2013年10月8日 星期二

Aberdeen, With a Foot on the Seafloor / 阿伯丁房市持續高溫

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Aberdeen received Royal Burgh status from King David I (1124–53), transforming the city economically. The city's two universities, the University of Aberdeen...

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Kieran Dodds for The International Herald Tribune

 Aberdeen, With a Foot on the SeafloorBy STANLEY REED August 05, 2013蘇格蘭阿伯丁,海上能源業的“矽谷”STANLEY REED 2013年08月05日ABERDEEN, Scotland — Peter Blake has an American employer, the oil giant Chevron, and his work is global. It is his job to pull together and dispatch billions of dollars' worth of sophisticated undersea equipment needed for oil and natural gas fields in the Gulf of Mexico and offshore from Angola, the Republic of Congo, Indonesia and Australia.蘇格蘭阿伯丁——彼得·布萊克(Peter Blake)受僱於美國石油巨擘雪佛龍(Chevron),他的工作是全球性的。他負責統籌安排價值數十億美元的精密海底設備,這些設備被用來開採位於墨西哥灣,以及安哥拉、剛果共和國、印度尼西亞和澳大利亞的海上石油和天然氣田。So why is Mr. Blake, head of Chevron's undersea unit, based here in northeast Scotland?那麼,為什麼布萊克作為雪佛龍海底設備部門負責人,要以蘇格蘭東北部的阿伯丁為大本營呢?Because since the early 1970s, when oil was discovered in the British North Sea, Aberdeen has evolved from a fishing town, to an oil boom town, to the world's center of innovation and execution for the technology that makes the modern offshore energy industry possible.原因是,自20世紀70年代早期在英國北海發現石油以來,阿伯丁已從一個小漁鎮逐漸演變為一座繁榮的石油重鎮,演變為一個技術創新和執行的世界中心,這些技術使現代海上能源產業成為可能。蘇格蘭阿伯丁的聯合大街。這座城市躲過了困擾英國和歐洲​​大部分地區的經濟低迷。Kieran Dodds for The International Herald Tribune蘇格蘭阿伯丁的聯合大街。這座城市躲過了困擾英國和歐洲​​大部分地區的經濟低迷。“Scotland has been the home of subsea engineering,” Mr. Blake, a Scot, said in a conference room in Chevron's European headquarters on a hilltop overlooking this city and its many dark granite buildings. “The expertise generated by the North Sea continually influences undersea work across the globe.”“蘇格蘭一直是海底工程技術的發源地,”在雪佛龍歐洲總部的一間會議室裡,身為蘇格蘭人的布萊克說道。雪佛龍歐洲總部建在山頂上,俯瞰著整座城市和許多暗色花崗岩樓房。 “北海產生的專業技術持續影響著全球海底作業。”That expertise, with a resurgence of investment in natural gas and oil fields in and near the North Sea, means that Aberdeen, with 468,000 people in the city and surrounding area, has been able to nearly escape the economic doldrums that have plagued most of Britain and Europe. Aside from central London, Aberdeen is the wealthiest place in Britain, with an annual income of about £32,000, or about $49,000, per person. And thanks to the more than 100,000 jobs the oil industry generates in the area, unemployment in the city and neighboring shires is less than half the 7.8 percent national average.這種專業技術,加上再度興起的對北海及其附近石油和天然氣田的投資熱,意味著在市內及周邊地區有46.8萬居民的阿伯丁,幾乎未受困擾英國和歐洲​​大部地區的經濟低潮的影響。除倫敦市中心以外,阿伯丁是英國最富裕的地方,人均年收入達到約3.2萬英鎊(約合30萬元人民幣)。而且得益於石油業為該地區帶來的逾10萬就業崗位,阿伯丁及鄰近地區的失業率還不到7.8%的全國平均值的一半。The average pay for each of those oil jobs, at £64,000, is more than double the British average.而且,這些石油業職位平均薪酬為6.4萬英鎊,是英國平均薪水的兩倍多。“We've got plenty of well-paid people,” said Bob Keiller, chief of executive of Wood Group, a company that traces its roots to an early 20th-century fishing and boat repair business that has developed into a global oil services company with more than £7 billion a year in revenue.“我們有很多拿高薪的人,”伍德集團(Wood Group)首席執行官鮑勃·基勒(Bob Keiller)說。該集團的前身是一家建立於20世紀初的漁業和船舶修理企業,後來發展成一個全球石油服務業公司,年收入超過70億英鎊。Aberdeen does not look rich, though it does seem to have a disproportionate number of Range Rovers, Mercedes and BMWs. Its battered waterfront bars, with names like Neptune and Character, appear to have been little changed by four decades of an oil economy.