2023年4月15日 星期六

Exploring Picasso’s Málaga 馬拉加(Málaga 西班牙語:畫家巴勃羅·畢卡家鄉 (至9歲)美術館 the Museo Picasso Málaga,1990年代起觀光文化中心

Exploring Picasso’s Málaga 馬拉加(Málaga 西班牙語:畫家巴勃羅·畢卡家鄉 (至9歲)美術館 the Museo Picasso Málaga,1990年代起觀光文化中心


Exploring Picasso’s Málaga

Among the best places to discover the celebrated 20th-century Spanish artist is the sun-splashed, seaside city where he was born.


日本的許多世界風土介紹節目都很用心. 這樣才不虧為世界公民......



距離教堂大約一百碼的地方是馬拉加畢加索博物館的入口,該博物館按時間順序和主題概述了藝術家的職業生涯,以及每年的各種特別展覽,其中一些專門展示畢加索在瓦洛里開始創作的迷人陶瓷, 二戰結束後的法國。 另一家畫廊通常展示這位藝術家和他的生活的照片,這些照片是由他結交的許多偉大的 20 世紀攝影師拍攝的,這些攝影師有幸接觸到他和他的家人。 5 月 8 日開幕的特別展覽“畢加索雕塑家:物質與身體”出人意料地成為西班牙第一個關注這位藝術家雕塑的大型展覽。

Opening May 8, the special exhibition “Picasso Sculptor: Matter and Body” is surprisingly the first major exhibition in Spain to focus on the artist’s sculptures.

博物館所在的建築是 16 世紀貴族的漂亮石頭宮殿,現在由紐約建築師理查德·格魯克曼 (Richard Gluckman) 巧妙地擴建,與城市粉刷過的建築無縫融合。 該博物館有兩層樓的畫廊,圍繞著文藝復興時期宮殿漂亮的大理石庭院,講述了畢加索的職業生涯,展出了大約 250 件作品,其中許多是克里斯蒂娜·畢加索(畢加索長子保羅的妻子)和她的兒子捐贈給博物館的, 伯納德。

 many donated to the museum by Christine Picasso (the wife of Picasso’s oldest son, Paulo) and her son, Bernard.

The white walls of a museum gallery are hung with colorful, abstract oil paintings of female figures by the artist Picasso. Two men and one woman are looking at the paintings very closely.

In addition to special exhibitions, the Museo Picasso Málaga offers a chronological overview of Picasso’s career.Credit...Emilio Parra Doiztua for The New York Times
The white walls of a museum gallery are hung with colorful, abstract oil paintings of female figures by the artist Picasso. Two men and one woman are looking at the paintings very closely.
A jug created by Picasso in 1954.
Credit...Emilio Parra Doiztua for The New York Times
A jug created by Picasso in 1954.
Visitors can get a sense of Picasso’s art studio by visiting — and getting photographed in — the Photocall space at Museo Picasso Málaga.
Credit...Emilio Parra Doiztua for The New York Times
Visitors can get a sense of Picasso’s art studio by visiting — and getting photographed in — the Photocall space at Museo Picasso Málaga.
A large tapestry hanging from a white wall depicts angular, abstract images of five women. In the foreground are numerous museumgoers.
A highlight of the current selection of works at the Museo Picasso Málaga is a tapestry version of Picasso’s 1907 painting “Les Demoiselles d’Avignon,” woven by Jacqueline Dürrbach.Credit...Emilio Parra Doiztua for The New York Times
A large tapestry hanging from a white wall depicts angular, abstract images of five women. In the foreground are numerous museumgoers.
令許多參觀者驚嘆的不僅是藝術家職業生涯的時間順序(70 多年),還有繪畫風格的範圍和多樣性(其中許多是他發明的)以及他轉化為藝術的看似無窮無盡的材料。 有彩繪屋頂瓦片; 用廢金屬碎片巧妙地折疊成令人回味的人物的迷人雕塑; 陶瓷盤變成了鬥牛場,觀眾“坐在”盤子的高架邊緣周圍,鬥牛占據了中心。

當前精選作品的一大亮點是畢加索 1907 年開創性的畫作“Les Demoiselles d’Avignon”的 1958 年掛毯版本,由杰奎琳·杜爾巴赫 (Jacqueline Dürrbach) 編織而成。 只有一幅這樣的掛毯被製作出來,畢加索將它一直保存到生命的盡頭,掛在他位於法國南部的加州別墅的壁爐上方。
A highlight of the current selection of works is a 1958 tapestry version of Picasso’s groundbreaking 1907 painting “Les Demoiselles d’Avignon,” woven by Jacqueline Dürrbach. Only one such tapestry was ever made, and Picasso kept it until the end of his life, hanging it over the fireplace at his villa La Californie in the South of France.

