2015年8月8日 星期六

Carrousel Garden, Carrousel du Louvre

Carrousel du Louvre
Carrousel du Louvre is located in Paris
Carrousel du Louvre
Location within Paris
Alternative namesLe Carrousel
General information
TypeShopping mall

The Carrousel du Louvre is an underground shopping mall in ParisFrance. The name refers to two nearby sites, the Louvre museum and the Place du Carrousel. The mall contains a famous skylight, La Pyramide Inversée (the inverted pyramid), which plays an important role in the best-selling book The Da Vinci Code.


The shopping mall is located at 99 Rue de Rivoli in the 1st arrondissement. The mall is located near the Tuileries Gardens, the Comédie-Française, the Musée d'Orsay and theLouvre. The nearest metro stop is Palais Royal-Musée du Louvre (Line 1).
The mall is 10,200 square meters. It was opened in October 1993. Major retail tenants include SephoraEsprit, the first Apple Store in France, Mariage Frères Tea Emporium,Plaisirs de ParisSwarovskiPerigotLe Tanneur and Fossil.
The mall includes a food court, Restaurants du Monde, containing several restaurants including a controversial[1] McDonalds. The mall includes a convention centre and exhibition hall.
The shopping mall contains one of the few entrances to the Louvre museum.


  1. Jump up^ "'Bad taste' cries as McDonald's moves into 'Mona Lisa' museum". CNN. 7 October 2009. Retrieved 11 May 2010.

卡魯索廣場(place du Carrousel)是法國巴黎的一個廣場,面對羅浮宮,得名於Carrousel。
1792年8月10日,卡魯索廣場作為杜伊勒里宮和羅浮宮之間的瓶頸地段,擠滿了來自巴黎各個角落的興奮的人群,守衛王宮的瑞士僱傭軍徒勞地盡忠職守,付出的代價是高昂的:大約700具屍體被遺棄在地上,庭院、附近的花園,和河堤到處血跡斑斑。拿破崙·波拿巴當時也在推翻君主的人群中,從這一恐怖的圖畫中得到了教訓:出於本能的仇恨的人。1792年8月21日,這裡安裝了斷頭台,到1793年5月11日,只有1792年10月13日偷盜王冠的盜賊,和1793年1月21日路易十六的死刑是在革命廣場(現為協和廣場)執行。 共有35人在此上斷頭台。1793年8月2日,在斷頭台遺址上安裝了一個木製的金字塔。

[Il était une fois / Once upon a time]
1953 : Quand le jardin du Carrousel était un parking !
(Palais du Louvre, aile Rohan)
1953 : When the Carrousel Garden was a parking !
(Palais du Louvre, Rohan wing)
Photo : © Emmanuel-Louis Mas, Médiathèque de l'architecture et du patrimoine

1953: 當卡魯塞爾花園停車!
1953: 旋轉木馬花園時停車!
照片: © Emmanuel-Louis Mas,圖書館建築與遺產
Place du Carrousel from the southern wing of the Louvre Palace. TheArc de Triomphe du Carrousel is on the left
The Place du Carrousel (ka-ru-zel) is a public square in the 1st arrondissement of Paris, located at the open end of the courtyard of the Louvre Palace, a space occupied, prior to 1871, by theTuileries Palace. Sitting directly between the museum and the Tuileries Garden, the Place du Carrousel delineates the eastern end of the gardens just as the Place de la Concorde defines its western end.
The name "carrousel" refers to a type of military dressage, an equine demonstration now commonly called military drill. The Place du Carrousel was named in 1662, when it was used for such a display by Louis XIV.


