2015年5月23日 星期六

林瓔(Maya Lin): 'The Wall' of The Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Vietnam Veterans Memorial
National memorial in Washington, D.C., United States of America

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The Vietnam Veterans Memorial is a 3-acre national memorial in Washington, DC. It honors U.S. service members of the U.S. armed forces who fought in the Vietnam War, service members who died in service ... Wikipedia

Artist: Maya Lin
Address: 5 Henry Bacon Dr NW, Washington, DC, United States
Construction started: March 26, 1982
Architecture firm: Cooper-Lecky Partnership
Created: 1982

Location: Washington, D.C.

Architect: Maya Lin

Vietnam Veterans Memorial
IUCN category V (protected landscape/seascape)

Visitors at the wall in January 2005.

An aerial photograph of 'The Wall' taken on April 26, 2002 by the United States Geological Survey. The dots visible along the length of the angled wall are visitors. For a satellite view of the Wall in relation to other monuments, see Constitution Gardens.

越戰紀念碑,正式名稱為越南退伍軍人紀念碑(Vietnam Veterans Memorial),位於美國首都華盛頓,是一個紀念在越南戰爭中服役的美國士兵的國家戰爭紀念碑。紀念碑包括三個部份:越南退伍軍人紀念牆、三位戰士雕像和越南婦女紀念碑,其中以紀念牆最為出名。紀念碑普遍地被稱為「越戰紀念碑」、「越戰牆」或簡稱為「牆」。


NPR Morning Edition
"I had a theory that we could put all the names on the wall. This is based on the thought of Carl Jung. [He] writes about collective psychological states, and how we're all sort of drawn together. Certain things hold us together. People who die in wars for a country, this is something we all agree on, you can't forget them."

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林世堂新增了 4 張新相片 — 在 Vietnam Veterans Memorial


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