2014年6月25日 星期三

Ipswich (英國)

英國的 Ipswich 市,我在1977年和1992年各去過一次。1977年是學生;1992年任職某國際公司,到那兒商辦。

Ipswich Listeni/ˈɪpswɪ/ is a large town in SuffolkEngland, of which it is the county town. Ipswich is located on the estuary of the River Orwell. Nearby towns are Felixstowe,WoodbridgeNeedham Market and Stowmarket in Suffolk and Harwich and Colchesterin Essex. Ipswich is a non-metropolitan district.
The urban development of Ipswich overspills the borough boundaries significantly, with 75% of the town's population living within the borough at the time of the 2011 Census, when it was the fourth-largest urban area in the United Kingdom's East of England region, and the 38th largest urban area in England and Wales.[1]
The modern name is derived from the medieval name 'Gippeswic', probably taken either from an Old Saxon personal name or from an earlier name of the Orwell estuary (although unrelated to the name of the River Gipping).[2] In 2011, the town of Ipswich was found to have a population of 133,384,[3] while the Ipswich built-up area is estimated to have a population of approximately 180,000.[1]

今天惡名昭彰的諾富特,剛剛才知道是Novotel連鎖---法國創,英國開三十幾家。我在1992年英國的Ipswitch市的Novotel住過。當時是間很樸素的大旅店,房間還掛複製的John Constable的畫.... 而現在已改裝成4星級。有意思的是,在數十頁的宣傳中,你找不到旅館的歷史介紹。換句話說,絕大多數的連鎖店是沒有歷史的。

Borough of Ipswich
Town and Borough
Top down: Christchurch Mansion, Willis Building,water tower, Ipswich Waterfront, Ipswich Town Centre, Sir Bobby Robson Bridge
Top down: Christchurch MansionWillis Building,water tower, Ipswich Waterfront, Ipswich Town Centre, Sir Bobby Robson Bridge
Ipswich and surrounding area
Ipswich and surrounding area
Ipswich within Suffolk and England
Ipswich within Suffolk and England


