1952年倫敦煙霧事件是一場災難,但同時也是 “悲劇中的一個機會”。英國政府把反對黨和民眾的批評變為切實的改進措施,包括1956年《清潔空氣法》(Clean Air Act)。



在北京,有數萬人參考美國大使館提供的環境空氣質量指數,他們從中國政府那裡得到的數據卻截然不同:北京官方宣稱在2010年和2011年,在 80%的時間裡空氣質量良好,而美國大使館稱在超過80%的時間裡,北京空氣質量等級為不健康或者更糟。鑒於來自公眾的壓力,政府後來設置了覆蓋北京的監 測網絡,測量PM2.5,也就是大氣微小顆粒污染指數。



本月,英國科學雜誌《柳葉刀》(The Lancet)發表了一份報告,報告稱在2010年,有320萬人因空氣污染過早死亡,其中大部分發生在亞洲。在中國實現多黨制、言論自由及發達的公民社會前,可能會有更多人死亡,並且不會引起關注。

 北京加緊改善空氣質量Beijing pushes to improve air pollution英國《金融時報》 何麗 北京報導
Every night an old coal train chugs into central Beijing to deliver its load to the Guohua power plant, one of the city's oldest power stations now surrounded by glitzy malls and towering apartment blocks.
每天晚上,都有一輛老式運煤火車駛入北京市中心,將煤運送到國華髮電廠(Guohua)。這是北京最老的發電廠之一,周遭都已是炫目的購物中心和高聳的公寓樓。Soon, the trains will no longer be running. In a multibillion-dollar effort to reduce air pollution, Beijing is shutting down its coal-fired plants and replacing them with natural gas-fuelled power stations by the end of next year.
很快,這些運煤車的身影就將消失。北京已經投入數十億美元用於降低空氣污染。它陸續關閉了煤電廠,並將在明年年底之前,完全用天然氣發電取代煤炭發電。“It's going to be so much cleaner,” says a middle-aged woman who has lived next to the power station for more than a decade. A friend chimes in: “When I wipe my windowsills every day they are covered with coal dust.
一位在國華電廠附近生活了十多年的中年婦女說:“到時候環境就乾淨多了。”她的一位朋友也說:“我每天擦窗台的時候,上面都佈滿煤塵。”Beijing is one of the world's dirtiest capitals – with pollution levels at nine times that of New York – and its smog problem has become an embarrassment for authorities who face growing public anger over the hazardous air.
北京是世界最髒的首都之一,污染程度是紐約的9倍。塵霾已成為當局一個頭疼的問題,公眾對有害空氣越來越不滿。Over the past year, Beijing has unveiled ambitious plans to replace its coal-fired power plants, run more cars and buses on natural gas, clamp down on construction site dust and raise standards for vehicle emissions. If all goes to plan, the capital's central urban areas will be completely coal-free by 2015.
過去一年,北京製定了雄心勃勃的計劃,要淘汰燃煤發電廠,讓更多的汽車和公交車使用天然氣,嚴格控制建築工地粉塵,並提高汽車尾氣排放標準。如果一切按照計劃進行,2015年之前,北京市中心城區將完全成為“零煤炭區”。“Beijing has consistently been ahead of the country and it is pretty clear that . . . some of the things they do get taken as a national model,” says Deborah Seligsohn, a senior adviser at the World Resources Institute in Beijing. “Within the next five years things are going to be visibly better.”
世界資源研究所(World Resources Institute)高級顧問沈岱波(Deborah Seligsohn)表示:“北京一直走在全國前列,而且很明顯...... 北京的一些做法正在全國推行。未來五年,情況將有明顯改善。”Not everyone shares that opt​​imism. Critics point to Beijing's history of manipulating air pollution data and its lack of enforcement of regulations. Over the past five years, it has seen improvements in levels of some pollutants such as sulphur dioxide, but others such as small particulate matter – or PM 2.5 – have become worse.
不過,並非每個人都這麼樂觀。批評人士指出,北京有操縱空氣污染數據的歷史,監管也缺乏執行力度。過去五年,二氧化硫等污染物的狀況有所改善,但微小顆粒物(PM 2.5)等其他污染物的情況則是越來越糟糕。Beijing is surrounded by mountains to the west and north-east, and pollution levels vary wildly depending on the wind's direction. North winds tend to bring blue skies, but those from the south and the east – heavily industrialised areas – bring stifling smog. Officials say a quarter of its air pollution is blown in from surrounding areas.
北京西邊和東北邊都被山包圍,隨著風向的不同,污染水平會出現很大波動。北風往往帶來蔚藍的天空,而從南部和東部這些高度工業化地區吹來的風,則會帶來令人窒息的塵霾。有關官員表示,北京的空氣污染,有四分之一都是從周邊地區刮來的。“China's air pollution is not a one-city problem, but a regional problem,” says Zhou Rong, a climate pollution campaigner for Greenpeace. “If Beijing fixes its pollution problem but the neighbouring areas continue to pollute, then it is a big problem .”
