2015年2月21日 星期六

Views of New York City; New York a hell of a place – with the emphasis on hell


A look at New York below zero
Ice floes float on the Hudson River on a frigid day on Feb. 20 in Manhattan in New York City. Arctic air and bitterly cold wind is moving across the Northeast, plunging temperatures into record low single digits...

“New York has always been going to hell but somehow it never gets there”

說這話的是皮西格(Robert M. Pirsig),美國的哲學作家,七十年代寫過一本暢銷書,「禪與機車維修的藝術」。這話說得相當禪,不太機車。


New York a hell of a place – with the emphasis on hell

Survey finds state is the least happy place in America, with hurricane-ravaged Louisiana coming in as happiest

New York Staten Island ferry
 New York city, the principal metropolis of a state that has been deemed the least happy in the US. Photograph: Alamy

Now New Yorkers have something real to complain about. A study of statistical information about the 50 US states (or in this case 51 — the survey includes Washington DC) has concluded that New York is the least happy place in America.
To add insult to injury, one of the two economics professors who pulled together the study is a Brit, Andrew Oswald from Warwick University.
Oswald and his New York colleague Stephen Wu pooled information from public sources to estimate the happiness levels across the states.
Top of the list comes Louisiana, which is in itself an eyecatching finding given that it was only recently ravaged by hurricane Katrina. Then come Hawaii and Florida – no surprises there – and the sun-rich states of Tennessee, Arizona and Mississippi.
And there, right at the bottom, even beneath Connecticut and that much-maligned state New Jersey, comes New York.
Asked whether he was surprised by New York's apparently deeply miserable condition, Oswald said only a little. "Many people think these states would be marvellous places to live in," he said. "The problem is that if too many individuals think that way, they move into those states, and the resulting congestion and house prices make it a non-fulfilling prophecy."


The light fantastic. See the full gallery of Vincent Laforet's images of New York from the open door of a helicopter 7,500ft over the city:http://gu.com/p/4577f/fb

Explore city streets, skyline views, and more depictions of the place the Met calls home on our New York City Pinterest board:http://met.org/1enZlCg
Colin Campbell Cooper (American, 1856–1937) | View of New York City


