2013年5月26日 星期日


惡龍出水?/北市買波蘭龍舟 「青面獠牙」好嚇人

台北市府新添購的四艘波蘭製龍舟,龍頭造型「青面獠牙」模樣,給人「惡龍出水」的不祥寓意,不符合台灣民俗風情,讓民眾大呼「好嚇人」。 (圖:市議員何志偉提供)
〔記 者陳慰慈/台北報導〕台北市政府今年首度花費高達一百二十多萬元購買四艘波蘭製龍舟,但特殊龍頭造型「青面獠牙」模樣,如「惡龍出水」的不祥寓意,不符合 台灣民俗風情,讓民眾大呼「好嚇人」,就連製作龍舟四、五十年的國寶級老師傅阿正師都覺得很怪,並擔心碳纖維製的龍舟比傳統的木造龍舟輕,下水可能有安全 顧慮。
民代批不祥寓意 背離傳統

碳纖維製較輕 有安全疑慮
阿 正師說,各地龍舟造型都不太一樣,就算台灣南、北也都有差異,畢竟大家都沒真正看過龍,每艘龍首的樣子都是師傅各自發揮想像力,但這四艘波蘭來的龍舟造型 真的很奇怪。他還點出碳纖維製的龍舟因材質輕易晃動,下水可能會有問題,在靜水域划或許可以,但基隆河水流速度快,擔心會出意外。但體育局官員回應,大佳 河濱公園水流穩定,龍舟下水安全無虞。
官員:造型設計 見人見智
體 育局官員說,國際龍舟有一定規格標準,國內目前沒有會做國際賽事龍舟及經過世界龍舟總會認證通過的廠商。官員並解釋,造型設計觀點見人見智,該龍舟符合國 際龍舟賽事規格,龍頭造型是套裝模組做出來的,所以設計無法做變更,第一次採購國際龍舟,為的是希望日後能跟國際龍舟賽事接軌;此次龍舟採購為公開招標, 國內有七家代理商來投標,得標廠商再從世界龍舟總會指定製造龍舟的十四家廠商中,挑出波蘭商製造,四艘龍舟不像傳統龍舟為木造,由碳纖維打造,重量較輕, 可乘坐二十人,符合國際龍舟賽事標準,與台灣製龍舟差別在少了一位奪標手,國際比賽只要龍頭過線就算獲勝。

2013年5月24日 星期五


《東海校園建築步道》頁66有上圖與另一張照片: 榕樹已長成大樹,有著如傘一般的樹冠.....
《東海風: 東海大學的歷史》頁182 也有此圖: "工人正在搬運剛從大度(肚)山下挖來的榕樹,準備種在行政大樓前" (陳其寬攝)......

183頁 有陳其寬的說法: "......在校長室前那四棵樹,是姚坤池先生到大度(肚)山下找到挖來的。有一張照片,是這四棵用卡車剛載到搬運時照的,泥土還連在根上,外面包著繩子,一起放在坑裡,然後再放堆肥。這個地方後來是停車場,種這四棵主要是遮蔭用的。這張照片很值得留念。" 這多少說明"剛從山下...."說法有誤。另外陳老師認為"很值得留念的照片"都沒為各書所收錄。


20130525_ 東海!

十年樹木 百年樹人
貝聿銘 陳其寬 漢寶德

他們定義了東海, 建立了東海建築的核心價值, 樹立了東海建築人的氣度與典範.
他們說明了「東海建築系主任」從來不是一個頭銜, 更不意謂權力.


2013年5月21日 星期二

Shanty China 貧民窟中國:苦中的希望:2030年的大問題

Shanty China



Clarissa Sebag-Montefiore

兩種貧民窟都是國家默許的。政府對此睜一隻眼閉一隻眼,因 為中國這場震撼人心的城市化進程需要大量農民工充當廉價勞動力。一旦某個貧民窟變得太礙眼,政府就直接把它拆掉,把地賣給房地產開發商,強迫民工繼續往城 外尋找住處。在剛過東四環的地方有一座外觀氣派的高層住宅樓,門口站着保安,大廈正對面就是一個叫辛庄的城中村。在這裡的簡陋水泥房或磚房裡,一個房間可 以住進整整一家子人。這裡沒有淋浴或廚房,一棟建築物只有一個共用的水槽,狹窄的走廊里擺着幾個電爐,到處是低垂的電線。外面是腐臭的垃圾。居民用的是戶 外廁所:一條條連通的開放式排水溝,沒有隔斷,到了炎熱的夏天會滋生大批的蒼蠅。  
25歲的張凱(音譯)是一名餐館服務員,每個月收入大約 300美元(合1844元人民幣),花40美元(合246元)和人合租着一個小房間。他用手頭的閑錢偶爾可以上一下網吧,去一些著名景點玩,比如頤和園和 鳥巢。在辛庄,他只能在一條臭水溝邊洗衣服,但是在這個貧民窟里的生活還是要比他在山東東部的農村老家強。看着周圍灰塵漫天的街道,他說:「多虧了有這個 村,民工不用被逼着搬到五環外更遠的地方。」  
北京的這些貧民窟之所以能夠維持現狀,靠的正是這種社會地 位變化的承諾。他們不像印度貧民窟的居民那麼貧窮或疾病橫行。這裡的多數民工能找到工作。很少有嚴重的犯罪。外地人湊到一起,營造出一種鮮明的社區感。所 以連生活在貧民窟的人都是樂觀的——至少,只要生活條件一直在改善就行,就像過去三十年那樣。  
這種情況能持續下去嗎?湯姆·米勒(Tom Miller)在《中國的十億市民》中警告,如果不改革戶籍制度,開發廉價的大型住宅區,到2030年十億中國人里會有將近一半淪為「龐大的底層階級」。對於中國的貧民窟,這意味着那裡將從揮灑希望的家園變成充滿憤懣的熔爐。

Beijing does have slums, however — only they are mostly hidden from view and, despite bleak living conditions, many of their residents are surprisingly hopeful.