阿伯丁看上去並不富裕,儘管這裡似乎有著數量超出比例的路虎攬勝(Range Rovers)、梅賽德斯(Mercedes)和寶馬(BMW)車。而發展40年的石油經濟,似乎也沒讓那些名為“海王星”、“品格”等飽經風浪打擊的海濱酒吧發生任何改變。But the fishing boats have been replaced by big, brightly painted oil field vessels that pull in and out of the narrow harbor entrance day and night. Such is the demand for pier space that the harbor authorities are contemplating construction of an additional pier in the next bay.但是,漁船已被刷著亮漆的大型油田船舶取代,它們不分晝夜地在狹窄的港口進進出出。對碼頭空間的需求如此之大,港務局正考慮在鄰近海灣增建一座碼頭。Aberdeen remains a boomtown even though North Sea oil reserves are gradually being tapped out. And yet that is why the city has become such an innovation hub.儘管北海原油儲量正趨於枯竭,但阿伯丁仍是一個繁榮的城市。而且,也正是因為油田老化枯竭,才推動該市成為一個創新中心。New development projects are having to venture ever deeper into more treacherous waters, whether west of the Shetland Islands in Britain or in the Barents Sea of​​f Russia.新開發項目必須要進入更深、更險惡的水域進行勘探,比如英國設德蘭群島以西海域或是俄羅斯海岸外的巴倫支海。For two planned projects, Rosebank off the Shetlands and Alder in the North Sea, Chevron and its partners recently awarded contracts worth £550 million, or more than $840 million. In the case of Rosebank, equipment must work at depths of 3,600 feet, and its surface production vessel must withstand waves 98 feet high or more.對於已規劃好的兩個項目——設德蘭群島邊上的羅斯班克(Rosebank)油氣田及北海的阿爾德(Alder)油氣田——雪佛龍最近和其合作夥伴發放了價值5.5億英鎊的合同。羅斯班克項目中,設備必須在海平面以下3600英尺的海底開展作業,而其海面開採平台必須能承受98英尺或者更高的海浪。The companies winning those contracts included a joint venture of the oil services giant Schlumberger and Cameron International, an undersea hardware specialist; and Aker Solutions, a Norwegian maker of oil and gas equipment. Each has a big presence in Aberdeen.贏得那些合同的公司包括一家由石油服務業巨頭斯倫貝謝(Schlumberger)和海底硬件設備專業生產商卡梅隆國際(Cameron International)組建的合資企業;以及挪威的油氣設備生產商阿克工程公司(Aker Solutions)。這些公司均在阿伯丁有很大業務地盤。As the rest of the global oil industry moves offshore and into deeper water off Brazil, Africa and the United States, the techniques and technology honed in the North Sea are increasingly in demand worldwide.隨著全球石油業的其餘成員也移師海上,進軍巴西、非洲和美國附近的深水油氣田,在北海得到完善的方法和技術在世界各地越來越吃香。Oil installations in water thousands of feet deep often resemble jellyfish, with a single platform or vessel floating at the top and far below a mass of wellheads, underwater controls, pump stations, piping and processing units snaking along the seabed.在數千英尺深的水域,石油設施看上去往往像只水母,一個孤零零的平台或船舶漂浮在海面上,在極深的海床上則綿延著一大堆井口、水下控制、泵站、管道和處理設備。Humans cannot work under a mile of water, so installing such equipment calls for specialized ships that can lay pipes and direct robotic submarines that install and maintain the gear. The arsenal includes powerful pumps and “well tr​​ees” — complex arrays of pipes and valves that sit atop undersea wells and regulate the flow of fluids.人類無法在1英里(約合1.6公里)以下的水中作業,所以安裝這種設備需要特種船舶,由其鋪設管道,並操控機器人潛艇安裝和維護設備。全套設備包括強大的油泵和“井樹”——位於海床井口的複雜的管道和閥門陣列,用於調節流體的流動。“Acid stimulation systems” inject chemicals into seafloor wells to increase production. Gas compressors, huge pieces of equipment that keep gas fields pumping, are being built to go deep under water rather than on land or on platforms. All must be built to resist the corrosion of salt water and withstand tremendous water pressure.“酸化增產系統”把化學物注入海底油井以提高產​​量。氣體壓縮機是一種保持氣田噴氣的大型設備,它正被重新設計,以便在深水下(而不是陸地或平台上)運行。所有設備都必須建得足以耐受鹽水的腐蝕,並能夠承受巨大的水壓。The costs of undersea oil projects can run into billions of dollars because usually the only practical solution is to put most of the gear for a deepwater field on the seafloor, rather than on a platform or on land. Still, “the real estate on the bottom is cheap, compared to the surface,” Mr. Blake said.