2014年9月27日 星期六

Musée Rodin

Picture : Musée Rodin - Meudon, © Musée Rodin (J. Manoukian)
Musée Rodin 更新了封面相片。
Le musée ‪#‎Rodin‬ élu 5e meilleur musée de France par le TripAdvisorTravelers' Choice ! Merci aux 4 492 avis !
The musée Rodin elected 5th best museum in France by the Trip Advisor Traveller's Choice! Thank you!

New admission rules, from september 22 to november 12 !
Full rate : 6€
Reduced rate : 5€
18-25 years old from non EU countries : 5€⋯⋯

'Masterpieces on the move' is the temporary presentation of the collections at the musée ‪#‎Rodin‬. What can I see ?
Discover the themes of the 9 rooms ! Let's begin with the early works :http://www.musee-rodin.fr/en/museum/renovation-hotel-biron/masterpieces-move/1-early-works
[ARTWORK OF THE WEEK] Often confused with Danaid, this sculpture has the same posture. The name ? Andromeda.
Picture : Andromeda, © Musée Rodin (C. Baraja)