Some communities of slum dwellers are called “rat tribes” because they live in damp, dark rooms located in one-time air-raid shelters and basements. Other migrant workers live in former villages that have been engulfed by the ever-expanding capital. (The state media’s euphemism for these is “villages inside cities.”)
Both types of slums are tolerated by the state. The government turns a blind eye because it needs a large migrant workforce to provide the cheap manpower behind China’s astonishing urbanization. Whenever the slums become an eyesore it simply tears them down and sells the land for development, forcing migrants to look further afield for housing.In the eastern part of the city, just past the Fourth Ring Road, opposite a smart high-rise residential unit with a guard at the gate is the village-inside-the-city of Xinzhuang. Here, whole families cram into single rooms in makeshift concrete or brick structures. There are no showers or kitchens. In one building, just one public sink and a couple of hot plates are located down a poky corridor with low-slung electric wires. Rubbish putrefies outside. Residents use outdoor toilets: communal open troughs with no partitions that are infested with flies during the oppressively hot summer months.
Migrants without a Beijing hukou, or official household registration, have limited access to social benefits like health care and education. This leads many of the poorer ones to leave their children behind in their hometowns. Others make compromises: One family I talked to in Xinzhuang last week could not afford to pay the annual $1,600 fees to educate their small son. For now, the boy is going without schooling.
And yet, during my recent visit, the overriding feeling I encountered was optimism.
Zhang Kai, a 25-year-old waiter who earns roughly $300 a month, spends $40 on renting a small shared room. He has enough spare cash to occasionally go to Internet cafes and visit some famous sights, like the Summer Palace and the Bird’s Nest. In Xinzhuang, he has to wash his clothes next to a fetid canal, but life is still better in this slum than in his home village in eastern Shandong province. Looking around the dusty street, he said: “Thank God there is this village so that migrants aren’t forced to move too far outside the Fifth Ring Road.”
One neighbor, a 53-year-old migrant vendor who goes by the surname Zhu, has lived here for 18 years and earned enough money from selling 16-cent ice creams in a roadside store to send all three of his children to university. They are studying graphic design, electronics and economics.
The promise of such social change has kept Beijing’s slums contained. They are not as poor or disease-ridden as those in India. Here, most migrants can find work. Serious crime is rare. Outsiders club together, creating a palpable sense of community. And so even slum dwellers seem upbeat — at least as long as living conditions keep improving, as they have in China over the last three decades.
Can this last? In “China’s Urban Billion” Tom Miller warns that without a reform of the hukou system and the development of affordable mass housing, by 2030 almost half of the one billion Chinese who live in cities will belong to a “giant underclass.” Were that to happen China’s slums might go from being places of aspiration to cauldrons of discontent.

2013年5月20日 星期一





在南卡羅萊納州的約翰斯小島上,有一顆已經有 1500 年歷史的橡樹,它繁茂的樹冠能夠覆蓋的面積已經達到 17200 平方英尺。這棵橡樹是密西西比河以東地區最古老的、活的生物體之一。這棵天使橡樹的樹枝長達 100 英尺,樹幹的直徑有 28 英尺,在經歷了上千年中眾多的自然災害後依然屹立不倒。


你相信這棵有 3500 至 4000 歲的橄欖樹每年仍舊能結出美味的橄欖果嗎?相信絕大多數的人答案是否定的,但現實中他卻千真萬確的能結美味的橄欖果。從克里特島大學的科學家們測算,這棵橄欖樹的根深入地下起碼 15 英尺來尋找養分,以保持生命力。每年到這棵樹所在的克里特島的遊客多達 2 萬人。




這棵樹足有 116 英尺高,它生長在墨西哥的瓦哈卡,是墨西哥落羽杉的一種。這棵樹的周長有 119 英尺。科學家們曾以為它是由很多樹盤結在一起形成的,但是經過 DNA 證明它的的確確是一個獨立的“大傢伙”。


猴麵包樹一共有 8 個品種。在馬達加斯加島上有六個品種,澳洲有一個品種,非洲有一個品種。這種樹一般都有 500 年的生命,有的甚至可以達到 1200 年。由於這種樹沒有年輪,所以也不好確定樹齡。它的樹幹有儲存水的作用,儲存量可達 12 萬升。在旱季的時候,它的葉子會掉光,以減少水份的蒸發,靠儲存的水份維持生命,等待下一個雨季的到來。