海底石油項目的成本可能高達數十億美元,因為通常唯一實際的方案是把深水油氣田的大部分設備放在海底,而不是平台或陸地上。不過,“比起表面,底下的地產價格比較便宜,”布萊克說。This urge to submerge is proving to be a boon for British purveyors of underwater equipment and services and for their Norwegian counterparts. Subsea UK, an Aberdeen-based trade group, figures that British companies have about £8.9 billion in revenue, or 45 percent of the global subsea business, which has been growing at an annual rate of 17 percent.海底採油潮成了英國水下設備和服務提供商及其挪威同行的搖錢樹。 “英國海底”(Subsea UK)是一家阿伯丁的貿易組織,據該組織統計,英國公司擁有大約89億英鎊收入,佔全球海底設備市場的45%,該市場每年增長17%。“We often try new technology in the North Sea. It is a test bed,” said Matt Corbin, chief executive of the subsea unit of Aker Solutions, which employs 2,800 people here.“我們經常在北海嘗試新技術。這裡成了實驗平台,”阿克工程公司海底設備分公司首席執行官馬特·科爾賓(Matt Corbin)說。該公司在當地僱傭了2800人。On a warm July afternoon in an industrial park near Aberdeen International Airport, Aker's engineers were at work on sophisticated electronic control systems for what may be a first: an enormous gas compression unit, 75 meters long. What looks like a railroad bridge will be installed on the sea bottom off western Norway at an oil field called Asgard that is operated by Statoil, the Norwegian national oil company.7月一個溫暖的下午,在阿伯丁國際機場附近的一個工業園區裡,阿克公司的工程師們正忙於製造一種複雜的電子控制系統,它將用於或許是世界首創的一台巨型氣體壓縮裝置,有75米長。這東西看上去就像一座鐵路橋,將被安裝在挪威以西的阿斯加德(Asgard)油田的海底,該油田的作業方是挪威國家石油公司(Statoil)。At Schlumberger, the oil services company, drilling specialists in the Aberdeen technology center can monitor, by video, the progress of undersea drilling at its clients' projects anywhere in the world. “Because we run so much technology in the North Sea, we have the ability to look at data and give a sensible answer in other parts of the world, " said Graham Raeper, a Schlumberger engineer, as he pored over a rea​​dout with details of a well being drilled in Angola.在石油服務集團斯倫貝謝,阿伯丁技術中心的鑽井專家可以通過視頻,監視世界各地客戶項目的海底鑽井進度。 “因為我們在北海採用這麼多的技術,我們有能力查看數據,針對世界其他地方提供明智的答案,”斯倫貝謝工程師格雷厄姆·瑞珀爾(Graham Raeper)說。他正在聚精會神地閱讀安哥拉一個鑽井工程的詳盡讀數。Aberdeen's ability to grow as an energy hub may have limits. Already, some industry executives worry that wage inflation could eventually prompt them to find less expensive locales. And as the region's offshore energy reserves eventually dwindle, many companies will have less reason to have Aberdeen addresses.阿伯丁作為一個能源樞紐的發展空間或許是有限度的。一些業界高管已經開始擔心,工資的上漲最終將迫使他們尋找更便宜的地點。隨著該地區的海上能源儲量最終枯竭,許多公司將沒有那麼充足的理由堅守阿伯丁。But some locals expect the city's intellectual capital to endure — just as there is a Silicon Valley, though little of its business actually involves silicon. “We can be confident the exports will continue,” said Alexander Kemp, an oil economist at the University of Aberdeen.但一些當地人期望該市的智力資本將能夠持續,就好比矽谷的多數業務與硅無關一樣。 “我們有信心認為,出口將會繼續,”阿伯丁大學(University of Aberdeen)石油經濟學家亞歷山大·肯普(Alexander Kemp)說。For now, at least, the job seekers continue to flock here, whether to the office parks or the oil field equipment factories springing up on what were cow pastures west of the city.至少就目前而言,求職者仍不斷湧向這裡,無論是前往辦公園區或是油田設備工廠,這些建築在這座城市以西曾是養牛場的地方如雨後春筍般湧現。“We are in a bubble here,” said John Morrison, a recent architecture graduate who is designing suburban tract housing to accommodate the inflow. “I'd struggle to have a job anywhere else.”約翰·莫里森(John Morrison)是一名建築學應屆畢業生,他正在設計用來安置新來者的市郊住宅區。 “我們正處在一個泡沫中,”莫里森說。 “我在其他地方將是難以找到工作的。”

Copyright © 2013 The New York Times Company. All rights reserved.翻譯:谷菁璐、林蒙克


更新時間 2013年 10月 7日, 星期一 - 格林尼治標準時間15:02
據National Building Society的數據,能與之相提並論的只有倫敦北區的伊斯林頓和市中心的威斯敏斯特這兩個城區。
(編譯:郱書 責編:路西)