儘管博物館在成立的前 20 年裡引起了轟動,但事實上,早些時候曾嘗試展示這座城市最著名的藝術家的作品。 20 世紀 50 年代中期,時任馬拉加美術專員的 Juan Temboury 寫信給畢加索的秘書,要求將幾幅典範作品收藏在該市的博物館中。 據說畢加索很高興,準備派兩輛卡車裝滿藝術品。 但突然之間,馬拉加沒有進一步的消息。 畢加索的兒子和兒媳保羅和克里斯汀騎著摩托車從法國南部到馬拉加進行調查,卻發現佛朗哥政權的當地官員禁止在馬拉加展出畢加索的作品。

從那時起,“巴勃羅·畢加索強烈希望在他的家鄉建立一座博物館來展示他的作品,”伯納德·畢加索說。 “我的父母在 1950 年代曾試圖幫助我的祖父實現這一目標,但最終又過了 50 年才成為現實。”
The Center Pompidou Málaga, housed in a colorful glass building, is one of several cultural institutions in the city.Credit...Emilio Parra Doiztua for The New York Times
A modern six-story building of colorful squares of glass rises up into a blue sky with wispy clouds.
克里斯蒂娜·畢加索 (Christine Picasso) 在 1990 年代重新開始了這些努力,主動提出捐贈她自己收藏的畢加索作品的一部分,以在該市建立一座新博物館。 她的兒子伯納德通過自己的大量捐贈和許多正在進行的長期貸款來幫助該項目。 自馬拉加畢加索博物館於 2003 年開放以來,它幫助這座城市成為了頂級文化目的地,不僅在西班牙,而且在南歐。 除了當代藝術中心 CAC 和 Museo Carmen Thyssen Málaga 等當地機構外,這座城市還吸引了蓬皮杜和俄羅斯國家博物館(後者目前因烏克蘭戰爭而關閉)的附屬分支機構。 歷史悠久的市中心的人行道和漂亮的步行街再次擠滿了棕櫚樹、天竺葵和九重葛中的行人。

這與 1980 年代和 90 年代衰落的市中心截然不同,當時馬拉加的機場和火車站只是通往太陽海岸陽光普照天堂的墊腳石,太陽海岸從城市向西延伸。

“在 1990 年代這個博物館開始成形的時候,很難想像這座城市會發生如此大的變化,但過去 20 年馬拉加的文化發生的變化真是太棒了,”伯納德畢加索說。 “顯然,人們不想只是躺在沙灘上。”

Christine Picasso renewed those efforts in the 1990s by offering to donate a portion of her own collection of Picasso’s work to establish a new museum in the city. Her son Bernard aided in the project with a considerable donation of his own and many ongoing long-term loans. Since the Museo Picasso Málaga opened in 2003, it has helped convert the city into a top cultural destination, not just in Spain, but in southern Europe. In addition to local institutions like CAC, a contemporary art center, and the Museo Carmen Thyssen Málaga, the city has lured satellite branches of the Pompidou and the State Russia Museums (the latter currently closed because of the war in Ukraine). The sidewalks and pretty pedestrian streets of the historic city center once again bustle with pedestrians amid the palm trees,
 geraniums and bougainvillea.

Museo Picasso Málaga
Bernard Ruiz-Picasso organised an exhibition with the Kunstforum in Vienna and the Kunsthalle in Tübingen (Germany) which hosted the exhibition in January 2002. For the first time, an important part of his collection was exhibited : 70 paintings painted between 1899 and 1972, along with some thirty drawings from the Cubist period.[1]
In 2017, Bernard Ruiz-Picasso was co-curator of an exhibition devoted to Olga, Picasso's first wife, at the Musée Picasso in Paris.[10] The same year, he lent 166 works to the Picasso Museum in Malaga for a three-year temporary exhibition entitled "Pablo Picasso, New Collection ".[6] 此大展的目錄有中文本
Several exhibitions are organised in cooperation with the Fundación Almine y Bernard Ruiz-Picasso para el Arte: in 2019 the exhibition "Calder-Picasso" at the Picasso Museum in Paris, in 2020 the exhibition "Les Musiques de Picasso" at the Cité de la Musique in Paris.[11]