這是一棵狐尾松,這種樹的生長速度極為緩慢,但是樹葉卻可以在 40 年時間裡常綠。“瑪士撒拉”是這顆樹的名字,因為它已經有 4800 多年歷史了。它生長在美國加州茵友國家森林,為了保護這棵樹,林務局從不透露該樹的準確位置。


這種美麗的絲綿樹是錦葵寇里的成員之一,它是南美洲熱帶和亞熱帶地區的特有植物,這種樹可以長到 81 英尺高。在它的樹幹和樹枝上佈滿了尖銳的巨刺,用來保存水份渡過枯水期。

彩虹樹是一種巨大的常青樹,彩虹樹學名“剝桉”,也被形象地稱之為“棉蘭老島口香糖”,最高可達 246 英尺。印尼、巴布亞新磯內亞或者菲律賓都是這種樹的故鄉。在這種樹幹上有黃色,綠色,粉紅色,紅色,紫色和橙色等醒目的條紋。這種與眾不同的彩色現象是因為樹皮在不同時間脫落後日照的不同形成的,不同的顏色代表樹皮的不同年齡。新脫落的外皮所在位置由亮綠色的內皮取代。隨著時間流逝,樹皮顏色逐漸變暗,由藍色變成紫色,而後又變成橙色或栗色。植物學家 LariAnn Garner 說“這就是一件有生命的藝術品”。


世界上長壽的無性系樹木不勝枚舉,但是從來沒有一棵樹能在沒有任何水源的沙漠中心存活超過 400 年,除了這棵位於巴林的傑貝爾杜漢地區的牧豆樹。他在巴林被認為是一種生命的奇跡,所以也叫“生命之樹”。如果你用谷歌地圖來查看這棵樹,你就可以看到這棵樹的生存環境到底有多麼惡劣了。 

2013年5月19日 星期日

《咱兜在十四張》/ 陋園已無跡可尋


切結書寫不清 十四張前景渺茫

2011-12-01 23:40 作者:呂苡榕
【記 者呂苡榕台北報導】 新北市新店區的十四張溪邊寮住戶,因捷運環狀線工程而遭到迫遷。新北市交通局與拆除大隊1日前往進行拆除,議員協調居民簽下切結書保證配合工程,交通局答 應延後拆除,讓民眾有時間整理家當並找到新居。切結書中,居民最在意的補償並無明確保障,最後居民決定在切結書中補上附加條件再簽署。交通局則表示得看內 容是否適法而定。

搬遷時限急迫 居民難找安身處

新 北市政府要求居民11月30日前自行斷水斷電才能領補償,且斷水斷電後才能申請人口搬遷費。許勢銘說,人口搬遷補償費一戶8萬,每多1人增加補助1萬元, 上限16萬,根本不夠他們到外頭租房子的押金和房租。拆遷公告11月15日貼出,這麼短時間很難處理好一切,民眾希望延緩拆遷,讓大家找到安身處所。
雖 然居民可領拆遷救濟金,不過根據「台北縣辦理公共工程地上物查估拆遷補償、救濟基準」民國81年以前的建物補償查估價格的70%,而民國81年至88年的 建物則可獲得查估價格的30%,88年之後沒有。居民劉家坤感嘆,在民眾陳情下,才讓88年以後的建物也比照30%的救濟金標準。按照公式計算,劉家坤一 幢2層的房子只補助50多萬。


「目 前有8戶沒自行斷水斷電,打算抗爭到底。」劉家坤表示,因補償過低,「你叫他們拿這麼一點錢去外面,過兩年他們也是死,還不如留在這!」原本住戶盼爭取 「先建後拆」的安置措施,政府卻一直拖延,他說:「本來說要協商,最後公文下來,卻說限期搬遷否則強制拆除。政府這麼硬,我們不走也不行。」
11 月30日原本是自行遷移最後時限,12月1日拆除大隊將打算把溪邊寮夷為平地,不過許多住戶找不到地方遷移戶口、找新居,自救會尋求議員協助,希望協調緩 拆。新北市議員陳儀君也到場為居民協調。她希望民眾先展現誠意,配合捷運工程搬遷並簽下切結書,她將與新北市政府協商緩拆,保證居民補償金的相關權利。她 強調已協調好空屋先拆,只要民眾簽下切結書、交出鑰匙,就可以拿到補償。

未見明確保障 住戶憂權益跳票

然而,切結書上只 載明住戶願意配合捷運環狀線工程拆遷,逾期遺留現場物品視為廢棄物由交通局處理等字眼,對於補償權益隻字未提,引起民眾疑慮。陳儀君解釋,切結書只是形 式,民眾應該相信政府。記者進一步詢問能否增加保障居民權益的條文時,陳儀君回答:「現在這個切結書要誰來寫,如果由我寫,我任期只有4年,萬一下次沒選 上,它還有效力嗎?如果要有詳細一點的,我也可以請律師來草擬。」當記者詢問律師草擬哪時會出爐,陳儀君又改口,表示她不認為律師會為了幾個住戶去擬文 件。


居 民無法信任內容不明的切結書,打算列上「拆遷工程延至年後」、「相關補助,包括救濟金、自動拆遷獎勵金等不得短少」、「社會住宅條例需將十四張住戶列入優 先考量」。陳文瑞強調,民眾自行增列必需符合法規,他無法承諾非交通部權責的內容;至於工期延後問題,他只表示得看進度。




