2012年1月24日 星期二

Where to go in 2012

The Year in Video
The Editors' pick the top videos of 2011. Some videos that made the list are Nick Kristof's return to Bahrain, a feature with the best performers from the year in film, Melissa Clark's pizza from scratch and the series on Derek Boogaard. See these videos and many more on nytimes.com/video.

Where to go in 2012
Don't miss the 45 places to go in 2012, London, Havana, Lhasa and, yes, even the final frontier, made the list. Find out where to go to understand the World. Start with China and India - and not just the cities - writes Nicholas D. Kristof. Read about where to go to shop - Saris in India, sweaters in Peru and vintage in Los Angeles. A designer shares her shopping secrets. See the complete Where to Go in 2012 series on nytimes.com/travel.


