2015年5月1日 星期五

massive earthquake strikes in Nepal

與1999年採訪921震災時的場景類似! 幸虧當時調度許多長榮冷凍貨櫃存放大體~ 很難過,因為尼泊爾有20具屍體,居然河邊已沒地方存放,於是只好把屍體放一起火化。屍體實在太多,還把一些存放在附近森林裡,這是第一次見到這麼多屍體!
在加德滿都的帕舒帕蒂納特(Pashputinath)廟內,清晨的空氣被晝夜不停焚燒屍體的煙霧所籠罩,變得厚重起來。 帕舒帕蒂納特廟橫跨巴格馬蒂河(...

Before and After: Durbar Square Square, a UNESCO World Heritage site, in Kathmandu's historic center was seriously damaged during Saturday's earthquake. http://bit.ly/1HDJxYh

Nepal earthquake: Death toll passes 1,400

From the sectionAsia

Media captionMore than 1,000 people have been killed according to police, as Caroline Hawley reports
More than 1,000 people have been killed in Nepal's deadliest earthquake for more than 80 years, police say.
The 7.8 magnitude quake struck an area of central Nepal between the capital, Kathmandu, and the city of Pokhara.
There were also victims in India, Bangladesh, Tibet and on Mount Everest, where avalanches were triggered.
The government has declared a state of emergency in the affected areas, and help has been offered by countries around the world.
Little information has emerged from the epicentre, where extensive damage has been reported, and there are fears the death toll could rise yet further.
The Nepalese information minister has told the BBC that 1,500 people had been killed in the disaster, but that the true casualty figure would probably be much higher.
Thousands of people are spending the night outside their houses, following a series of aftershocks.

Media captionMinister Minendra Rijai says there has been "massive damage" around the epicentre of the quake

Nepal earthquake map

Offers of aid:

  • The US is sending a disaster response team and has released an initial $1m (£0.7m) according to the US aid agency USAid
  • India has sent several aircraft, carrying medical supplies and a mobile hospital, as well as a 40-strong disaster response team, including rescuers with dogs
  • The UK is sending an eight-strong team of humanitarian experts
  • Pakistan is sending four C-130 aircraft carrying a 30-bed field hospital and army doctors and specialists; urban search-and-rescue teams equipped with radars and sniffer dogs; and food items, including 2,000 meals, 200 tents and 600 blankets
  • Norway has promised 30 million krone (£2.5m; $3.9m) in humanitarian assistance
  • Germany, Spain, France, Israel and the European Union are also pledging to send aid

People sleep outside on a street a in Kathmandu, Nepal
People sleep outside on a street in Kathmandu
People clear rubble in Kathmandu's Durbar Square
People clear rubble in Kathmandu's Durbar Square
People stand around damage caused by an earthquake at Durbar Square in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015
Historic landmarks were wrecked in the earthquake

Many more people are trapped under rubble. Local television pictures showed rescuers in Kathmandu desperately digging through the rubble with their bare hands in search of survivors. Many historic buildings in the capital were also destroyed.

Kathmandu's landmark Dharahara tower before and after the earthquake
Kathmandu's landmark Dharahara tower before and after the earthquake

Eyewitness: Sandesh Kaji Shrestha, Kathmandu

Kathmandu has been very badly affected by the earthquake. Some areas are completely destroyed.
I am in the Thamel area and the Hotel Budget has been completely demolished with more than 50 guests inside.
I have been helping to pull people and bodies out of the rubble, along with my friend. We pulled a child out with its grandmother earlier. They did not survive.
I am most sad. It has been a very bad experience and a terrible and very difficult day.
There are not enough rescue teams here. The hospitals are out of control. We need help.


The quake triggered an avalanche on Mount Everest, killing at least 10 people, and another five in Tibet, officials and reports say.
At least 40 people have been killed in India, Indian officials say, with one death also reported in Bangladesh.
It is the worst earthquake to strike Nepal since one in 1934 which killed some 8,500 people.
UPDATE: At least 1,457 believed to be dead after massive earthquake strikes in Nepal -- and according to Int'l Mountain Guides, current reports are at 14 dead, about 50 injured on Mt. Everest:http://abcn.ws/1zXAz1V


