2024年1月10日 星期三

習近平的河北雄安新區空城,夢難圓Xi Jinping’s empty dream city shows limits of his power, even in China習近平空虛的夢想城市顯示出他權力的局限性,即使在中國也是如此。 中国 雄安特区/雄安新區Xiong'an New Area:366平方公里白洋淀污染严重已成生态灾难


2024 年 1 月 10 日



此後,執政的共產黨在這座城市上花費了約 6,100 億元人民幣(850 億美元),是三峽大壩成本的兩倍多。 以前的玉米田現在矗立著火車站、辦公大樓、住宅區、五星級飯店、學校和醫院。


當布隆伯格本月一個工作日訪問時,通往該市的一條高速公路幾乎空無一人。 在市中心,街道兩旁是嶄新的政府總部、辦公大樓、住宅小區和飯店,街道上幾乎沒有商店和餐廳開門營業。

一家研究所的工作人員面臨離開首都的壓力,他們表示他們擔心孩子的教育品質。 宣布 2022 年搬遷計畫的四所北京大學現在計劃改建第二校區。


Xi Jinping’s empty dream city shows limits of his power, even in China
A China Railway employee works at the construction site for the Xiongan station of a new railway connecting Beijing to the area in Hebei province, China, in March 2019. In his annual new year speech, Chinese President Xi Jinping trumpeted the city’s progress saying it was "growing fast” and helping to revitalize northeastern China. 
A China Railway employee works at the construction site for the Xiongan station of a new railway connecting Beijing to the area in Hebei province, China, in March 2019. In his annual new year speech, Chinese President Xi Jinping trumpeted the city’s progress saying it was "growing fast” and helping to revitalize northeastern China. | REUTERS
Jan 10, 2024

In 1979, Deng Xiaoping drew a circle on the map around China’s southern coast and created Shenzhen, an experiment in capitalism, according to a popular ode to the former leader.
Nearly four decades later, Xi Jinping unveiled his own ambition for an era-defining city, this time perched on the outskirts of Beijing.

Xiongan was billed as a gleaming, high-tech metropolis that would serve as a release valve for the crowded Chinese capital — "a model city in the history of human development.”

The ruling Communist Party has since spent some 610 billion yuan ($85 billion) on the city, more than double the cost of the Three Gorges Dam. On former cornfields now stand a train station, office buildings, residential compounds, five-star hotels, schools and hospitals.

Just one thing is lacking: residents.

When Bloomberg visited on a weekday this month, a highway into the city was almost empty. In the city center, few shops and restaurants were open on streets lined with brand-new government headquarters, office buildings, residential compounds and hotels.

Workers at a research institute under pressure to move from the capital said they were worried about the quality of education for their children. Four Beijing-based universities that announced relocation plans in 2022 are now aiming to set up a secondary campus instead.

"I worked hard in the college entrance exams to come to Beijing, not to Xiongan,” said a first-year student at the China University of Geosciences, who asked for anonymity to speak to avoid official reprisals.


It will have 5.4 million people in 15 years.

China Is Building a $290 Billion New City
Xi Jinping wants to transform a sleepy backwater into a gleaming, teeming hub.



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