2019年4月11日 星期四

中國在俄羅斯破壞性伐木;Lake Baikal 貝加爾湖之怒 Fuelled by China fears, Russians protest Baikal bottling plant,

從阿爾泰山脈到太平洋沿岸,西伯利亞這片廣袤的土地上遍布著垂死樹樁。在許多俄羅斯人看來, 罪魁禍首無疑是中國 。


俄羅斯庫爾圖克村居民 迪米娜說:「我不希望我的孩子孫子住在附近,看著貝加爾湖,卻沒辦法享受它、玩水,甚至在湖畔散散步都不行。」
俄羅斯庫爾圖克村居民 飛利浦夫表示,「可以說外人來到這裡開始掠奪,還蠻橫對待附近居民,當地人不滿,水要出口到中國去。」
葉爾庫茨克州州長 列夫臣科表示,「(這個)完全是個環境保護區,專家環評過程中沒有考慮到,我覺得這件事難以接受,所以我完全看不到這裡蓋瓶裝水工廠有任何好處。」
貝加爾湖國家公園研究中心副主任 列布查夫表示,「從鳥類學的角度這裡非常有(環保)價值,而且植物學者也發現稀有植物,也呼籲保留這片濕地生態系。」

Fuelled by China fears, Russians protest Baikal bottling plant, Europe ...


.....Mr Azarov said the facility would not close off village access to the lake, and would provide the locals with 150 jobs, and authorities with tax revenue.
Siberian environmentalist Alexander Kolotov said there were some problems with the plant's location, but that the "anti-China factor is very clear" in the current protest.
The case "hits the bullseye of the fears and stereotypes of modern Russians, that 'China will gulp down our national heritage'."
It follows similar protests against China cutting down forests across Siberia, which have led some regions to cancel agreements with Chinese companies.
Chinese presence in the region exploded after the rouble crashed in 2014 and the Russian government eased tourist visa restrictions.
As tourism and business grew, so did local distrust.
Last week a state TV report, Baikal on Tap, focused on a Chinese hotel for Chinese tourists officially listed as a private home.
The TV crew unsuccessfully tried to interview the man in charge, who did not speak Russian.
"Where is your food permit?" the presenter shouted as the tourists consumed their lunch, ignoring her.
"What kind of food is this?" she asked, opening pots.


"For Siberians, there are two things that are like a red rag to a bull and cause an immediate reaction," said Ms Svetlana Pavlova, chief editor of Irkutsk-based IRK.ru news website.
"One is the Chinese, which 'have taken over everything and leave trash', and the second is encroachment on the lake. And here it so happens that the company building the plant is 99 per cent-owned by Chinese nationals."
She said the construction boom of often illegal hotels infuriates locals because they themselves cannot get permission to build anything on the protected shore.
Locals also don't earn money from Chinese tourists who are serviced by Chinese firms on Baikal, she said.
"There has been a cumulative effect" which resulted in the anti-plant backlash, Ms Pavlova added. "People are tired of government inaction."
Mr Denis Bukalov, a campaigner against the project based in Irkutsk, however, said, "it's not not important that it's the Chinese."
Construction had "ruined" the shoreline in Kultuk after the "illegal" portioning off of land, according to the campaigner.
He said the plant set a dangerous precedent.
"You can see on the map of registered land ownership that seven parcels of land are set aside for bottling water" nearby, he said.
"They will turn Baikal into a swamp," he told AFP.
Ecologists point out the project has not accounted for its location on wetlands important for birds.
The area is a key feeding ground during migration seasons, with 130 different bird species recorded there.
Some of those have protected status, said biologist Igor Fefelov of the Russian Bird Conservation Union.
This "was not even mentioned" in the plant's environmental assessment, he said.
Irkutsk region governor Sergei Levchenko, who backed the plant in 2017, has flipped 180 degrees in the face of growing protest.
"The site is environmentally protected land on all sides," he said this week. "I think this is insurmountable. I don't see the potential for bottling water there."
Environmentalist Kolotov said the project would likely turn off others from efforts to experiment with green businesses on the lake.
"It's as if the project was designed especially to discredit the idea of bottling Baikal water," he said.



貝加爾湖布里亞特蒙古文Байгал нуур,拉丁轉寫:Baygal nuur,意思是「自然之湖」[3];一說名稱來源於「貝音嘎 嘎拉」(蒙古語意為不滅的火焰)[4]俄羅斯文О́зеро Байка́л)。漢代時代稱為北海,五胡十六國時北朝叫「於巳尼大水」,隋唐叫小海,18世紀初期的《異域錄》稱之為「柏海兒湖」,《大清一統志》稱為「白哈兒湖」,蒙古稱為「達賴諾爾」,意為「海一樣的湖」,17世紀20年代的沙皇俄國探索者亦稱之為「聖海」;位於俄羅斯西伯利亞伊爾庫茨克州布里亞特共和國境內,距離蒙古國邊界111公里,為北亞地區不少部族的世居領地,例如布里亞特人居住在湖泊東側地區,於該地豢養山羊駱駝牛隻綿羊[5][6]。另外,貝加爾湖有「西伯利亞明珠」之稱[7][8][9][10]

Besides being the world's oldest lake, with the greatest water reserves and transparency, mysterious Baikal has many endemic species that have achieved a unique evolution.
The Timeless Lake: Baikal
February 21, Sat. 9:10 / 15:10 / 21:10 (JST)⋯⋯


