2015年8月18日 星期二

三里屯 Beijing District of Sanlitun


Ed Jones/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
關於哪家是開在三里屯的第一個酒吧,存在一定的爭議,然而《中國新聞周刊》《南方周末》均認為是開業於 1995年的“咖啡咖啡”。在那之後,不少酒吧陸續在三里屯的北側和南側冒出來。中外年輕人會聚集在那裡喝酒跳舞。那些酒吧以售賣廉價酒出名,有時候甚至是假酒。
蘋果商店,特別是它門前的那片地方,不時會在新品發售期間上演黃牛黨與店員之間的衝突,比如2011年iPad 22012年iPhone 4S發售時。
王霜舟(Austin Ramzy)是《紐約時報》記者。
翻譯:Lai Kam Pong(實習)、Tang Wing Sze(實習)、Lee Wing Yan(實習)

Daylight Killing Brings Beijing District of Sanlitun Under Scrutiny

An article in China Newsweek said Sanlitun had “Beijing's longest night,” where foreigners and Chinese party until morning.

The killing of a young Chinese woman and the wounding of her French husband by a man with a sword in Beijing on Thursday refocused the country's attention on one of the Chinese capital's most famous districts, an increasingly upscale place known for shopping, eating and drinking, but sometimes tinged with an edge of crime and violence.
The district, Sanlitun, inside the eastern stretch of the city's Third Ring Road, was once a village. Its name comes from its location — three Chinese miles, san li, or about one English mile, outside the former city wall. It became a residential and diplomatic quarter in the 1960s and '70s. Later, as China opened up, it became the site of foreign exchange stores and some of Beijing's first Western-style bars.
While there is dispute over the first bar to open in Sanlitun,China Newsweek and Southern Weekend identified it as Coffee Coffee, which opened in 1995. Subsequently, bars opened on streets in both the north and south sides of the Sanlitun neighborhood. Young Chinese and foreigners gathered there to drink and dance in bars that were famous for cheap and sometimes even counterfeit liquor.
A decade later, as Beijing was preparing for the 2008 Summer Olympics, the city began redeveloping the area. Some of the bars were torn down to build gleaming new shopping complexes like Taikoo Li Sanlitun, previously known as Sanlitun Village. The “village” from the earlier name typically was not translated into Chinese, as the word carries rustic connotations that clash with the mall's image of sophisticated modern consumerism. The outdoor mall has huge Adidas, Apple, Nike and Uniqlo stores.
The Uniqlo outlet became a national topic after a video of two people having sex in a dressing room circulated widely online last month. The assault on Thursday happened in the courtyard in front of the store, which is often filled with shoppers and tourists taking photographs.
The Apple store, particularly the area outside its doors, has been the scene of scuffles between scalpers and staff members when new products are released, such as the iPad 2 in 2011 and the iPhone 4S in 2012 .
Despite the proximity of a police station, the district is known for illicit drug sales. The police often seem to turn a blind eye to the trade, but they sometimes carry out sweeps targeting foreign dealers . Such raids have been criticized for racial profiling of black men and for the levels of violence sometimes used against them.
A recent article in China Newsweek examined an entire night in the neighborhood, conveying a wild, exhausting and sometimes grim experience.
“Sometimes you can feel all of Sanlitun is sinking into exhaustion,” it said. “Foreigners and Chinese alike are talking about the same topics: pollution, housing and the price of things.”
The article said the district had “Beijing's longest night,” where foreigners and Chinese party until morning. “By morning the Sanlitun taxi drivers will take the crowds away,” it continued. “They witness all kinds of vomit, fantastic crying and strange screaming .”








三里屯酒吧街,位於各國使館及各國際機構駐京機構雲集的朝陽區北京第二使館區內,由此,「外國人很多」已成為該酒吧街一大特色,白領職員、傳媒工作者、演藝界人士、潮人也逐漸來往於此。 狹義的「三里屯酒吧街」只包括三里屯北街和三里屯南街,廣義的「三里屯酒吧街」則泛指以三里屯為中心的整片地區(北至新源里,西至幸福村,東至東三環,南至東大橋),其中亦散布不少零星酒吧。