 台灣3大名園之一/基隆顏家採礦起家 陋園文人雲集

〔記 者王亮勻/台北報導〕台灣五大家族之一的基隆顏家,曾叱吒一時,基隆「顏家陋園」更與板橋「林家花園」、霧峰「林家花園」名列台灣三大名園,「顏家陋園」 舊址位於基隆市中心的信二路與義六路口,歷經歲月的變遷,歷史建築物早已不在,兩年前由白天鵝建設自台銀手中標下,將興建為基隆地區指標豪宅,重現當年名 門大戶的風華。


日皇室成員 來台指定下榻
一 九一八年顏家向即將返回日本的木村久太郎買下其別墅庭園「木村御殿」,整修後將家族成員及宗祠搬遷至此,取名為「陋園」。「陋園」西半邊是西式建築,供顏 家人居住,東半邊是和式,做為招待所,園內還有一個大水池;當時「陋園」聲名遠播,連日本皇室成員來台,也指定要下榻。

2013年5月14日 星期二

Glaciers of Tibet 西藏冰河




2013-05-13 Web only 作者:經濟學人

第三極的研究非常有限,但在2009年時,青藏高原研究的姚檀棟、俄亥俄大學的Lonnie Thompson、森根堡世界生物多樣性聯盟的Volker Mosbrugger,開始推動了名為第三極環境(TPE)的計畫,上個月也舉行了第四次研討會。
去 年有項研究指出,西藏高源的冰河正在增加,但蘇黎士大學的Tobias Bolch表示,該研究所使用的衛星適於調查南北極,但不適合西藏高原這樣的山區。姚博士團隊的研究顯示,第三極的冰成湖自1970年代至今增加了約 26%;Bolch博士認為,先前研究中的衛星可能誤將這些湖泊當成冰河。
Bolch博士的團隊用另一種衛星調查之後,結論為許多西藏冰河 都在倒退,但也不是所有的冰河都在後退;姚博士和Thompson博士的研究指出,部分冰河確實有在前行,且大多位於西部的喀喇昆崙和帕米爾地區,但東部 的喜瑪拉牙和西藏高原的冰河則快速後退。總體而言,第三極的冰減少了許多。


Pages in category "Glaciers of Tibet"

The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total. This list may not reflect recent changes (learn more).


 The Insukati Valley is China's largest glacier valley located on the northern slope of the Karakoram Range which is between Xinjiang and Pakistan.

The glacier found in this valley is about 41.5 kilometres long, covering an area of 392.4 square kilometres.[citation



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Course of the Kangshung Glacier in the Mount Everest region
The east face (Kangshung Face) of Everest (centre) and Lhotse (left). In front: the Kangshung Glacier
The Kangshung Glacier is one of the three main glaciers of Mount Everest, the others being the Khumbu Glacier and Rongbuk Glacier. The Kangshung Glacier's accumulation areas lie on the three main faces of Everest. The Kangshung Glacier is located on the eastern side of the world's highest mountain in the government district of Shigatse in the Tibet Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China.
The common eastern face of Everest and Lhotse is called the Kangshung Face. Here, the Kangshung Glacier is fed and then flows through the Kangshung Valley towards the east. South of the glacier east of Lhotse lie the Pethangtse (6738 m) and the massif of the Makalu (8463 m) with its neighbouring peaks of Makalu II (7678 m - also called Kangshungtse) and Chomo Lonzo (7818 m), whose imposing north face hides the view of the main summit. The border between Nepal and China runs over this summit.
The east side of Mount Everest is the least accessible and developed side of the mountain. While the base camp on the Rongbuk Glacier can be accessed by jeep and the south side of Everest can be reached after a multi-day hike using fortified lodges for overnight stays, the Kangshung Glacier can only be reached following an approach march of several days, including a pass crossing.


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Chomo Lonzo Makalu Mount Everest Tibetan Plateau Rong River Changtse Rongbuk Glacier North Face East Rongbuk Glacier North Col north ridge route Lhotse Nuptse South Col route Gyachung Kang Cho Oyu
Rongbuk Glacier and Mount Everest as seen from the International Space Station.
The Rongbuk Glacier (simplified Chinese: 绒布冰川; traditional Chinese: 絨布冰川; pinyin: Róngbù Bīngchuān) is located in the Himalaya of southern Tibet. Two large tributary glaciers, the East and West Rongbuk Glaciers flow into the Rongbuk Glacier. It flows north and forms the Rongbuk Valley north of Mount Everest. The famous Rongbuk Monastery is located at the northern end of the Rongbuk valley. Mount Everest is the source of the Rongbuk Glacier and East Rongbuk Glacier.

