2016年8月28日 星期日

Seattle and Washington State

你知道微軟、波音公司、與星巴克都是從華盛頓州起家的嗎?你看過電影《西雅圖夜未眠》嗎?有沒有去過西雅圖市中心的派克市場與拓荒者廣場?華盛頓州位於美國西北部的太平洋沿岸,非常接近加拿大的不列顛哥倫比亞省。華盛頓州的土地面積是美國第18大,人口密集排名第13,也是華盛頓大學與華盛頓州立大學的所在地。去年有1,100名台灣學生在華盛頓州求學,讓華盛頓州成為最受台灣學生歡迎的第五大州。關於華盛頓州高等教育的資訊,請參考:http://www.wsac.wa.gov/colleges-and-institutions-washington. 更多關於留學美國資訊,請至留學美國諮詢中心網站:www.educationusa.tw #DestinationUSA #EducationUSA
Do you know that Microsoft, the Boeing Company and @Starbucks are all from Washington? Have you watched the movie “ Sleepless in Seattle, or visited the city’s Pike’s Market and Pioneer Square? Washington State is in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States and is very close to the Canadian Province of British Columbia. Washington is also the 18th largest and the 13th most populous state, as well as home to the University of Washington and Washington State University. Last year 1,100 Taiwan students chose Washington for their#StateEducationInAmerica, making it the 5th most popular state for international students from Taiwan. For more information regarding higher education institutions in Washington, please visithttp://www.wsac.wa.gov/colleges-and-institutions-washington. For more information about studying in the United States, please visit the EducationUSA Taiwan Advising Center website: www.educationusa.tw


