2015年11月30日 星期一

Beaconsfield 貝肯斯菲

Beaconsfield is located in Buckinghamshire
 Beaconsfield shown within Buckinghamshire



Beaconsfield in Chiltern Hills
貝肯斯菲(Beaconsfield)所在地自然風景區奇爾特恩丘陵(Chiltern Hills)。(Depositphoto)
貝肯斯菲(Beaconsfield)位於著名自然風景區奇爾特恩丘陵(Chiltern Hills)之内,周圍星羅棋布著美麗的集鎮、詩情畫意的農舍和宏偉的鄉間別墅。由於該鎮有著實力雄厚的教育資源、高效的交通連繫、精緻優雅的文化氛圍,而且靠近倫敦,便於通勤。因此吸引了各界名人定居於此,並成為「英國最富有的小鎮」。




貝肯斯菲位於白金漢郡的心臟地帶,倫敦西北部25英里。當前約1.2萬人,以英國本地人為主,外來移民以歐洲人居多。主要是通勤人口。有著很好的鐵路鏈接,距離M40公路也近。貝肯斯菲有著大量的優秀學校,其中不乏全國知名的文法學校和私校。而且該鎮是世界最早的模型村Bekonscot以及英國電影電視學校(The National Film and Television School)所在地;溫莎城堡、樂高樂園(Legoland)和索普公園(Thorpe Park)均在不到15英里的範圍之内。
奇爾特恩丘陵(Chiltern Hills)的油菜花田。(Depositphoto)  
奇爾特恩丘陵(Chiltern Hills)的油菜花田。(Depositphoto)
貝肯斯菲最早現於史冊是1185年。1255年,亨利三世國王(King Henry III)授予他的兄弟、康沃爾伯爵理查德(Richard, Earl of Cornwall)每週二在這個小鎮舉辦市集的權力,因此逐漸繁榮起來。但也吸引了很多攔路搶劫的匪徒。這段歷史從當地的一些地名如割喉林(Cut Throat Wood)和強盜農場(Highwaymans Farm)仍能看出來。




貝肯斯菲的教育資源非常雄厚,英國最出色的女子文法學校Beaconsfield High School就在該鎮,而附近的High Wycombe則有同樣優秀的皇家男子文法學校(Royal Grammar School)以及全英最佳的女子寄宿學校Wycombe Abbey School。
皇家男子文法學校(Royal Grammar School)。 
皇家男子文法學校(Royal Grammar School)。
貝肯斯菲有三所小學,其中St Mary and All Saints CofE被英國教育標準局(Ofsted)評價為「傑出」(outstanding),還有兩所預備學校:Davenies和High March,分別招收4-13歲的男孩和4-11歲的女孩。
全英最佳的女子寄宿學校Wycombe Abbey School。 
全英最佳的女子寄宿學校Wycombe Abbey School。




著名影星溫迪•希勒(Dame Wendy Hillier),曾榮獲奧斯卡最佳女配角,代表作《鴛鴦譜》(Separate Tables)。
伊尼德瑪麗•布萊頓(Enid Blyton),英國兒童作家,代表作《諾弟》(Noddy)。她的書被翻譯成90多種語言。
德克•博加德(Dirk Bogarde),英國演員及作家,代表作《豪斯醫生》、《威尼斯之死》。
艾莉森•厄特麗(Alison Uttley),英國兒童作家,代表作《小灰兔》(Little Grey Rabbit)和《山姆豬》(Sam Pig)。
2 Sandelswood Gardens 這是一座六臥五5浴的獨立式家庭房屋,位於貝肯斯菲的黃金地段之内,距離新區火車站大約0.6英里,內部面積約為3,333平方英尺(310平方米),帶有門禁的園區佔地0.244英畝(997平方米)。參考價格:225萬英鎊。  
2 Sandelswood Gardens


