2016年5月28日 星期六

Paris's Pont des Arts ,辦起了雕塑展、畢恆達「同心鎖」?700,000 "love locks" cause part of Paris bridge to collapse



「同心鎖」相傳是月下老人的寶物,相愛的男女只要被同心鎖鎖住,就會生生世世永結同心。許多戀人便在充滿靈氣之處(如黃山、太湖、長城)買一把鎖,有的鎖甚至做成心形,在上面刻上兩人的名字及當天日期,鎖在欄杆上,並將鑰匙拋入山崖或湖中,以祝福彼此心心相印、相愛到老。中國這項風俗近來也在世界其他地方大為流行。2006年義大利著名小說I Want You (Ho voglia di te)裡有情侶在威尼斯的橋上鎖同心鎖的情節(隔年改編成同名電影),引發歐洲(從義大利到巴黎、德國、俄羅斯等地)在橋上鎖同心鎖的風潮。美國內華達州的洛弗拉克(Lovelock)地名源自美國的一個姓氏,字義恰好是「愛之鎖」,於是自2006年的情人節正式推動此風俗,開闢同心鎖廣場(Lovers Lock Plaza),成為美國官方的同心鎖聖地。其實若是真心相愛,何苦加上枷鎖呢?(文字改寫自「塗鴉鬼飛踢」一書)

There is officially a little too much love on this particular Parisian bridge.
Part eyesore, part symbol of everlasting affection, the 700,000 metal "love locks" emblazoned with the initials of visiting lovers have been attached to the Pont des Arts footbridge that crosses the Seine River in Paris for seven years or so. Now part of the bridge has collapsed under the weight of the locks.
A five-foot span of the bridge's metal mesh railing came down Sunday night, according to Britain's Telegraph newspaper. (Luckily for the boaters below, it collapsed onto the bridge, not into the water.)
As aptly Parisian as the phenomenon may seem, "love locks" may have been an Italian import — and a recent one at that.
Some trace its rise in popularity to two Italian novels, published in 1992 and 2006: Federico Moccia's "Tre Metri Sopra il Cielo" ("Three Metres Above the Sky") and "Ho Voglia di Te" ("I Desire You"), according to the BBC.
It spread to Russia, and Paris's Pont des Arts and other bridges, as well asfar-flung destinations such as China, Hungary, Germany and Guam.
Seemingly everywhere the craze goes, it brings trouble, or at least some debate.
In 2007, the mayors of Florence and Rome instituted fines as a deterrent against fastening padlocks to their city bridges.
Tourists have taken to the Eiffel Tower, the Brooklyn Bridge, and London's bridges and fences.
In Paris, the locks spawned a protest campaign called "No Love Locks,"petitioning tourists to stop defacing the city's otherwise unadorned bridges with unsightly locks.

Sometimes, love is a little too strong.
A five-foot span of the Pont des Arts footbridge came down under the weight...


