2013年10月16日 星期三


Taiwan, Japan sign contract for exhibits in Japan

Taiwan and Japan signed a contract in Taipei on Wednesday to allow exhibits in Japan of ancient Chinese artifacts from Taiwan's National Palace Museum next year.
Feng Ming-chu, director of Taiwan's National Palace Museum, Masami Zeniya, executive director of the Tokyo National Museum, and Karoku Miwa, director of the Kyushu National Museum inked the deal at National Palace Museum in the presence of Lee Chia-chin, chairman of the Association of East Asian Relations, and Japan's representative to Taiwan Sumio Tarui.
More than 200 Chinese artifacts will be selected for the exhibitions, which will be held next year at the Tokyo National Museum for 12 weeks from June to September and for eight weeks at the Kyushu National Museum in Dazaifu, Fukuoka Prefecture, from October to November.
Among them are a century-old jadeite carved into the shape of a cabbage and the meat-shaped stone, two of the National Palace Museum's "Three Treasures."
However, the jadeite cabbage will be exhibited only at the Tokyo National Museum and the meat-shaped stone only at the Kyushu National Museum, each for two weeks.
A calligraphic text of Jin Dynasty calligrapher Wang Xizi (303-361), who is regarded by many as the godfather of Chinese calligraphy, will also be on display at the Kyushu National Museum.
In return, the Tokyo National Museum and Kyushu National Museum will lend 150 of their best artifacts and artwork, including 68 National Treasures, for an exhibition in Taiwan from October 2016 to January 2017.
Lee described the upcoming exhibits as "the largest ever" in terms of scale.
Over the past 20 years, the artifacts of the National Palace Museum have only been exhibited in four other countries -- the United States, France, Germany and Austria -- all of which enacted laws before the exhibit to guarantee the artifacts' safe return to Taiwan.
In March 2011, Japan also passed a law that addressed Taiwan's concern that China could seek to have the artifacts and artwork impounded without such a law.
The National Palace Museum in Taipei houses a large collection of Chinese antiquities collected by various Chinese emperors over a millennium.
China says the treasures housed in the National Palace Museum belong to Beijing as it views Taiwan as part of its territory.
The Nationalist Party (KMT) took more than 650,000 art objects to Taiwan after losing the Chinese civil war to the Communists in 1949.


2012/12 月號


朝日新聞國際編輯部副部長 野島剛
台北故宮文物到日本展覽已敲定於2014年夏季在東京國立博物館(東 博),而秋季在福岡的九州國立博物館(九博)舉行,預計展覽期間將持續半年左右,日本在過去從來不曾舉辦過任何關於台北故宮的展覽,因此, 2014年的日本展毋庸置疑地勢必會引起一股故宮熱潮吧!我已經開始期待了。


第一,展覽地點為什麼只有東京和九州的兩個城市呢?難得在日本舉辦,就只 在兩個城市進行展覽,不會太可惜嗎?例如,1961年台北故宮文物在美國的展覽時,對台灣來說可是舉國盛事,不僅於華盛頓、紐約、波士頓、芝加哥和洛杉磯 等美國五大城市進行巡迴展覽,還在美國境內造成轟動,掀起了故宮旋風。


接下來的謎題,直到現在尚未決定主辦單位是由誰勝出。離展覽僅剩下一年半 的時間,這是非常詭譎的情況,日本的大型美術展通常是大型媒體和博物館共同舉辦,在資金和宣傳方面互相合作。實際上,這次的日本展有《朝日新聞》、《讀賣 新聞》、《每日新聞》、《日本經濟新聞》、《產經新聞》以及多家電視台也都紛紛表達了意願,一場激烈的爭奪戰正在檯面下悄悄上演。

其實,赴日展覽的計畫曾經幾度被提出過。1960年代,台灣曾向日本要求 確保文物安全的「政府保證」,但日本方面拒絕,所以未能實現。在2007年左右,也出現了共同在日本舉辦北京和台北故宮展的提議,北京方面是答應了,但是 最終因為當時台北故宮院長林曼麗婉拒,所以再度付諸流水。