Tibetan Glaciers Are Retreating
At An Alarming Rate
By James Hansen
20 December, 2009
Glaciers on the Tibetan Plateau, sometimes called Earth's "third pole", hold the largest ice mass outside the polar regions. These glaciers act as a water storage tower for South and East Asia, releasing melt water in warm months to the Indus, Ganges, Brahmaputra and other river systems, providing fresh water to more than a billion people. In the dry season glacial melt provides half or more of the water in many rivers.
Figure 1. Five ice cores were extracted from the indicated locationson the Tibetan plateau. The white dashed line is the northerly boundary of the Indian monsoon.
Tibetan glaciers have been melting at an accelerating rate over the past decade. Glacier changes depend on local weather, especially snowfall, so glacier retreat or advance fluctuates with time and place. Thus it is inevitable that some Tibetan glaciers advance over short periods, as has been reported. But overall, Tibetan glaciers are retreating at an alarming rate.
Global warming must be the primary cause of glacier retreat, which is occurring on a global scale, but observed rapid melt rates suggest that other factors may be involved. To investigate the possible role of black soot in causing glacial melt, a team of scientists from Chinese research institutes extracted ice cores from five locations on the Tibetan Plateau (Figure 1).
Black soot, which includes black carbon (BC) and organic carbon (OC), absorbs sunlight and can speed glacial melting if BC reaches values of order 10 ng/g (nanograms per gram) or larger. The ice core data revealed that BC reached values of 20-50 ng/g in the 1950s and 1960s for the four stations that are downwind of European pollution sources. BC and OC amounts decreased strongly in the early 1970s, probably because of clean air regulations in Europe.
However, the ice cores also reveal that in the past decade BC and OC began to increase again, even on the Zuoqiupu glacier (Figure 2), which is mainly subject to Asian sources. The data suggest that increased black soot arises from Asian sources, especially the Indian subcontinent.
The measured concentrations of BC and OC refer to fresh snow. But as the snow melts in the spring and summer the black soot concentrations on the glacier surface increase, because the soot particles do not escape in the melt water as efficiently as the water itself. As a consequence, the soot noticeably darkens the glacier surface during the melt season, increases absorption of sunlight, and speeds glacier disintegration.
Figure 2. Black carbon (BC) and organic carbon (OC) concentrations in the Zuoqiupu ice core for the monsoon (June-Sept) and non-monsoon (Oct-May) seasons, and the annual mean.
In a new paper by Xu et al., we concluded that black soot is contributing to the rapid melt of glaciers in the Himalayas. And continued, "business-as-usual" emissions of greenhouse gases and black soot will result in the loss of most Himalayan glaciers this century, with devastating effects on fresh water supplies in dry seasons.
But business-as-usual emissions are not inevitable. An alternative scenario, which stabilizes the glaciers and has other benefits for global climate and human health, requires a reduction of major human-made climate forcing agents that have a warming effect — that means greenhouses gases, especially carbon dioxide, as well as black soot.
Quantitative policy implications have been defined: coal emissions must be phased out over the next 20 years, and unconventional fossil fuels, such as tar sands and oil shale, must remain undeveloped. Combined with improved agricultural and forestry practices and reduction of methane and black soot emissions, these actions would avoid demise of the Tibetan glaciers.
Not coincidentally, these policy actions are the same as those required to stabilize Earth's energy balance and keep the climate near the Holocene climate range in which civilization developed. The question is whether the global community can exercise the free will to limit fossil fuel emissions and move to clean energies of the future — or is it inevitable that all fossil fuels will be burned?
The conclusion is that prospects for survival of Tibetan glaciers can be much improved by reducing black soot emissions. The black soot arises especially from diesel engines, coal use without effective scrubbers, and biomass burning, including cook stoves. Reduction of black soot via cleaner energies would have other benefits for human health and agricultural productivity. However, survival of the glaciers also requires halting global warming, which depends upon stabilizing and reducing greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide.

Related Links
NASA Earth Observatory: Image of the Day: 2009-12-15

Xu, B, J. Cao, J. Hansen, T. Yao, D.J. Joswia, N. Wang, G. Wu, M. Wang, H. Zhao, W. Yang, X. Liu, and J. He, 2009: Black soot and the survival of Tibetan glaciers. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., doi: 10.1073/pnas.0910444106, in press.
Hansen, J., Mki. Sato, P. Kharecha, D. Beerling, R. Berner, V. Masson-Delmotte, M. Pagani, M. Raymo, D.L. Royer, and J.C. Zachos, 2008: Target atmospheric CO2: Where should humanity aim? Open Atmos. Sci. J., 2, 217-231, doi:10.2174/1874282300802010217.

Please address all inquiries about this research to Dr. James Hansen.