據恒邦国际地产公司(Hamptons International)介紹,目前貝肯斯菲房產均價每平方英尺500鎊(約每平方米5,382鎊),整個市場房屋平均每套120萬英鎊,新建房屋平均每平方英尺900鎊(約每平方米9,687英鎊)。在這裡買房產,同等價錢獲得的面積比倫敦房產要大上一倍有餘。由於生活在貝肯斯菲,絲毫不會影響倫敦的工作、生意。因此很多人從倫敦遷移到貝肯斯菲。現在貝肯斯菲的居民約半數來自於倫敦,其中西方人很多,近五年來也出現俄羅斯人。
Kinnaird 這座現代化的建築建於2010年,由獲獎建築師Danks Badnell設計,帶有喬治亞時期風格,內部有豐富的木工製品、寬橡木地板。位於貝肯斯菲的金三角區之内,距離貝肯斯菲火車站僅1英里。總面積8,181平方英尺(760平方米),花園面積0.6英畝(2,400平方米)。參考價格:500萬英鎊。 Kinnaird

這座現代化的建築建於2010年,由獲獎建築師Danks Badnell設計,帶有喬治亞時期風格,內部有豐富的木工製品、寬橡木地板。位於貝肯斯菲的金三角區之内,距離貝肯斯菲火車站僅1英里。總面積8,181平方英尺(760平方米),花園面積0.6英畝(2,400平方米)。參考價格:500萬英鎊。
Minions 這座優美的老式房產建於16世紀,坐落在鎮中心。這座歷史保護建築有三個樓層,四個臥室,保留了許多時代特色,包括橫樑露出的天花板、開放式壁爐、橡木門和裝飾木鑲板的樓梯,廚房由實心橡木裝修。 參考價格:99.5萬英鎊。  
Minions 這座優美的老式房產建於16世紀,坐落在鎮中心。這座歷史保護建築有三個樓層,四個臥室,保留了許多時代特色,包括橫樑露出的天花板、開放式壁爐、橡木門和裝飾木鑲板的樓梯,廚房由實心橡木裝修。
恒邦国际(Hamptons International)的貝肯斯菲分部的经理Ian Allen。该公司是世界上最知名的住宅房產集團之一,成立於1830年。已有近200年的歷史。現在全世界設有85個辦事處,提供了廣泛房產投資組合。業務範圍包括包括銷售、租賃、住宅開發、物業管理及抵押貸款。

2015年11月29日 星期日


(圖/文 by新聞暨攝影服務課程校園小記者)

36 Hours in Adelaide, Australia

The Terrace at the 2KW bar. CreditDavid Maurice Smith for The New York Times
Adelaide is Australia’s unsung city, a perfectly pretty destination on the southern coast, whose many charms are regularly eclipsed by the more glamorous Sydney and Melbourne. Most tourists who do fly into Adelaide are more often than not merely availing themselves of its airport en route to nearby Kangaroo Island or South Australia’s 18 celebrated wine regions, which have made Adelaide Australia’s wine capital. But these days the city is shining as a destination in its own right, and those who do decide to stay are in for a treat: Adelaide has elegant architecture and colonial beauty to spare, and a revival of independent cafes and bars and a booming arts scene have lately given the city a creative edge. So go ahead and fly through Adelaide on the way to its scenic neighbors — just make sure you spend a few days exploring the city as well.
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    On the Torrens River, which runs through the city. CreditDavid Maurice Smith for The New York Times

    1.CASUAL LUNCH, 2 P.M.

    Perhaps inspired by Melbourne, whose narrow lanes are known for their hip cafes and boutiques, Adelaide’s side streets are having something of a moment. Experience the vibe on Ebenezer Place, which is lined with an eclectic mix of businesses; last year, a popular suburban establishment, Parwana Afghan Kitchen, opened a sister restaurant, the pint-size Kutchi Deli Parwana. This branch is daubed in bright shades of turquoise and serves delicious, reasonably priced Afghan street-food favorites: lamb mantu, or dumplings (13 Australian dollars, or $9.50 at 1.36 Australian to the U.S. dollar), eggplant borani with yogurt sauce (13 dollars), and bolani turnovers stuffed with pumpkin or minced lamb (10 dollars). On a sunny day, order a few dishes and take a seat on the sidewalk to soak in the atmosphere.


    The Art Gallery of South Australia houses an expansive collection in its stately building on Adelaide’s North Terrace, a leafy boulevard lined with grand monuments and University of Adelaide buildings. Inside, admission is free to most exhibitions, and you can browse Australian, Aboriginal and European art, and even a small Islamic gallery. If you’re in town early in the month, you’re in luck: The museum stays open until 9 p.m. on First Fridays, with a festive program of live music, guided tours and talks with featured artists in the evening.


