2016年10月6日 星期四

泰國 普吉(Phuket)農曆9月齋

普吉泰語ภูเก็ต)是一座位於泰國南部安達曼海海域上的島嶼普吉府(泰文:จังหวัด ภูเก็ต)則管轄全島。普吉是世界知名的熱帶觀光勝地,其豐富的天然資源也替泰國帶來不小的財富。普吉島是泰國境內最大的島嶼,也是唯一一個擁有自己獨立一級行政區劃的島嶼,以該島全境再加上32個離島為範圍,普吉府是泰國77個一級行政區之一,府治為與行政區同名的普吉城


I'm Jorge Silva, Reuters Photographer in #Thailand and I’m #FacebookLive during a procession at the Jiu Tui temple during the week of the #VegetarianFestival in #Phuket.
During the annual vegetarian festival in Phuket, devotees from the local Chinese community have their faces pierced or walk over hot coals at local shrines in the name of purification.
Going without meat, sex and alcohol in the ninth lunar month of the Chinese calendar also helps achieve good health and peace of mind, devotees believe.
Prayers, piercing, purity: A Wider Image by Reuters http://reut.rs/2dz5C1E
More photos from Reuters http://reut.rs/2dyKVmi
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Jorge Silva Reuters Photographer 的直播影片。
I'm Jorge Silva, Reuters Photographer in #Thailand and I’m #FacebookLive during one of the procession of the Jiu Tui temple at the week of the #VegetarianFestival in #Phuket


