2016年12月10日 星期六

長城:箭扣( Jiànkòu)段

Jiankou (Chinese箭扣pinyinJiànkòu) is a section of the Great Wall of China. This section is a photographic hotspot due to its unique style, steep mountains and beautiful scenery. 'Jiankou', is translated as 'Arrow Nock' in English, for the shape of the collapsed ridge opening is reminiscent of an arrow nock.
The Jiankou section of the Great Wall of China is located in the Huairou District 73 km north of Beijing. The Jiankou section of the Great Wall of China is located between the Mutianyu - ten kilometers to the east - and the Moshikou sections of the Great Wall of China. The Jiankou section of the wall was constructed in 1368 during the period of the Ming Dynasty. It is made of large light colored rocks which can be seen from a great distance.

Mutianyu Great Wall
Mutianyu Great Wall

空拍機揭秘萬里長城2000年前的原始面貌,這些從沒人去過的路段竟發現…網友看了超震驚!! Posted on 七月 23, 2016七月 23, 2016 by tf000208521…


