2014年4月17日 星期四

Reservoir problems at Mount Tabor 水庫尿尿 500萬加侖用水報銷

此蓄水池 無過濾所以有人尿尿就須清池
Reservoir  at Mount Tabor


Reservoir problems[edit]

Mount Tabor Reservoir
These reservoirs, according to Portland's NBC affiliate KGW, are not filtered. This came to light June 30, 2008 when KGW reported two people were caught skinny dipping in one of the offline reservoirs the night of June 29. Reservoir officials say it's fortunate this particular reservoir was offline at the time, because draining and refilling it would have cost tens of thousands of dollars. Creating covers for the reservoirs has been proposed in the past but would cost the city about $500 million.[18] The uncovered reservoirs were again in the news in early December 2009 when an E. coli outbreak warning was issued for Portland tap water. Residents were urged to boil the water they use for drinking and washing dishes.[19]
On June 15, 2011, a man was observed urinating in a nearly 8,000,000 gallon reservoir, prompting city officials to drain the water at a cost of around $36,000.[20]

  1. NEWS.com.au ‎- 2 hours ago
    In June 2011, the city drained a 28 million-litre reservoir at Mount Tabor in southeast Portland. This time, 143 million litres from a different ...

美屁孩水庫尿尿 500萬加侖用水報銷

2014-04-17  17:08

〔本報訊〕美國波特蘭市的噩夢又來了,3名年輕人昨天在塔博山水庫(Mount Tabor Reservoir)的蓄水池小便,導致500萬加侖的水通通要放掉,為此,當地政府必須拋售380萬加侖的飲用水才能補足損失。

3名美國年輕人跑到波特蘭市的水庫蓄水池小便,導致水庫必須將水全部排空。(圖截取自The Oregonian )