2013年5月13日 星期一





驅 車上華梵,行經半山腰,即可望見白色的校舍錯落在青翠的大崙山頂上,我總是不解:為什麼當初創辦人曉雲法師要用白色的呢?校舍不就應與山林同調、融為一 體?在這山路上來回已逾二十一載,最近的某一天,煙雨濛濛,我習慣性地遠眺那每日要去的工作地點,隱約看到了一朵白雲安臥山頂,定睛一看,眼花了,原來是 一樣潔白的校舍,我終於明白,曉雲法師在大崙山上安放的是一朵白雲。 曉雲法師是一位藝術家,她畢生最偉大的作品就是華梵大學。
約莫在十九年前一個寧靜美麗的夜裡,月光映照在華梵堂,在這個建校時期的鐵皮屋工地裡,生態社的曾文修同學,播放著幻燈片,為我們講述華梵的自然生態之 美。第一張幻燈片是雙溪口石碇堡隧道的美麗景致,是在通往石碇平溪的叉路口,離華梵還有十五分鐘的車程;文修說道:這就是華梵的校門,每當經過這隧道口, 就有了回到學校的感覺,從石碇鄉到大崙山都是我們的大校園。文修其實是在告訴我們,華梵應該是一所什麼樣的大學,辦學的視野要延伸到社區與土地的連結。那 一夜,曉雲法師也深受感動。
文修有一位徒弟,賴麒泰,有一年介紹華梵自然生態之美的重責大任,換到他頭上。他們師徒倆總是利用自然生態之名,偷渡很多教育的想法、文化的理念,傳達給 師長們。在春節過後的教職員聚會中,麒泰受邀介紹華梵自然生態,當播放到夏夜學校後山受傷的一條青色小蛇,他竟不禁感傷地哽咽了起來。
十多年前,流浪狗的議題剛開始受到重視,提報環保局、抓走撲殺,是當時社會的主流做法。學生們與總務處協商,表示願意照顧這些流浪狗,從此狗兒在大崙山頂 入戶落腳。有時候,真的會有狗兒晃進教室,趴臥聽課,有時比學生還認真。麒泰同學每天費心準備七個便當,定時定點餵食這些流浪狗,七個便當盒的故事,成為 校史中動人的一頁。
華梵的系辦公室和教師研究室的配置,是採用家庭式的設計理念:客廳是系辦公室,系辦後端坐落兩旁的房間就是教師研究室。機電系的系辦總是人聲鼎沸,擠滿了 學生,夜幕低垂更是熱絡。系辦公室裡只有一位助教趙媽,其他多出的座位都成了學生的窩,這裡早已是學生的系辦了,彷彿這個系是學生在經營的。每當晚上較晚 回家,我離開研究室,低著頭悄悄步出系辦門口時,在系辦座位上,一定會有學生大聲地跟我說再見;踏出系辦,經過穿堂變身的學生學習角,傳來討論功課、談天 歡笑的聲音。
才剛過完年,開學第二天的傍晚,經過系辦外穿堂,看到機電系學會會長「包子」在學習角開起了幹部會議。我探頭過去,原來系學會要辦紙橋競賽活動。我說:老 師早期材料力學的課,都安排有紙橋競賽的學習單元,不過這十年來就都沒安排了。學生聽了很興奮,跟我要了資料就準備接手。我也覺得意外,誰說現在學生辦活 動只有吃喝玩樂,其實他們渴望的是「學習的興味」,需要有自主學習的舞台。
去年底跨年的前夕,全校社團實習專題舉辦了期末評審會,這是華梵通識最能展現學生自主創意的精采課程。美術系的迎新活動,別有創意地拉到了台中舉辦,原來 他們是經過精心的評估,避開大台北,場地、成本都是最優的;卓越的創意企畫、縝密的組職分工,都不是大人們所能企及的。學校有一棟等待改建的建築,美術系 學會的同學們花了三天的時間將它變裝成鬼屋廢墟,辦了一場萬聖驚魂夜闖鬼屋活動,結合他們美術創作的專業學習,成就了一場精采的裝置藝術秀。從做中學,培 養解決問題的能力,這些活動都是學生們獨立策畫執行的。
工設系的芳瑜,常來我們人文教育中心串門子,她的設計專業幫我們同仁解決了很多海報編輯的問題。她入學那一年,學校啟動了築夢者計畫,芳瑜跟班上同學共四 個人,提了一個金工設計的微型創業夢想計畫。從拜訪商家開始,一家一家去請教,學習如何開店;然後找學長帶路,跑工廠尋找合作廠商;尋找各種研習機會,吸 收最新的資訊。幾個女生在學校附近山腰處租了一個工作室,住在一起。不過半年的時間,她們都已經在接單營運了;在最後的成果發表會中,我們看到了一種跳躍 式的蛻變成長。
為什麼孩子要上學?這是諾貝爾文學獎得主大江健三郎一生非常關注的課題。他家從事的是森林管理方面的工作,他小時候喜歡一個人帶著植物圖鑑跑到森林裡,對 照著樹木的名稱和生態,心想記好這些,將來工作一定用得上;然而他在學校無法跟老師同學討論這些,為什麼要去這樣的學校,學一些似乎跟未來生活無關的東 西?
大江健三郎的兒子,名字叫作「光」,光出生時腦部異常,有智能障礙。光就讀的特教班環境吵雜,充滿刺耳的尖叫聲,光為什麼還要上學呢?光跟班上的一位喜歡 音樂的同學,經常手牽著手一起窩在教室角落,忍耐班上吵雜的噪音,不久之後兩人開始有互動,巴赫、莫札特是他們之間對話的語言。光後來譜了一首曲子〈畢 業‧變奏曲式〉,也在各演奏會中演出。
大江健三郎在《為什麼孩子要上學》一書中說道:「對光而言,音樂是為了確認自己內心深處的豐富寶藏,並且傳遞給他人,讓自己和社會有所連結的最有效語言, 它雖然萌發於家庭生活中,但卻是在光上學之後形成。不管是國語也好,理科或算術、體操或是音樂,學習這些都是為了充分了解自己、與他人聯繫」。
學校要能夠創造課本之外、教室之外的學習場景,因為這些學習是最需要與他人攜手同心、相互成就的。不論是通識或專業的學習,從抽象的知識學科到實務應用的 一技之長,都是學生在未來與他人連結、貢獻所長、與社會連結的憑藉。所有的課程與活動,都會因著學生的自我發展得到滿足而有了意義,我們就是這一群守護著 這方樂土的園丁吧。
華梵大學,簡稱華梵,前身為釋曉雲法師創辦於1990年的華梵工學院,創校宗旨:人文與科技融匯,慈悲與智慧相生。1993年更名為華梵人文科技學 院,1997年改制為華梵大學。華梵為校址位於新北市石碇區的私立綜合大學,校區風景優美,有森林大學之譽。現任校長是朱建民教授。
作詞:釋曉雲 作曲:黃友隸

