2013年6月15日 星期六

Controversy over the Gängeviertel "Valentinskamp"



百年社區即將剷平,且政府抑制房價的預算下滑;另方面,市府卻砸下二十九億歐元(約合新台幣一千一百二十五億元),投入一百五十七公頃、歐洲投資規模最大的城市內開發案:海港城(Hafen City)。

HafenCity is a quarter in the district of Hamburg-Mitte in Hamburg, Germany. It is located on the Elbe river island that was formerly called Kehrwieder and Wandrahm.
HafenCity Hamburg is a project of city-planning where the old port warehouses of Hamburg are being replaced with offices, hotels, shops, official buildings, and residential areas. The project is the largest rebuilding project in Europe in scope of landmass (approximately 2,2 km²). The area of the HafenCity used to be part of the free port, but with the decreased economic importance of free ports in an era of European Union free trade, large container ships and increased border security, the Hamburg free port was reduced in size, removing the current HafenCity area from its restrictions. When completely developed, it will be home to about 12,000 people and the workplace of 40,000 people mostly in office complexes. The prospect for completion is not very clear, but will probably be around 2020-2030.


「最 荒謬的是,市政府這時候還打出創意城市的口號,想要吸引創意階級、觀光客來,」獨立記者推克爾(Christoph Twickel)說,當新興資通訊、文創產業成為後工業化國家的新經濟動力,許多城市,例如距漢堡一個半小時高速火車車程的柏林,都積極爭奪人才,尤其是 教育程度高、具創意能量、透過網路擁有廣大影響力的「創意階級」。


占領社區幾個月過後,神奇的事發生了,「城市裡的奇蹟!」德國主流媒體《鏡報》(Spiegel)形容。不只藝術家還在,他們吸引超過上萬人次參觀,並蒐 集了超過兩萬個要求保留建築的請願簽名。最後逼得政府、開發商代表出面斡旋。一場藝術家領導的社會運動,讓城市發展的爭論達到高峰。





Brauerknechtgraben um 1900
Bäckerbreitergang heute

Controversy over the Gängeviertel "Valentinskamp"

Open Day in Gängeviertel 25 October 2009
Standing in the empty backyard Bacon Street, April 2009
The complex between Valentinskamp Caffamacherreihe and Bacon Street was in 2008 by Dutch investor Hanzevast Capital na purchase of the City of Hamburg. About twelve houses with valuable largely original old buildings should be demolished, according to plans (2009) to 80%. [1] The rest should be restored and increased. The investor paid the purchase price in installments according to the contract, namely a part before, more installments after the successful planning permission in September 2009.
To the complex of buildings includes the following 1987-2001 under monument protection Asked building: Valentinskamp 34 and 34 a, as timber building probably dating from the 18th Century, and a late founder temporal factory building, Schier's Passage (Valentinskamp 35, 36, 37, 38, 38 a-f, 39) as a complete system from the front building with landscaped courtyard and commercial buildings from the period 1846-1865 and the late founder temporal floor houses Caffamacherreihe 37-39 / 43-49 of architect Carl Foes. Since about 2002 this district was already empty, the houses fell rapidly. A popular initiative is committed to the preservation and wise use, including through artistic and creative activities, a. [2] 

Since 22 August 2009 occupy under the patronage of Daniel Richter about 200 artists that Gängeviertel and demand both space for creative as well as the complete preservation of the historic building. [3] In November 2009 the manifesto "Not In Our Name, Brand Hamburg" was proclaimed. [ 4] The initiative called Come into gear wants to create "a self-governing, public and living quarters with cultural and social demands". [5] On 15 December 2009 informed the Hamburg Senate, that the sale to Hanzevast'll rescinded by mutual agreement to allow "a project concept with a broader public consensus."

 The payments already made ​​of almost 2.8 million euros to the Dutch investor refunded. [6]
Not, however, came into the possession of Hanzevast the listed building Valentinskamp 40-42, consisting of a front building, intermediate building and hall wing. In the building of a theater has been operated since 1809, which was also later known as Tütge's establishment beyond Hamburg.

 By use of property as a venue it was in the 1920s printer for Hamburg's newspaper revived in 2005 in Hamburg as a theater Engelsaal.
By 2011, the Gängeviertel and its surroundings has up to Großneumarkt by the influx of various galleries, such as fine art Kruger or gallery Helium Cowboy and the use of previously vacant shop spaces as studios by artists from Hamburg, including Pittjes Hitschfeld (former demolition Gallery ), a vibrant cultural and arts center of Hamburg developed.


  • "This writer recently sought arms in Hamburg. His path led him into a narrow passage through with tall buildings on both sides, left and right apartment on apartment and back home in the other, almost all close together and nested ... The hideous Pestluft from the gutters at times met the narrow street, in which the residents see each other in the window. In some of these houses are again inputs into new mazes. To crouch inside this second courtyards is reached. When I had entered one of these programs, windows and doors were left open and right, noise, scolding and viewers and listeners for both the elderly and children, prostitutes and boys formed the population between the converging walls. Left again was a line even closer formed by homes; breath was inhibited by the stuffy air had developed at this point, right here lived the sought family in a formal cave; in untern parts of the miserable hut was almost in darkness a composite spilled pair quartered, a kind of chicken staircase led upstairs, where again two to three independent batches had their homes, everything was full of all kinds of dirt on walls, windows, floors, five children and three women, and a little zoom grown boy with his prostitute ate and drank with each other here. Impudence, despair and utter stupidity cast dark shadows on the facial features of the meeting, to complete the picture of the physical and moral misery that lived here. "( Johann Hinrich Wichern 1847) [7]


