Investors, bosses and consumers seem more optimistic—though cautious. "We are hoping for the best," says the boss of an education provider, "but we are planning for the worst"
2016年10月31日 星期一
2016年10月30日 星期日
正興街 (台南市)
- 位於台南市中正路附近有一條正興街,近幾年算是人氣相當夯,每每假日就擠滿了人潮。 ... 【台南美食推薦】正興街美食大集合~蜷尾家、泰成水果店-哈密瓜冰、張三瘋冰火 ..... 等)】
文創Life | 節目| 三立新聞網SETN.COM
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轟動日本香港的「台南正興街」,蘊含府城富過四代的美食精髓,它登上香港最大發行量的旅遊雜誌,登上朝日新聞,短短六十公尺,二十一家店面充滿神奇,不只掀起到.【台灣真善美】台南正興街微革命創意造街翻轉命運- YouTube
Aug 11, 2016 - Uploaded by USTV 非凡電視台
帶您到台南正興街走走,這條很特別的老街,在四十年前曾經相當熱鬧,還被當地人稱為不夜城 ... USTV 非凡電視台 ... ISET 三立愛台客 7,039 views.正興街「興光大道」封街耶誕活動秘密開場嘉賓- YouTube
Dec 23, 2013 - Uploaded by Mavis Chen
三立電視台愛玩客節目來採訪正興街,主持人小鐘到正興樂器與老闆即興彈唱,還打算加入正興街封街耶誕夜的開場嘉賓~the Institute of Psychoanalysis and The Freud Museum, London
'Curiously, the technical language of psychoanalysis is quite ugly and crude, but the words and ideas that emerge in sessions sing.'
Sigmund Freud’s ‘talking cure’ disrupted the doctor-patient relationship, and the back and forth of polite conversation; now the language of therapy has taken on a rhythm of its own
University of Essex Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies在 CPS Field Trip, June 2015 相簿中新增了 14 張相片。
'Curiously, the technical language of psychoanalysis is quite ugly and crude, but the words and ideas that emerge in sessions sing.'
Sigmund Freud’s ‘talking cure’ disrupted the doctor-patient relationship, and the back and forth of polite conversation; now the language of therapy has taken on a rhythm of its own
University of Essex Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies在 CPS Field Trip, June 2015 相簿中新增了 14 張相片。
Visit to the Institute of Psychoanalysis and The Freud Museum, London
2016年10月28日 星期五
America’s 50 best cities to live, according to 24/7 Wall St.
No, New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago and Washington, D.C.,…
Ozone layer over Asia threatened by weird pumping effect in atmosphere
A weird phenomenon is happening high above the Tibetan Plateau and the Himalayas that could prove to be an atmospheric nightmare. (from Scientific American magazine)
Pollutants that gather from India and China in the lowlands around the…
2016年10月25日 星期二
Rose Hills Memorial Park;香港華人永遠墳場: La Paraza Cooperative is bringing Naples' ancient catacombs back to life. a Shiny Cemetery Beneath the Manhattan Bridge
Atlas Obscura
Imagine the Manhattan Bridge twinkling from underneath with hundreds of small pods filled with decaying biomass.
Turning corpses into light.
La Paranza Cooperative is a group of young Naples locals united by their desire to help their city as well as by their love of the catacombs.
La Paraza Cooperative is bringing Naples' ancient catacombs back to life—and revitalizing their city in the process.
司馬桑敦葬於LA的Rose Hills Memorial Park is located in Whittier, California. (胡金銓億葬於此)
前AIT台北辦事處處長,目前擔任清華大學亞洲政策中心主任的司徒文(William A. Stanton)博士,上個月於華盛頓《猶太人政策中心》(The Jewish Policy…
2016年10月24日 星期一
Chartres Cathedral
Chartres Cathedral was dedicated on this day in 1260. This engaging head can be linked to the decoration of the celebrated choir screen of the cathedral at Chartres.
The New York Review of Books
Madeline H. Caviness and Jeffrey Hamburger, advisors to the American Friends of Chartres Cathedral, respond to Martin Filler’s post about the cathedral’s current renovation project.
To the Editors: We write in response to Martin Filler's well-meaning but also misinformed blog posting concerning the restoration of the interior of...
Martin Filler writes: Officials in charge at Chartres Cathedral are engaged in a pursuit as foolhardy as adding arms to the Venus de Milo. One can only pray that by some miracle this scandalous desecration of a cultural holy place can be reversed.
Apparently with the full support of the French state, restorers have set out to do no less than repaint the entire interior of Chartres Cathedral in bright whites and garish colors.
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Links of Hanching Chung
- Brazil is back in business
- 正興街 (台南市)
- the Institute of Psychoanalysis and The Freud Muse...
- America’s 50 best cities to live, according to 24/...
- Ozone layer over Asia threatened by weird pumping ...
- Rose Hills Memorial Park;香港華人永遠墳場: La Paraza Coope...
- 臺海夜景鳥瞰
- 新竹縣峨眉鄉峨眉湖
- Chartres Cathedral
- 將返國 :索馬利亞海盜劫持事件 (2011)
- 沈政男 :台中市、地標湖心亭是這麼來的!
- a map shows every river basin in the US
- 進香客,葡萄酒任你享用:義大利 Ortona
- The Memory of Mankind project ... in an Austrian salt
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