【2013/05/14 聯合報】@ http://udn.com/

The World on Regent Street


The World on Regent Street

An exciting new event: 'The World on Regent Street' took place on Sunday 12 May 2013, clearing the street of traffic and welcoming visitors from across the globe to Regent Street.

Countries that took part in this exciting new event include Argentina, China, Egypt, Great Britain, Trinidad and Tobago and Turkey. On top of this, vistors of Regent Street were able to enjoy a variety of other experiences throughout the day inspired by other parts of the world including France, Australia, India, Brazil and America. Offering samples of traditional dishes along with cultural performances in a carnival style atmosphere, the countries took to the street to showcase some of the very best aspects of their culture..

From costumed carnival dancers to Egyptian folkloric performances, Regent Street pulled out all the stops to give visitors a real flavour of each of the participating countries. Much to the delight of many children and adults alike, representing Great Britain were the much-loved Wallace and Gromit. This featured an enormous hot air balloon by Hamley's toy store, which towered over Regent Street.
Along with the variety of acts that performed on the day - incuding dancers from Argentina, Trinidad and Tobago and a troupe of American cheerleaders, visitors enjoyed a sunny day of sampling a range of flavours from across the globe along with a spot of retail therapy down Regent Street. Bringing together a myriad of cultures, all in one place, The World on Regent Street was a great success - a fun filled day for the family.
Events on the day...

Enjoy the delights of an authentic coffee shop experience whilst tasting the delicious flavours of Turkish food from Ozer restaurant and sampling chocolate-covered Turkish delights. After indulging in the taste of Turkey, why not hit the dance floor and enjoy the live Turkish band?

Showcasing a fantastic array of folkloric performance and mouth-watering traditional cuisine, Egypt will also feature professional henna artists, papyrus illustration demonstrations, an elaborate display of Egyptian clothing and a vibrant 5 piece band.

Great Britain
Special guests Wallace and Gromit will be on Regent Street to promote fantastic holidays at home. Why not meet the famous duo and join them to enjoy their favourite British cheeses? A must see is the hot air balloon towering over the event; a sight not often seen in London’s busy West End.

Visit Chinatown on Regent Street and be entertained by elaborate lion dancing performances set to animated Chinese drumming. Also, witness intricate Kung Fu demonstrations by some of the youngest masters of the art. Afterwards, head to the decorative area to experience Chinese calligraphy, brush painting, and face painting.

An opportunity to experience the exquisite Argentine grill serving premium meat cuts prepared using traditional methods. To compliment the delectable food, visit the wine bar with highly distinguishable flavours from various regions throughout the country. Enjoy this cuisine whilst listening to live music and treat yourself to a tango lesson.

Trinidad and Tobago
Come to the Carnival and join the party atmosphere, where a steel pan band will provide the rhythm for a dance competition with amazing prizes to be won. Meet the roving carnival characters and dynamic dancers dressed in feathered costumes, who will put you through your paces. Don’t miss a performance by the renowned ‘3 Canal’ band in their debut on Regent Street and indulge yourself with delicious bites and fine rum cocktails.
Experience the essence of Australia with AussieMite and enjoy their delicious homemade savoury cupcakes baked fresh to perfection.
Retailer activity on the day...
To celebrate their American heritage, Anthropologie will be bringing a taste of America to its Regent Street store with an homage to home-baking and the iconic cupcake.

Café Royal hotel
Taste the best of British fare with the Menu Du Jour in the Ten Room at Café Royal hotel.
Telephone 0207 406 3310 to reserve a table to enjoy dishes including Paris Mushroom Velouté, Breaded Cutlet of Pork, Brown Sugar Tart and more.
Following a sumptuous lunch, treat yourself to the Prince Regent Cake exclusive to The Café at Café Royal hotel created by their renowned Executive Pastry Chef, Simon Jenkins, from Italian sponge soaked in limoncello and Bajan cane sugar.

Drop in to Camper for your complimentary mini-bottle of Codorniu Cava while you shop and receive a canvas bag with every purchase. (While stocks last)

Pay a visit to Coach and their All-American Milkshake bar. They will be giving out delicious milkshakes in a range of flavours all day

Crabtree & Evelyn
Pop into Crabtree & Evelyn for a cup of tea and biscuits or maybe a glass of fizz. Don’t forget to enter the raffle to be in with a chance of winning one of three fabulous prizes
East India Company
Experience one of Britain’s most favourite traditions- stop by The East India Company marquee at 3pm to catch a peek into the Art of Tea. Led by The East India Company Tea Master, Lalith Lenadora
Look out for Fornata’s waiters on Regent Street and Kingly Street, they will be serving delicious samples of Arancini con Scamorza, risotto balls with cheese and Small Pizzetas, mini margarita pizzas
Prepare for your holidays at GANT, spend over £250 and receive a free pair of swimming shorts. (While stocks last)

