2015年8月21日 星期五




逾24億元汽車墳場距離爆炸中心約400米處,是天津港的進口汽車停車場,面積約6個足球場,爆炸前停泊近6000輛進口新車。這批價值逾24億港元 ...共有七個貨櫃爆炸,爆炸威力強大,面積達五千三百平方 /爆炸面積達二萬多平方公尺。爆炸面积约5300平方。 據報導,出事的倉庫儲存大量危險品,與最近的民居相隔不到600米。 由於瑞海公司危險品倉庫佔地約四萬六千平方米,

Tianjin Officials Struggle to Contain Fallout as Angry Relatives Demand Answers


BEIJING — The authorities in the port city of Tianjin in northern China struggled to contain contamination from an enormous chemical fire on Saturday amid mounting frustration from people demanding information about missing loved ones.
Orders for a large-scale evacuation of the neighborhoods closest to the blast were quickly rescinded, underscoring the government's halting efforts to cope with one of China's worst industrial accidents in recent years.
Explosions and fires late Wednesday at a warehouse at the city's Binhai New Area port killed at least 112 people, though the death toll is expected to rise considerably as more victims are discovered in the rubble of burned-out port buildings and the piles of toppled shipping containers.
European Pressphoto Agency
Among the missing are scores of firefighters who were presumably overcome by two fireballs so huge they were captured by satellite cameras. The percussive force of the blasts damaged buildings and blew out windows nearly two miles away, injuring hundreds of people in their apartments in Tianjin, China's third-largest city and about 90 miles from Beijing.
The company that owned the warehouse where the blasts originated, Rui Hai International Logistics, appears to have violated Chinese law by operating close to apartment buildings and worker dormitories. Residents say they were unaware that the company was handling dangerous materials.
On Saturday morning, distraught relatives holding up handwritten lists of names stormed a news conference in Tianjin and demanded information about dozens of firefighters whose names did not appear on official lists of the missing and dead.
“They're only 18, 19 years old,” yelled one woman. “The oldest is only 20 years old. They're only children.”
A police official at the news conference, seeking to calm the crowd, expressed empathy. “Not a single police officer death has been reported,” he told them. “Everyone from our whole police station is gone.”
The newspaper Southern People Weekly detailed the exchange on its microblog account, but the posts were later deleted.
More than three days after the blasts, the authorities have still been unable to identify the toxic chemicals smoldering at the site of the destroyed warehouse, a temporary depot for substances that are some of the chemical industry's most volatile and toxic.
On Saturday, Chinese news outlets reported that a customs authority inventory did not match the list of stored goods provided by Rui Hai employees, suggesting that the company may have been illegally transporting chemicals. “Some relevant people indicated that the differences in the information point to the possibility of smuggling,” the newsmagazine Caijing wrote on its website.
上週六,中國新聞媒體報導,海關的數據和瑞海職工提供存儲貨物清單並不一致,這表明該公司可能在非法儲運化學品。“一名接近海關的人士表示,據此分析,瑞海可能涉嫌走私,” 新聞雜誌《財經》的網站上寫道
Investigators have so far confirmed only the presence of sodium cyanide, a highly toxic substance that has already seeped into drainage pipes beneath the port facilities. A report in The Beijing News said Rui Hai had been illegally storing some of the chemicals outdoors in “metal buckets and wooden crates.” Additionally, the report said there might have been as much as 700 tons of sodium cyanide at the site, far in excess of the 10 tons it was licensed to handle.
Experts have expressed concern about forecasts of rain, saying precipitation could spread the contamination beyond the immediate blast zone. In addition to sending a team of hazardous materials experts, the authorities have been trying to prevent rain from falling on the area, the state media said , presumably by firing silver-iodide rockets into approaching storm clouds.
Among those reportedly sent to help identify the chemicals were employees of the agency that manages the sprawling port. In a posting on WeChat, a popular messaging app, one man expressed alarm that his wife and her co-workers were being trained to survey areas outside the disaster's epicenter for stray chemicals.
“It was ordered by the chairwoman of Tianjin Port, who is betting the health and lives of ordinary employees just for her political career,” wrote the man, who declined to give his name during a brief phone conversation, saying he did not want to endanger his wife's job.
On Saturday morning, according to The Beijing News, volunteers with loudspeakers roamed Binhai's residential areas telling people to move beyond a radius of nearly two miles from the blast site. Evacuees were reportedly told to wear masks and long pants.
“Out of consideration for toxic substances spreading, the masses nearby have been asked to evacuate,” the state Xinhua news agency said in a Twitter post.
But shortly afterward, local officials described the evacuation orders as a misunderstanding, perhaps prompted by a shift in wind direction that forced emergency workers to move their temporary command headquarters.
In the meantime, propaganda officials continued to aggressively manage news coverage of the disaster. The state media on Saturday featured moving tales of heroism and survival — including the rescue of a 50-year-old man found in a battered shipping container — while censors worked to delete social media posts criticizing the paucity of information or suggesting an official cover-up.
On Saturday, the Cyberspace Administration of China said ithad suspended or shut down 360 social media accounts for spreading rumors and misinformation about the catastrophe, according to Xinhua. Among those punished were “star bloggers” accused of causing “panic by comparing the blast to the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.”
據新華社報導,週六,國 ​​家互聯網信息辦公室表示,該機構已經暫停或關閉了360個傳播爆炸事故謠言及錯誤信息的社交媒體賬號,其中包括將一些將“天津爆炸事故與廣島、長崎原子彈爆炸相關聯,渲染恐怖氣氛”的“大V”。
傑安迪(Andrew Jacobs)是《紐約時報》駐京記者。
Yufan Huang有報導貢獻。


