2016年3月20日 星期日

伊斯坦堡觀光景點蘇丹艾哈邁德清真寺(Sultan Ahmed Mosque)

Sultan Ahmed Mosque
Blue Mosque
Sultan Ahmed Mosque Istanbul Turkey retouched.jpg

今年1月12日,伊斯坦堡觀光景點蘇丹艾哈邁德清真寺(Sultan Ahmed Mosque)廣場發生自殺式攻擊,11名德國觀光客遇難。

    Map of Blue Mosque
    Sultan Ahmed Mosque 
    Mosque in Istanbul, Turkey
    The Sultan Ahmed Mosque or Sultan Ahmet Mosque is a historic mosque in Istanbul. The mosque is popularly known as the Blue Mosque for the blue tiles adorning the walls of its interior. It was built from 1609 to 1616, during the rule of Ahmed I. Wikipedia