Go to Hamleys to meet the famous Wallace and Gromit pair on Sunday 12 May

Jaeger will be having Complimentary tea sampling from The East India Company in store

Juicy Couture
Get your fill of American sweets and candy at Juicy Couture on Sunday 12 May.
Also enjoy 10% off your purchase* when you sign up for the Juicy Couture email.
Excluding swimwear, sunglasses, kidswear, fragrance and watches

Karen Millen
Karen Millen will be running a Lucky Dip throughout the day. Don’t miss your chance to win a personal styling session, £10 Gift Card, a Karen Millen Leather Cuff or 10% discount on all full price items!
Stop by L’Occitane for your choice of a free 30ml Hand Cream when you spend over £35
Discover the world of fragrance at Penhaligon’s at 12pm and 4pm. One of their fragrance experts will be giving exclusive tutorials on everything
fragrant! And if that doesn’t float your boat, you can just pop in to receive a 15% discount off all purchases.

Ripley’s Believe it or Not! London
Located just at the bottom of Regent St, Ripley’s London is offering an amazing 50% off ticket prices for Sunday 12 May – customers just need to present an event programme or discount leaflet at the Ripley’s admissions desk. Visit London’s most wonderfully weird visitor attraction and marvel at over 700 remarkable relics and rare treasures from around the world – step inside and let your adventure begin!

Ted Baker

Ted will be offering complimentary drinks to shoppers as well as a complimentary Turkish shave and a ‘London Born and Bred’ tote bag as a gift with purchase. (While stocks last)
More events on Regent Street this May...

World on Regent Street

Carnival dancers Jennice Price and Lolo Page from Trinidad and Tobago at The World on Regent Street Festival


更新時間 2013年 5月 13日, 星期一 - 格林尼治標準時間12:20 
「攝政街上的世界」(The World on Regent Street)於5月12日在倫敦攝政街舉行,英國人和居住在英國的來自阿根廷、中國、埃及、以及土耳其等國的群眾表演或展示了各國文化。封閉交通的攝政 街搖身變成了步行街。(Xixi Zheng 供圖供稿)

2013年5月11日 星期六

車體廣告 Wrapping advertising

台北市的車體廣告可能從90年代才開始 足足晚香港等地數十年.


A Toronto streetcar wearing temporary CBC Radio 2 wrap advertising.
 Wrap advertising is the marketing practice of completely or partially covering (wrapping)[1] a vehicle in an advertisement or livery. This result of this process is essentially a mobile billboard. Wrap advertising can be achieved by painting a vehicle's outer surface, but an increasingly ubiquitous practice in the 21st century involves the use of large vinyl sheets as "decals." The vinyl sheets can be removed with relative ease, thus they drastically reduce the costs associated with changing advertisements. While vehicles with large, flat surfaces (such as buses and light-rail carriages) are often utilised due to ease, cars can also serve as hosts for wrap advertising, despite consisting of more curved surfaces.


Humble Administrator's Garden
The Humble Administrator's Garden is a renowned Chinese garden in Suzhou. The garden is located at n°178 Dongbei Street. At 51,950 m², it is the largest garden in Suzhou and is generally considered to be the finest garden in all of southern China. Wikipedia
 .......雖然遭到割裂、破壞,目前拙政園園林中部和西部仍不失古園遺意。尤其是中部(晚清八旗奉直會館園林)格局,雖然亭台橋樑多系因襲乾嘉以後甚至晚清的位置, 建築面貌亦均繫於晚清,但池山形勢仍保持五百年前王氏拙政園之大概。西部則為晚清補園,基本保持著光緒初的原貌,而水池形勢亦略存明代拙政園的遺意。拙政 園居鬧市而能延續其山水格局長達五百年,在蘇州園林中決系罕見,即在世界,亦屬不多。其遺產價值非同尋常。
emails 內的一些自己hc的資料

至於風景。我在 1992年看過一些林(無錫- 上海),2004年看,可以了解大陸的大投資和決心不過,局勢已殘(旁設國家林博物館,不過附近高樓快林立,有什麼意思……. )總之,要有真正的一番氣象,可是慢慢長路,無法像前天修正2004 年的GDP統計數字( 16.8%?),說改就改。
2004.06 我是喜歡「古意」的人,認為台大的花木是台灣校園之最。

2004.10 他 I. M. Pei 侃侃而談兒時蘇州太湖石師之作風,如Henry Moore般雕塑,把沉石放20年之後,再給下一代利用。其實,蘇州已物非人非,所以我半年前到該地,一直在想,旁,掛他名,建設中的「林博物館」完成之後,會是怎麼的風景?

2009? 林公的夫人善於(蘇州和台北) 購屋投資,那種到附近,看風水佳,又有自用地預售屋廣告即刻下車訂屋的勁,是很令人配服的。

2012. 張智翔在2008年買的「山塘狸貓」。它們(七隻,備架子和玻璃盒)「姑蘇藝人金衛東以手工製作最古老的玩具。把玩時將左手以空拳握住底部,相當音箱,張合調音;右手抹線、抖線、晃線製造音響,模擬動物叫聲等,多方嘗試,樂趣無比。」


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