2014年2月5日 星期三

Traditional Winter Games and Customs with Masks in Bulgaria

 保加利亞迎新年 戴面具驅走霉運


保加利亞的佩爾尼克,這天下起大雨,天空還飄下白雪,但卻澆不熄民眾的熱情。為了歡喜迎接新年,當地民眾每年都會開心戴上誇張的面具,身上披著獸毛,掛上 大型的銅鈴,人人化身為驅魔人的姿態,跳起傳統舞蹈,趕走寒冷以及過去一年的壞運氣,祈求來年事事順利,農作物豐收,同時也祈求還沒懷孕的新娘,早生貴 子。
面具節參與民眾 安塔納索夫


民族學家 曼諾娃


記者 靳元慶 報導
(2014-02-04 19:00)  晚間新聞


Traditional Winter Games and Customs with Masks in Bulgaria

Traditional Winter Games and Customs with Masks in Bulgaria

The custom of "Mummers" ("Kukeri") in the Bulgarian lands was originated thousands of years ago. It was celebrated by the Thracian tribes when meeting their new year and the beginning of the new planting season associated with tilling the fields. With their rituals the Kukeri dance the winter away and welcome the coming summer fertility. In different parts of Bulgaria the mummers go out at different times - right after the New Year or in March after Shrove (these celebrations correspond to the Western Christian Carnival). Mummers have different names: babugeri, pesyatsi, bear-leaders, elders, Kukove. They dress in leather or with a mixture of male and female clothes and put on scary masks, hang bells and carry swords or sticks to frighten away the frigid and fruitless winter. Then they dance in the streets to scare the evil forces and to banish the cold and perform rituals for fertility and health such as plowing, sowing, and others.

On New Year’s Day – the 1st of January - in many cities in Southwest Bulgaria like Bansko, Razlog, Petrich and Blagoevgrad mummer games are organized. Somewhat later - on January 12th - comes the International Festival of Babugeri Masks and Games in the town of Simitli, followed on January 19th by the International Mummer’s Carnival "Starchevata", which takes place in the town of Razlog.

The International Festival of Masquerade Games "Surva" in Pernik - the biggest and most significant event of traditional folk dances and rituals with masks in Bulgaria and on the Balkans - will be held between the 1st and 3rd of February 2013, while "Kukerlandia" in Yambol starts on the 26th of February.


