2015年3月5日 星期四

Duke Humfrey's Library, the Bodleian, Oxford. Choir service in Magdalen College, Oxford

Duke Humfrey's Library, the Bodleian, Oxford
The Library, named after Henry IV's younger son, Humfrey of Lancaster, is the oldest reading room in the Bodleian Library. On his death in 1447 Humfrey bequeathed his manuscript collection to the University of Oxford and a library was built to house them as a second storey to the Divinity School. In 1598 Sir Thomas Bodley restored the Library after it had been damaged in the mid-16th century and it now forms part of the Bodleian Library.
Copyright © Oxford University Images / Whitaker Studio -- All rights reserved.

Choir service in Magdalen College, Oxford
The choir master conducts the college choir as they perform at an evening service by candlelight.
Copyright © Oxford University Images / David Fisher -- All rights reserved.