    Adelaide’s main promenade is Rundle Mall, a long pedestrianized artery, home to the city’s best shopping and restaurants. Take a leisurely stroll, but bypass the department stores and chain restaurants in favor of stops at the stylish Felici Espresso Bar, the housewares shop One Rundle Trading Company, the Australian design emporium JamFactory and the original outpost of Australia’s family-owned Haigh’s Choc­olates, set in a Gothic heritage building at Beehive Corner that looks like a confection itself.


    For a souvenir that reflects Adelaide’s creative spirit, pop into Urban Cow Studio. Its rooms have creaky floorboards splattered with paint and are cluttered with jewelry, housewares, canvases and more, all handmade in Adelaide by more than 150 local artists and artisans. Look out for funky Elodie Barker ceramic mugs (44 dollars each) and hand-poured soy candles in coconut, espresso and mango papaya scents (30 dollars for medium, 40 dollars for large sizes), or browse exhibits by local artists. The location also houses the Howling Owl cafe and the comedy club Rhino Room.

    5.OUT OF AFRICA, 8 P.M.

    One of the city’s top chefs is an import from South Africa, and since he opened Africola in November 2014, Duncan Welgemoed has been bringing the flavors of his home country to Australia. Africola’s interiors are a nod to the shebeens (taverns) of the townships, with colorful murals, repurposed Coke bottles (here doubling as chile-sauce dispensers), bright fabrics and plastic menus illustrated with Mandela motifs. This kitschy space serves as a theater for Mr. Welgemoed’s modern riffs on traditional South African cuisine: a braai (barbecue) plate (32 dollars) with boerewors sausages, peri-peri chicken, pap (maize porridge) and sheba (tomato sauce); bunny chow (curried lamb in a bun, 10 dollars); or the vegetable of the moment, roasted whole cauliflower, served here with bread and black garlic (20 dollars).
  2. Photo
    The Adelaide Botanic Garden. CreditDavid Maurice Smith for The New York Times


    Dating back to 1869, the sprawling, covered Adelaide Central Market isone of Australia’s oldest markets and one of the largest in the Southern Hemisphere. Watch hordes of local chefs — both of the professional and home-cooking variety — contemplating organic fruits, fresh fish and poultry, and wheels of cheese from among 80 stalls, then piece together a hearty breakfast from a host of cafes and bakeries that have set up shop here: tapas at Comida Catering Co., Algerian fare at Le Souk and smoothies at Tony’s Juice Bar. You can eat well for less than 20 dollars.

    7.GARDEN VARIETY, 11 A.M. ­

    In a city full of parks, the Adelaide Botanic Garden (free) is a particularly lovely one. Amateur horticulturists will want to meander through the lush habitats: a garden of health featuring 2,500 plants known for their healing properties, an international rose garden with 5,000 species, and an Australian native garden dedicated to regional flora. If the verdant environs can’t sustain your interest, head to the nearby Cellar Door at the National Wine Center of Australia to sample the finest bottles from nearby wine regions including Adelaide Hills, Barossa Valley and McLaren Vale.

    8.BEACH BREAK, 2 P.M. ­

    An easy 25-minute tram ride (5.20 dollars) takes you to Glenelg, a seaside enclave on Holdfast Bay. The site of the first European settlement in mainland Australia, dating back to 1836, it’s a lovely place to while away an afternoon. Hop off the tram at its terminus at Moseley Square, a plaza framed by historic brick buildings, stout palm trees and the 1875 former town hall and clock tower that now house the Bay Discovery Center. Have a juicy chicken gyro (12 dollars) at Barakah Pizza & Kebab House, in the old Post Office building; churros (8 dollars) at St. Louis House of Fine Ice Cream & Dessert; and coffee or a cocktail at the stylish new Moseley Bar & Kitchen, where seating options include swings suspended from the ceiling and behemoth wicker thrones. Work it all off with a stroll along the pier — Adelaide’s setting on the western edge of a peninsula means that despite being in southern Australia, Glenelg counts a stunning sunset among its charms.

