2015年10月28日 星期三

The Art Garden at the Israel Museum, Jerusalem / The Billy Rose Art Garden

Fine Arts  The Billy Rose Art Garden  
The Billy Rose Art Garden
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Designed by the Japanese-American sculptor Isamu Noguchi, the Billy Rose Art Garden lies on the western slope of the Museum’s campus. It is divided into wide, crescent-shaped sections arching upward and supported by high walls made of rough fieldstone. As in a Japanese Zen garden, the ground is covered in gravel, and paths lined with local plants and trees connect the different sections. A multitude of materials were incorporated into the garden’s design: stones of different kinds and sizes, exposed concrete, and water. Walls enclose smaller spaces and rectilinear terraces of the garden, echoing the shapes of the Museum’s buildings.  

The collection displayed in the garden includes works by the great sculptors of the late nineteenth century (Auguste Rodin, Emile-Antoine Bourdelle, and Aristide Maillol) and renowned artists of the twentieth century (such as Pablo Picasso, Alexander Archipenko, Jacques Lipchitz, Henry Moore, David Smith, Sol LeWitt, Donald Judd, Claes Oldenburg, Magdalena Abakanowicz, Richard Serra, Joel Shapiro, and James Turrell). Menashe Kadishman, Igael Tumarkin, Ezra Orion, and Benni Efrat are some of the prominent Israeli artists represented.  

The Art Garden is greatly loved by the Museum’s visitors. While providing an opportunity for the quiet contemplation of natural and artistic beauty, it has also been the venue of successful cultural events of all kinds. Counted among the finest sculpture gardens of the twentieth century, this is one of Noguchi’s masterpieces, a synthesis of different cultures—those of the Far East, the Near East, and the West—against the backdrop of Jerusalem’s dramatic landscape. 

Collection online
See the department curators on the senior staff list.


博物館內著名的比利羅斯藝術花園由日裔美國人雕塑家野口勇(Isamu Noguchi)設計,藝術花園被喻為二十世紀中一座舉世矚目的雕塑花園。現代化的設計把藝術花園融合在古耶路撒冷山坡的東方美景中,展示了現代西方雕塑與傳統結合的美。園內收集了多位國際著名雕塑家的作品,包括一代大師傑克斯利普茲(Jacques Lipchitz)、亨利摩爾(Henry Moore)和巴勃羅畢卡索(Pablo Picasso)的作品;以及當代著名藝術家瑪格達蓮納阿巴卡諾維茲(Magdalena Abakanowicz)、馬克狄翁(Mark Dion)、詹姆斯特瑞爾(James Turrell)和米哈厄爾曼(Micha Ullman)的現場創作雕塑作品。

The Art Garden at the Israel Museum, Jerusalem - YouTube

Dec 3, 2008 - Uploaded by museumisrael
Designed by the Japanese-American sculptor Isamu Noguchi, the Art Garden lies on the western slope of the ...


Designed by the Japanese-American sculptor Isamu Noguchi, the Art Garden lies on the western slope of the Museums campus. It is divided into wide, crescent-shaped sections arching upward and supported by high walls made of rough fieldstone. As in a Japanese Zen garden, the ground is covered in gravel, and paths lined with local plants and trees connect the different sections. A multitude of materials were incorporated into the gardens design: stones of different kinds and sizes, exposed concrete, and water. Walls enclose smaller spaces and rectilinear terraces of the garden, echoing the shapes of the Museums buildings.

The Art Garden at the Israel Museum, Jerusalem / The Billy Rose Art Garden