綠色和平(Greenpeace)的環境污染活動人士周嶸說:“中國的空氣污染不是個別城市的問題,而是一個區域性問題,如果北京解決了污染問題,但其周邊地區繼續排放污染,那麼這還將是一個嚴重問題。”Ms Zhou estimates that coal use in neighbouring Hebei province – from which Beijing draws most of its electricity – will increase 15 per cent next year. Even as Beijing burns less coal inside city limits as it uses more gas, it will still draw the majority of its electricity from coal-fired power stations in Hebei.
週嶸預計,在北京臨近的河北省,明年煤炭使用量將增加15%,而北京大部分電力都來自河北。即使北京城內燃燒的煤炭減少,天然氣使用量增加,但其大部分電力仍然來源於河北的燃煤發電廠。Poor enforcement has been another challenge for cleaning up the air. Relatively powerless environmental authorities often lack the authority to hand out meaningful fines to polluters.
監管執行力度不夠一直是改善空氣質量的另一個挑戰。權力相對有限的環保部門往往缺乏向污染者施以實質性懲罰的權力。Getting state-owned oil companies on board has also been tough. While Beijing has oil refineries that specifically produce fuel to its higher standards, industry executives say Sinopecand CNPChave dragged their feet on raising fuel standards across China because of the higher cost.
讓國有石油公司參與到減排中來,也非常困難。雖然已經有一些煉油廠專門生產符合較高標準的燃料,但業內高管指出,中石化(Sinopec)和中國石油(CNPC)在提高中國燃料標準問題上拖了後腿,原因是成本較高。The opacity surrounding Beijing's air pollution level also has not helped matters. Although the city started reporting hourly data for small particulate matter in January, the figures are only available for a single site in western Beijing.
北京在空氣污染水平上的不透明也產生了負面影響。儘管從1月份開始北京每小時都會公佈微小顆粒物的數據,但這一數據只反映了北京西部一個區域的狀況。Officials say the monitoring centre is open to the public once a week, but the Financial Times was turned away during those hours on three consecutive weeks. Beijing officials also declined to answer questions about the city's environmental policies.
政府官員表示,監測中心每週對外開放一次,但英國《金融時報》連續三週都在所謂的開放時間段裡被拒絕參觀。北京官員也拒絕回答關於該市環境政策方面的問題。Public distrust of official pollution statistics is high.
對於官方發布的污染數據,公眾的不信任感也非常高。In the run-up to the Beijing Olympics, authorities manipulated pollution data to increase the number of “blue sky days”, according to Steven Andrews, a US environmental consultant.
美國環境顧問史蒂文·安德魯斯(Steven Andrews)稱,在北京奧運之前,有關當局曾操縱污染數據,人為增加“藍天”的天數。Last autumn, public anger mounted when Beijing's official air pollution measurements diverged widely from readings taken at the US embassy,​​ which indicated hazardous levels of pollution. The outburst of complaints forced China to promise to include small particulate matter in its nationwide pollution reporting from 2016. Beijing will also spend more than $6m this year purchasing equipment to measure the smaller particles, according to state-run media.
去年秋天,北京官方空氣污染數據與美國大使館發布的顯示污染有害程度的數據嚴重偏離,引發了公眾不滿。這迫使中國承諾,從2016年開始,將微小顆粒物納入全國污染監測中。據官方媒體報導,今年北京還將斥資600萬美元購買設備來監測較小顆粒物。An Feng, head of the Innovation Center for Energy and Transportation in Beijing, says Beijing residents have become more aggressive over the past couple of years in complaining about air quality that they previously accepted.
北京能源與交通創新中心(Innovation Center for Energy and Transportation)主任安鋒表示,過去一兩年,北京居民對空氣質量表達的不滿日益強烈。“Now people think it is personal, that it is their right to have blue skies. It's not enough to accumulate personal wealth. If you don't have clean air, it doesn't matter.”
“現在人們認為這關係到每個人,他們有權擁有蔚藍的天空。積累個人財富還不夠。如果沒有清潔的空氣,一切都是零。”Additional reporting by Gwen Chen in Beijing