    9.STREET EATS, 7 P.M. ­

    Couldn’t get a booking at Jock Zonfrillo’s Orana, or aren’t in the mood for a formal, drawn-out tasting menu? Don’t fret — Adelaide’s most celebrated fine-dining restaurant has a rebellious younger sister downstairs. At the laid-back, cafeteria-style Street ADL, Mr. Zonfrillo plies his spins on global street-food favorites. Grab a spot at a communal table and order barbecue lamb ribs (32 dollars), fiery chicken skewers (26 dollars), or two adventurous takes on a classic — croc dog (crocodile, potato skins, curried tomato sauce) or hop dog (kangaroo, jalapeños, chipotle mayo) — for 11 dollars each. It’s a far cry from the inventive modern Australian cuisine being served in the intimate dining room at Orana, but the boisterous vibe is livelier, and you won’t be shelling out for the 155-dollar set menu (295 dollars with wine) upstairs.
    image for ­Cocktail Hour
    The bar at Jock Zonfrillo’s Street ADL. CreditDavid Maurice Smith for The New York Times

    10.COCKTAIL HOUR, 9 P.M. ­

    Ever since its buzzed-about January opening, 2KW has made itself a requisite stop on Adelaide’s night-life scene. It’s not hard to see why: Aperch atop the 2 King William Street building guarantees panoramic views. Aside from an extensive wine list, choose from creative 18-dollarcocktails like Les Burdett (rye, black tea, cherry, orange) or Britannia Roundabout (vodka, blueberries, anise). For a more intimate evening, pop into another newcomer nearbyThe cozy Bibliotheca Bar & Book Exchange, tucked away in the Gresham Street laneway, has local wines for 10 dollars a glass, literary-themed drinks like the Hemingway Daiquiri (rum, cherry, lime, grapefruit, 18 dollars) and walls lined with books that patrons are welcome to swap.
  3. Photo
    Breakfast at Hey Jupiter. CreditDavid Maurice Smith for The New York Times

    11.MORNING GLORY, 9 A.M. ­

    Brekkie is serious business in Oz, and you’ll find one of Adelaide’s best morning menus at Hey Jupiter. Start off with a refreshing apple-mint-watermelon juice (7.50 dollars) before ordering the baked eggs cocotte with potato rosti, mushrooms, cheese and tomato (16.50 dollarsor the Belgian waffle with berries, mint and vanilla labneh (15.50 dollars). High ceilings make the petite cafe seem larger than it is; walls have cheery floral wallpaper and are adorned with gilded mirrors and vintage posters with a sci-fi bentColorful tables spill out onto Ebenezer Place.

    12.A SPORTING AFFAIR, 1 P.M. ­

    The 53,500-seat Adelaide Oval was built in the 1870s, and is hailed asone of the most revered cricket grounds in the world. It’s also home turf for the Adelaide Crows, the city’s Australian Football League (A.F.L.) teamWhile there are a few different ways for tourists to visit the stadium — dinner at the fine-dining Hill of Grace restaurant or a 90-minute guided tour (22 dollars) — what better way to experience the hallowed setting than at an actual match? Cricket might be a bit dull for some American tastes, but Aussie Rules Football is a spectacle with 18 players per team, aggressive moves that make American football look like a friendly round of hopscotch, and loyalist fans who take the game very seriouslyAn afternoon at an A.F.L. match is an unrivaled adrenaline-fueled experience.
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  5. Lodging
    The Mayfair Hotel (45 King William Street, 61-8-8210-8888; mayfairhotel.com.au) opened its doors in January in the historic former Colonial Mutual Life building, with 170 contemporary rooms in muted grays and blues and spacious subway-tiled bathrooms. While the hotel has many merits, including a roof deck and Bethany Finn’s Mayflower restaurant, its main advantage is the location: It’s across the street from Beehive Corner and Rundle Mall, walking distance to many of Adelaide’s popular laneways, and has bus and tram stops out front to take you farther afield. Rates from 189 Australian dollars (about $138)
    For a more quirky feel, check in to the Franklin Boutique Hotel (92 Franklin Street; 61-8-8410-0036; thefranklinhotel.com.au), which has seven petite rooms tucked away above a pub. The 19th-century building still has plenty of character intact — some rooms even have original stained-glass windows — while interiors were given a modern update: sleek black walls, light fixtures made from milk crates, and an abundance of vivid artwork. Rates from 150 dollars ($110).