北京暴雨37死?? 網友罵翻

〔國際新聞中心/綜合報導〕中國北京二十一日遭遇六十一年來最大暴雨,城 區到處積水,造成至少三十七人死亡,主要機場有八萬人受困,地鐵人滿為患,受災人口近兩百萬。這場大雨讓北京市區變成一座巨大的游泳池,也暴露出北京嚴重 的排水問題,有不少網友罵翻天,還有人調侃說,玩水不用去(海南)三亞或馬爾地夫,到北京就行了。
北京這場罕見的暴雨連續下了十六個小時, 據稱全市平均降雨量達一百七十毫米,城區平均降雨量達兩百二十五毫米,降雨最多的地點在市郊鄰近山區的房山區河北鎮,降雨量高達四百六十毫米,是北京自一 九五一年開始有系統記錄氣象資料以來的最大降雨量,逾五萬民眾被迫緊急撤離家園。北京氣象局也發布自二○○五年建立天氣預警制度以來的第一個暴雨橙色預 警,且不排除發布最高級別的紅色預警。
暴 雨導致市區多條道路嚴重積水至少一公尺,二十多座下凹式立交橋區積水,造成交通中斷,部份路段甚至出現河水倒灌淹沒路面的狀況,從網友張貼在網路上的照片 或影片可看出,許多房屋和汽車幾乎完全滅頂。部份村莊有房子屋頂被掀開,電線桿、大樹被連根拔起或攔腰折斷,還有人遭雷擊喪生,經濟損失估計近百億人民 幣。
有網友在「新浪微博」(微網誌)上指出,北京台新聞報導說,為疏通橋下積水,管線工人竟要光著腳去探測井蓋,足足用了近一個小時還打不 開,「難道我們回了大清朝?」網友大罵,一個能花幾千億元辦奧運的城市,卻不能花錢提高下水道的技術,「再無道的皇帝也相信自己有百年基業,而現在對十 年、二十年基業都懶得費心了嗎?」
水淹腳踝 民眾淡定吃飯


中國主辦奧運之後近4年,北京大暴雨致37人死 中國網民群情洶湧。

Associated Press


Agence France-Presse/Getty Images


圖片:暴雨傾城 北京變澤國









Josh Chin
Anger Swells After Floods Kill At Least 37 in Beijing
The deaths of more than three dozen people in Beijing as a result of heavy rains on Saturday have prompted public expressions of grief and anger and led some in China to question how a city lauded for its shiny new infrastructure and rapid modernization could fail so tragically in the face of bad weather.

Urban areas of Beijing were hit with an average of nearly nine inches of rain over 16 hours on Saturday ─ the heaviest the Chinese capital has seen in six decades, according the state-run Xinhua news agency.

The deluge, which caused more than 31 road cave-ins, led to more than 10 billion yuan ($1.6 billion) in economic losses, Xinhua quoted Pan Anjun, deputy chief of the Beijing flood control headquarters, as saying. Even more shocking, at least 37 people died in the downpour, according to a statement released Wednesday night through the Beijing municipal government's official account on Sina Corp.'s Weibo microblogging service. Of those, 25 drowned, six were killed as a result of collapsed structures, five were electrocuted and one was struck by lighting, the statement said.

The downpour began around 1 p.m. and continued well into the night, turning the city's streets into temporary rivers, stranding cars and busses and producing lakes of waist-deep water at major intersections. The rains led to the cancellation of more than 500 outbound flights at the Beijing airport, stranding at least 80,000 travelers, state media said.

Among the worst hit areas was the suburban district of Fangshan, which saw just over 18 inches of rain over the course of the storm, according to Xinhua.

Nearly 70,000 residents had to be relocated ─ more than 20,000 of them from Fangshan ─ as a result of the rain and flooding, state media said.

News of the storm spread rapidly on social media, where users posted video footage of flooded intersections and where messages of support appeared alongside pointed questions about how a city that spent billions building facilities to host the Olympics could struggle so badly in dealing with a thunderstorm

Among the sharpest criticisms came in the form of a series of photos, posted to Sina Weibo around midnight, contrasting Beijing's flooded streets with images of sewer systems in other famous capitals, including Tokyo's massive 'Underground Temple' flood prevention system.

'Sewers are not a face-giving infrastructure project,' artist Li Yijia wrote in response to the images, repeating a sentiment widely expressed elsewhere on the site.

'Beijing's glossy appearance can't withstand the erosion of a bout of heavy rain,' wrote another Sina Weibo user. 'In just a few hours, Beijing is washed back into the old days. The city government hasn't stopped rebuilding this city, but they can't even deal with getting waterlogged.'

Perhaps sensitive to the tenor of conversation online, China's Ministry of Finance announced on Sunday that the central government had allocated 120 million yuan ($19 million) to help Beijing, the co
astal city of Tianjin and the northern province of Hebei fight floods, according to Xinhua.

Flood control authorities were still verifying statistics related to the downpour, Xinhua said.

Josh Chin

2012/1/12 BBC HardTalk 訪問Cheng Siwei 背景是北京高樓大廈
美中不足是背後有一大煙囪 白煙嬝嬝

  1. Cheng Siwei - China.org.cn

    www.china.org.cn/english/features/58566.htm - 頁庫存檔 - 翻譯這個網頁
    Vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. Born in 1935, native to Xiangxiang, Hunan Province, a senior engineer. Studied at ...
  2. Biography of Professor Cheng Siwei - The Chinese University of ...

    www.cuhk.edu.hk/.../swcheng/biography_e.h... - 頁庫存檔 - 翻譯這個網頁
    Professor Cheng Siwei is the Vice-Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China, and Dean of the ...


